Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Generation X ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Generation X - Chapter Three


A young boy, no older than 16, was walking along silently, looking around at all the sights in awe. He'd never seen so many people before in his life. For the most part, he's spent his life underground, his family forced to protect the Pharaoh's tomb. That all changed when a strange man came to him and told him destiny had something else in store for him. So now here he was, walking around downtown Domino City, looking around in amazement. A few passerby's gave him odd looks; but you couldn't blame them. The boy was clad in a cream colored robes which went down to his ankles and was long sleeved.


"Hey-!" The boy's startled cry was cut off as a hand clamped over his mouth, an arm wrapping around his waist and jerking him into a darkened alleyway, dark only because of the two tall buildings and lack of sunlight getting through. The boy couldn't even struggle; he didn't dare move a muscle incase he'd get himself hurt. He was too scared to move even if he wanted to. A whimper left his mouth as he was pressed against the wall, his chest flat against it as his assaulter pressed up against him from behind.


"You have any idea how hot you are gorgeous?" the man asked in Japanese, and the boy tried to remember the bit of Japanese he learned. He'd lived in Egypt all his life, and his family only ever spoke in Egyptian. But the boy's eyes widened considerably when he realized what the man had said.


"Mphffh!" the boy whimpered against the hand covering his mouth, now struggling to get free, tears flowing freely down his cheeks in a mix of fear and anger.


"Now now, no need to struggle," the man said, his voice rough and deep, "Just make this easier on yourself and cooperate with me."


The boy yelped as the man lifted the end of his robes up, hand running slowly up the boy's thigh. The boy struggled more, but the man was way stronger and bigger than him, and the boy didn't stand a chance. "I've warned you..." the man said dangerously, and the last thing the boy remembered was a painful hit to the side of his head, and then being knocked unconscious.




"Hey... Marik," Malik said, stopping in his tracks as he noticed something in the alleyway across the street. There was a boy, who looked around Malik's age, only he looked like he was unconscious, with a much larger man hovering over him, running his hands over the boy's body roughly. The thing that made Malik do a double take, was the fact that the boy looked so much like himself and Marik.


"Woah..." Marik breathed, then snapped out of his shock induced haze, "Wait a minute! What's that asshole think he's doing?!"


Malik growled a little, his reputation of being the 'least innocent hikari' coming into full play. "Let's go kick his ass Marik," Malik growled, stalking over to them, the Millennium Rod gripped tightly in his right hand, Marik following, his anger rising as well. No one deserved to be violated in such a way. Especially when the one being violated looked almost identical to you.


"Hey asshole!" Marik growled, landing a punch to the man's face when he looked up, the sickening crack of bones echoing off the walls of the buildings. The man cried out in shock more so than anything, and growled, jumping to his feet. "Mind your own fucking business!" he growled, lunging for Marik, but Malik was faster, jumping infront of Marik, the blade of the Millennium Rod extended, causing the guy to basically impale himself onto it. Malik snickered, "So sorry," he said, before kicking the guy in the stomach, sending him hitting the opposite wall, before crumpling down onto the ground, blood pooling around his lifeless body.


"That's my hikari!" Marik beamed happily, hugging Malik tightly, "I'm so proud of you!"


Malik giggled. "Go me!"


Marik then turned his attention to the unconscious boy, rolling him over and gasping. "Malik... look... he looks almost identical to us!"


Malik crouched down beside him, eyes wide. "Wow, you're right." The boy looked just like Malik and Marik; he wore the same gold bands around his forearms and neck, had the same earrings on. His hair was the same sandy blonde color, only his bangs hung in his eyes a little, and his hair was much longer, down to his waist to be exact. He even had the same eye markings as they did.


Marik picked him up in his arms, holding him bridal style. "Let's get him home," he told Malik, "We can wash him up and get him into bed. I have a feeling he'll be able to provide us with some answers when he wakes." Malik nodded, following Marik out of the alleyway.




"You're so comfy," Bakura smiled up at Dorobo. He was sitting with Dorobo on the sofa, his back resting against Dorobo's chest, Dorobo's arms around Bakura's waist, nuzzling his neck gently, affectionately.


