Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ House of the Dead.... or Living? ❯ THE GUY IS.... ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: You know people, disclaimers are very stupid. -_- WE ALL KNOW THAT EVERY ONE ON MM.ORG AND FF.NET IS NOT THE WRITER OF ((insert random Anime name here)) and it goes for me. NOW ONTO THE STORY! >_> -puts on that song for horses that makes you start going on those races- (you know what I mean, right?)


(Now where were we…um.. >_> <_< OH YEAH)


As the guy had walked down the long damp hallway, and had stopped at the cell holding the four-sum of Serenity, Joey, Seto, and Malik. He had begun to take off his mask…to reveal his identity, and it turned out to be…


Everyone in that cell: HOLY F*CK!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE MARIKUE(aka, the dark side of Malik….) -shocked-


Marikue: I am only the person who works the Guillotine


(Lynn(author): Guillotine- Um.. one of those thingys…. That uh…cut off people's heads back in the olden days around London and such places like that. You know in the art rooms, they have the paper cutter thing, well, that is a guillotine… except the one I mean….IT CUTS OFF PEOPLE'S HEADS!!! =D and yes, I am a psychopath that loves to see people suffer..>>)


Everyone except Marikue: WHAT?! WE ARE GONNA DIE!!!!!

Marikue: ….-glares at Malik-


Malik: -death glare at Marikue back-


Marikue: -dose the same-


Everyone else: ….


Two whole total days have passed with the glaring, and the no talking…. COULD IT GET ANY MORE WORSE?! >_<




Everyone else: -turns to Bakura- Huh? It has only been a minute in a half

(Author: For those Azu-Manga-Daioh fans, you know how the main char. Are always day dreaming, with their minds floating. Well, the line where Bakura was yelling, say that like a day dreaming with their minds floating… it goes better x_o)


Bakura: It has?

As the rest of them go to go say "yes" they are cut off by…by….---


Cliff Hangers…Ew -_- Well, I'll try typing the next chapter today or tomorrow. =O So..uh… yeah…. >_> wait.. what was I talking about? x_o;