Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Interviews! ❯ Yugi Moto!!! ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Flamegirl: Hiya! ^^
Ayako: How're you doing?
Flamegirl: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh…but I do own the world.
Seto: o.O That was odd.
Flamegirl: Anyways, let's start! ^_^
Flamegirl: *in a red interviewer's jacket in a big cushion chair* Hello. I am Flamegirl, and this is my Yu-Gi-Oh talk show. And our first interviewer will be Mr. Yugi Moto! ^^
Yugi: ^_^ Hello, everyone! *already sitting in a seat*
Audience: *roaring*
Yugi fangirls: YEAH!!!!
Flamegirl: OK, Yugi. *turns to Yugi* How are you?
Yugi: I'm all right, I guess. *smiles*
Yugi fangirls: *faint* *over half the audience is out cold*
Yugi: O_O
Flamegirl: This ish NOT good. Ayako!
Ayako: *comes through the door* Yes?
Audience…at least, whatever is left of it: *roars*
Ayako: *bows* Thank you, thank you.
Flamegirl: Um, Ayako, if you please, a wakeup call for those who are in Laa-laa land. -_-;;;
Ayako: ^^ OK! *gets out megaphone* *shrieking* WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *universe shakes*
Yugi: ACK! @_@ *goes deaf* I need a hearing aid.
Yugi fangirls: *wake up* O_O
Yugi: *can't hear*
Flamegirl: Hold on, Yugi. *gets out her laptop* *types*
Yugi: *can hear now* ^^ Thank you!
Yugi fangirls: Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
Flamegirl: o.O Oooook. Moving on: Yugi, it all started out in a game shop. Tell us how it feels to be the most famous…er…person in Domino! ^_^ *microphone appears out of nowhere* *microphone hits Yugi in the forehead*
Yugi: >.< OW!
Flamegirl: -_-;;; MICROPHONE PEOPLES!!! >O<
Weevil: Sorry…*holding the microphone stand thingy* Couldn't resist. *laughs*
Yugi: Oh, well…I'm very flattered, actually. See…I'm now well-known, unlike before.
Flamegirl: Mm-hmm…*cracks up*
Yugi: Um…?
Flamegirl: I…*laughs*
Yugi: ;~;
Flamegirl: Sorry, Yugi…Joey…Joey's making funny faces! >O<
Joey: Sorry. It's just that this monkey over here has the same name as my ex. XDD
Tristan: XD
Flamegirl: OK, so, Yugi. I've always wanted to ask you…how do you do that hair thing? I mean, Jimmy Neutron doesn't have hair like that!
Yugi: >O< What are you saying?!
Flamegirl: Er..^^;; Nevermind, but how do you do that?
Yugi: Ah, simple—
Flamegirl: *anxiously awaiting the answer*
Yugi: There! ^^
Flamegirl: ….what?
Yugi: Nothing…o-o You just don't do anything to it, and get a LOT of hair…and dye…and you'll have ME hair! ^^
Flamegirl: All right, that's all the time we have thanks to our lil INCIDENT… but join us next time with Joey Wheeler! ^^
Joey: O_O WHAT?!?!?!
Rex: *elbows Joey* Get a grip!
Weevil: XDD Two minutes for elbowing!
Flamegirl: XDD All right, that's enough. See ya next time, everyone! ^^
Pop Quiz!:
Will you review?
A.) Yes
B.) No
C.) What…?
D.) Don't even get me STARTED on d.
If you answered B, an army tank is now speeding towards your home…o-o You deserve it! >.<