Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Happy Birthday Habibi! ❯ Happy Birthday Habibi! ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

SoulDreamer: I know I shouldn't start on another one-shot when I have my other stories to complete, but hey. *shrugs* I can't help it.

Kyote: We are trying to update every once a week or even a day, but no promises.

SoulDreamer: That is so true!! ^-^ Hope you like this one-shot. I think this will be a happy one-shot, with the exception of my regular romance/angst one-shots.

Kyote: Hope you enjoy and once again: We do not own Yu-Gi-Oh.


Yugi was looking out of the car window to the lovely scenery of Domino. He was going home after attending Yale and graduating with a perfect 4.0. He was the top of his class and he now had a major in journalism and med. He wanted to see all his friends, especially his yami who had moved to Egypt after he had gone to Yale. He still hadn't told Yami that he loved him. Yugi sighed as he looked out the window to the night sky. He had arrived finally at the Kame Game Shop. He wandered inside and everything was dark.

"Hello? Is anybody here?" Yugi asked. When he stepped inside the living room he was blinded with a light and had to use his hand to shield his eyes. When he removed his hand from his face he was surprised at what he saw. All of his friends were there with streamers and balloons everywhere. A banner had been strung and it said Happy Birthday Yugi! Yugi gasped in surprise. He had totally forgotten that today was his birthday because he was looking forward in seeing his friends and……..yami.

Yugi turned around when he felt his darkness's presence. He almost burst in tears when he saw his yami. He had missed him the most. His Yami was there dressed in black leather pants, black top, and black studded shoes with silver buckles. He had on a neck buckle (You know that neck choker thing??) and his crimson eyes were on Yugi and he was smiling! He wasn't smirking, he was actually smiling. Yugi quickly ran to his yami and gave him a hug. "I missed you Yami." Yugi said over and over again.

When they pulled out and looked into each other's eyes. "I missed you too mou hitori no boku." Yami spoke softly, yet firmly. They turned back to their guests. Yugi was grateful that all of them had planned this surprise for him. Yugi wanted to burst in joy. "Thank you guys!!" Yugi told them, "This is the best birthday ever!!"

They had all eaten and they were now looking at the presents. Except for Anzu, who was looking at Yami instead? (Silly girl. Don't you know Yami's heart is already somewhere else??)

Anzu was looking at Yami with lust and desire. She wanted him because he looked so untouchable. (I am so unclean with writing this.) She thought he was the sexiest and hottest guy ever. There was Bakura and Marik too, but they were taken so she would have to go with Yami, who she thought was better anyways. She approached Yami. "Yami, could I please speak to you alone?" Anzu asked sweetly. (So sweet that it would enable puke-a-rama.) Yami agreed and went with her out side.

"What do you want Anzu?" Yami asked. Anzu took a breath and continued. "Yami I want you. I love you. I want to have sex with you." Anzu blurted, "Do you want me too?" Yami just looked at her and told her "I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way." Anzu was pissed. She thought she was the hottest girl in school and she just got rejected by the hottest guy!!! Yami was just about to walk away and back to his light, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. When he turned around, he found that Anzu was trying to get into his pants with her hand. (Ewwwwww!!! I'm so unclean!!!) Yami slapped her sharply and Anzu stumbled backwards. "Anzu try that again and you will die by my hands." Yami told her sharply. Anzu wanted to give him one more shot. She started to bat her eyelashes and started to caress his hands. (I am officially sick. *achoo*) Yami stepped back disgusted and guess what happened next? He mind crushed her. He was so angry and disgusted that even her body disappeared.

He walked back inside and saw that Yugi opened almost all his presents. Well he still had a present. When Yugi saw Yami he gave his trademark smile. He then wondered where Anzu was. "Yami? Where's Anzu?" Yugi asked clueless. All Yami did was just smirked and said "Anzu had to take a little trip." Marik and Bakura smirked too. They knew where Anzu was. She was in the paradise island also known as the Shadow Realm.

Everybody left after Yami appeared because they knew Yami had a present to give to Yugi alone. Yami and Yugi had snuggled up on the couch. Yami then handed Yugi a silver paper-wrapped present to Yugi. After Yugi had carefully unwrapped the present without ripping anything, he opened the box and inside was a beautiful silver charm choker. There was a pendent in the front and there were words on it. Yugi slowly read the words and smiled up at Yami and they slowly leaned towards to each other and kissed each other softly. On the pendent the words that were engraved on the pendent were: Aishiteru Yugi. I will love you forever habibi. My gift to you is my heart which I hope you will keep forever. They kept each others' hearts from then on.

The End

Aishiteru: I love you

Habibi: love

Kame: Turtle

SoulDreamer: Well how was it? Was it happy and sappy enough for you guys?

Kyote: I hope it's to your liking everybody! Don't forget to review!!