"Thank you," Dorobo smiled at him, kissing his neck gently, "And so are you. Mmm... what's that smell?"


"Ryou's cooking," Bakura smiled, "He's an amazing cook. He makes these things from his homeland in England, and he has a cousin who lives in America who's sent him a lot of recipes. The food is much better than Japanese food all the time."


"Can't say I've ever had English or American food before," Dorobo commented, "But it smells great."


"It is," Bakura assured him, "It's amazing. Especially when Ryou makes it."


"Why thank you Kura!" Ryou smiled, having come into the room to let them know Dinner was ready, "And by the way, Dinner's ready."


Dorobo laughed loudly as Bakura jumped up and ran for the kitchen. He stood and followed him, sitting down with Bakura and Ryou at the table. "What is this?" Dorobo asked, pointing to big round shaped food on the table.


"Pizza," Ryou smiled, "Everyone's had pizza sometime or other. If not, then you're missing out!"


Dorobo grinned. "So I take it it's good them?"


"Amazing!" Bakura grinned, already biting into his second piece, "And Ryou makes it even better."




The boy stirred slightly, being woken from his sleep. His eyes snapped open, looking around at his unusual surroundings, before realizing he was in a bedroom, laying in an overly big bed. He whimpered quietly, remembering what had happened in the alleyway, and figuring this must be his attacker's place.


"You're awake," Malik smiled, coming into the room. The boy eyes widened as two boys entered the room, both of them looking almost identical to him. The younger one, who had just spoken, had shoulder length sandy blonde hair, like his own, and lavender eyes. He wore a light purple hooded tanktop and black pants. The older looking one, had his hair spiked up and out, and had pale lavender eyes. He wore a black tanktop and khaki pants, along with a long flowing dark purple cape.


"W-Who're you?" the boy asked cautiously, hoping he wouldn't make them angry with him. They looked nice enough, and looked just like him. Maybe they were his yami's, who he was told to find.


"I'm Malik," the younger one spoke, "And this is my yami, Marik. What's your name?"


"I'm... Namu," the boy said slowly, "Namu Ishtar."


"Ishtar?" Marik asked, "That's our last name too..."


"So you're my yami's!" the boy smiled for the first time, "A man named Shadi told me to find you two. He said it was something about destiny."


"I'm a yami now too?" Malik asked in awe, then smiled slowly, "Awesome!"


Marik giggled at his hikari's happiness, before sitting down on the bed, next to Namu. "So you're from Egypt, I take it?" he asked. Namu nodded. "Yes, I am. My family was-"


"Forced to watch over the Pharaoh's tomb," Malik finished with a small smile. Namu smiled. "Yes! How did you know?"


"I had to do the same thing," Malik told him, "I had to endure the Tomb Keeper's initiation as well."


"Wow..." Namu breathed, "It feels nice to not feel so alone anymore."


"Namu, as long as we're around, you'll never be alone," Marik smiled, pulling the boy into a hug, "Welcome to the family."




"Ah!" Yugi yelped, jumping and hiding his face in Atemu's cape. Atemu and Yami exchanged glances, before giggling madly. "Yugi, love, it's just a movie," Yami said, petting his scared hikari's hair softly.


"Tell that to the movie!" Yugi pouted. He hated watching horror movies, but he loved the thrill of getting scared. Yami on the other hand loved horror movies. They were currently watching the movie Ju-On. (Ju-On is the Japanese version of 'The Grudge')


Atemu giggled a little bit more, holding Yugi close to him. "We'll keep you safe young one," Atemu smiled at him, "We promise, don't we Yami?"


"You'd better!" Yugi whimpered, peeking back at the movie, relieved as the scary part was over for now. "We will," Yami assured him, kissing him softly, "We can always turn it off if it scares you."


"No way," Yugi protested, "I got this far into it. I wanna finish it."


Yami smiled a little. Yugi was really brave when he wanted to be... just look how well he did at Duelist Kingdom and Battle City. But when it came to scary movies, like many people, Yugi hated them. But he refused to admit that.


"I want some ice cream," Yami said, pausing the movie, "How about I make us a big sundae to share?"


"Sounds good!" Yugi grinned, kissing Yami softly, "Thanks Yami!"

