Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Gokura Chronicles – Ancient Egypt ❯ End of Days ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Snaky: End of Days, End of Fic. (Sorry for taking so long to put up I lost the document then the computer began acting up).
Marik: I win!!! (Laughs evilly)
Snaky: Maybe, maybe not.
Marik: You little ………. (Gets knocked out)
Bakura: Shut up, now let's kill him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh, but everything else I own. Enjoy.
Warning-OOC Bakura and Character deaths.
Gokura Chronicles - End of Days
Marik was standing right beside Lupin and Seto opposing Atem, Snaky and Bakura, all of which nearly collapsing from exertion from the shadow battle just fought. All but Marik's Plasma eel, Atem's Silent Swordsman and Bakura's Diabound were gone. Suddenly Marik's body started to waft away while Lupin mumbles something. Black clouds started to form in the sky.
Marik: (As he fades away) You lose Atem!
Lupin: (Still mumbling)…… the powers of rage create the power for our Lord to appear .The Dark One Z… Ugh.
Atem's Silent Swordsman sliced Lupin in 2 at that moment. The shadow clouds faded when this happened.
Marik: (Just his right eye left floating off the ground) ZORC!!! (How he said that I don't know, Fades completely)
Seto: You are all doomed, That was our bluff hoping you would give up, but you have started the end of the world.
Meanwhile-Hidden Spirit storage.
Mana, Ryou and Sakura were trying to find the God's Tablets so they could be used to save them all. (If they were destroyed they couldn't be used.) The 3 of them and Dark Magician were searching through the loads of rubble that used to be Spirit tablets. Just as they were about to give up Mana noticed a Dragon/Bird head on a tablet under ruble of others.
Mana: Hmm. Mahad!
DM: Yes
Mana: Is this one.
Back to the others
Out of the dark hole in the ground that had appeared, came a Huge, black creature with clawed hands and feet a dragon head & neck protruding from his …. Uh …. His Crotch. (Don't blame me, blame Japan)
Seto: Zorc! He's here.
At that moment 2 strange things happened;
1: 2 creatures rose from the ground beside Atem and Snaky, and;
2: Lupin stood up and started to call another creature.
The 2nd one freaked them out more because the creatures beside them were their shadows who from the magical powers of the Millennium Items gave them life. And, dead people shouldn't be able to stand up never mind use shadow magic after being split at the waist. But there he was standing there eyes probably staring at them through his eye covers (He has the flaps over is eyes like a Sangloupmon) bringing back Sangloupmon.
Lupin: The Dark ones power is even greater than death!
Bakura: Just F'ing great!
Snaky: Well guys what do we do now?
Well nothing because at that moment Zorc was aimed his dragon at them (Creepy!!) shooting a huge fireball at them. Luckily shadows are quick thinkers and made the ultimate sacrifice! , But 1st used Seto as a shield killing him and them but also destroying the link of them and Atem & Snaky (Yay Seto died)
Zorc: What? You survived!
Lupin: You nearly killed me!
Bakura: I'll fix that. Diabound, Helicle Shockwave!
This time Diabound's attack killed its target completely destroying Sangloupmon and Lupin with him.
Bakura: It worked (Leaps into the air),now lets RUN FOR IT!!!!
All 3 ran out of the throne room, out into the town outside the Palace.
Back with the less important characters.
Mana, Ryou, Sakura and DM were running back to the other 3 o get them use the God Monsters. After clearing the rubble off the God's tablets (Tablet rubble seems to stop spirit monsters from getting through) they started running to their friends/family to help them. A few minutes later they found them.
Mana: Guys we found you (Leaps onto Atem nuzzling into him) mostly you Temmy! :)
Sakura: Another time Mana!!
Mana: Sorry (Lets go, falls to the ground) anyway use the God's power now!! (Zorc appears)
Zorc: Their power is nothing compared to mine.
Atem: Oh really, lets see about that.
`Ancient protectors of life and light,
come to the one time needed most,
give us your strength in our time of need,
Rise Great Horakhty says Pharaoh Atem!
The 3 tablets of the Gods glowed and the light flowed together and streamed to right beside our heroes. When the light stopped standing where it was, was ` Horakhty The Creator of Light '
Zorc: No! Not her!
Sakura: (Rolling on the floor laughing)
DM: That was weird
Snaky: True. Now what?
Atem: We let the Light destroy the Darkness!
Bakura: This is too easy
Horakhty: Your right, In order for me to use my immense powers and destroy Zorc, 3 souls must be sacrificed.
Sakura: Not it!
Ryou: Not it!
Bakura: Yous wouldn't be anyway.
Mana: Not it!
Bakura: Dam it.
Snaky: So us 3 are going to die?
Horakhty: No. Your Items will protect you souls but they shall be sealed within them. Though that still counts as your soul being sacrificed.
Bakura ,Snaky & Atem: OK Bye guys.
Zorc: Oh no you don't! (Shoots energy blasts at them)
Luckily for them their items started glowing and Horakhty started fighting Zorc. For 2 super powerful creatures Zorc disintegrated with 1 blast. During that fight Bakura ,Snaky and Atem's bodies glowed and disappeared and their souls sucked into the Millennium Ring, Wand and Puzzle respectively. Horakhty then disappeared followed by Dark Magician.
Later that day-Millennium Stone
Seeing as they would not be needed for a long time the priests (Who were on in this for 10 seconds), Mana and Ryou & Sakura returned them to the Millennium Stone where they belonged and told Isis's family + Shadi to protect it until they are needed again. That day Malik (Isis's brother and past life to guy with same name) was messing with the Millennium Rod when Marik (Who managed to seal some of his soul in said item) took control of his mind.
Marik/Malik: You will pay for this, and I know just how to do it. Shattering your soul's home; The Millennium Puzzle!! (Grabs puzzle from stone)
With that Marik holds the Millennium Rod right over the Item
Marik/Malik: (Holding Puzzle in his hands) Now you will never live again!!
Malik: I won't let you (stabs him/Marik clean through his heart with the Rod)
Marik: What! No. (Demonic shriek) (Both die)(Puzzle falls apart) (Isis walks in at that moment)
Isis: Brother! No, please come back, please live!
END (or is it)
Snaky: Well that's all for now maybe another fic for after this. Did you like it please tell me!! I need to know! Sorry about Malik but at least we know where Marik is (Wink, wink).Ran out of ideas so plot is thin for these 2 chapters, will fix one day. Bye.