Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ How To Know You're Obsessed With YuGiOh! ❯ How To Know You're Obsessed With YuGiOh! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

How To Know You're Obsessed With YuGiOh!

Written by Fallen Angel of Death

-- You get a Chihuahua and call it Jou (^.~)

-- You carry a pool noodle around with you and beat up people who say YuGiOh sucks (there's only one other person aside from me in my school who likes YuGiOh T_T)

-- Your kid's first words are "Let's duel"

-- You search around to find gloves that look like the duelist gloves from the first series

-- You try to get your hair up in a fashion similar to a character's (I have Mokuba/Bakura hair ^_^)

-- You go around ranting about the "Heart of the Cards"

-- Your teacher calls you by a character's last name (Ishtar *grinz*)

-- You never diss the duelists and dispise the characters that just stand in the background and look pretty (i.e: Tristan, Tea)

-- You are constantly on the lookout for a guy with multicoloured hair

-- Every time you're in a fight or something, you use Seto's method in the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon episodes (you know, blackmail)

-- The only clothes you wear are all leather ^.~

-- You try and search for clothes that have some resemblance to a character's (I have a Mokuba outfit and a Bakura outfit, along with a Malik one ^.~)

-- Every time a female comes onto the screen, you yell/hiss at them and you rant on about how Yunzu (Yugi x Anzu/Tea) should never exist and that Kazuki Takahashi is in denial and that all anime should be shounen ai/yaoi

-- You dispise dubbed names and call everyone by their Jap names once you learn them (Mariku is just fine! We don't need his name to be changed to Terrance! It's not Egyptian, damnit! I don't care if little kids can't pronounce it right, it should stay the way it is! And Otogi's name! What kind of name is "Duke" anyway?!)

-- You know every paring that's possible

-- You dispise the females (except Isis, cause she's cool)

-- You start wishing they would make an episode based on the cards (a little DM/CG fluff please ^_^)

-- You doodle chibis when you're supposed to be doing school work

-- You download the theme songs (I totally LOVE Okui Masami! She rocks!)

-- You pray only to Ra

-- You tell people just getting into YuGiOh that they can't have certain boys because they're yours (Bakura, Mariku, Jou and Otogi are MINE, MINE, MINE!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!)

-- You kill anyone who says YuGiOh is just a dumb cartoon

-- Picking out names for your future children, you decide on a character's (I plan on calling mine Joey and Serenity ^.~)

-- Anyone with the name Joey you call "Chihuahua"

-- You dedicate a site to it

-- You call your grandfather "Sugoroku" or "Ojiichan"

-- Whenever you see someone that looks like a character, you get majorly freaked (how can you find anyone that looks like Tristan?)

-- One of your friend's brothers has a character's name (Tristan Taylor O_O)

-- You convince your friends to dress up like the characters

-- You wish you could get the subtitled and not the dubbed

-- You write things like this!