Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Just Shoot Me: The Return of H.U.G.S. ❯ Spin the Bottle ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Yugi-oh is the property of Kazuki Takahashi, who is a genius.
Just Shoot Me
Chapter 7: Spin the Bottle
Yugi stared hard at the bottle, concentrating. Not on the wench, not the wench. Anyone but the wench. Come on bottle, work with me here.
As the green bottle whirled around, Bakura lazed back against the couch with Ryou sitting stiffly at his side. Honda snagged a few nachos and flicked a olive at Duke, who growled back accidentally kicked Honda in the kneecap when stretching his legs. Anzu leaned curiously forward, watching the slowing bottle and Yami with Sapphire glued to his side smiled lazily. The bottle slowed and…
“YES!” Yugi yelled and bounced forward to claim a kiss.
Yami smiled and disengaged himself from Sapphire's plush, willing body to meet his hikari half way. Despite Yugi's enthusiasm, Yami only bestowed a small, chaste kiss on his light's lips before settling back down into the warm, curves of his fiancé.
“That was brief.” Bakura remarked, watching Yugi grumpily settle back into place.
“Are we scoring these? If so that was only a three.” Anzu shook her head.
“I'd give it a two.” Duke brushed another olive, that had mysteriously migrated onto his shirt, off.
“Four.” Honda rubbed his knee cap and inspected the nachos for more olives. “Yugi had the whole enthusiasm thing going for him. Yami though brought it down with brief duration.”
“One.” Bakura snorted. “I've seen chimps kiss better then that.
“Five.” Ryou drove his elbow into Bakura's ribs. “I know someone who kisses like a chimp.”
Yugi sighed slightly in disappointment and spun the bottle. After a couple revolutions, and Bakura kissing Ryou breathless, the bottle stopped in front of Anzu.
Anzu smiled and leaned forward, “Okay, but no one tell Mai.”
Yugi nodded and gave her a brotherly kiss on the cheek. “No worries.”
“Zero.” Bakura raspberrried them.
“Oh, that was sweet!” Ryou tipped his head. “I'd give it an eight.”
Duke yawned. “Two. Spin the Bottle isn't about being sweet. I want some tongue action here.”

Honda nibbled on a chip thoughtfully. “I'd say five. It had more sentiment then Yami's kiss, but lacked any true passion.”
“I think I'll go with Ryou and give it a eight.” Yami ran his finger down Sapphire's arm.
Anzu spun the bottle. It revolved four times then pointed to Ryou, who laughed happily and leaned forward.
Bakura growled possessively, yanking Ryou back by his collar. “Back off! Mine.”
Ryou yanked the collar off. “Remember! Booboo. I will replace you!” He leaned forward and kissed Anzu.
“No tongue action yet, but we're improving.” Duke swatted an incoming olive out of the air. “Four.”
“You're hard to please.” Honda set the bowl of nachos down. “But, in this case I agree. Four.”
Yugi tapped his finger against his lips. “I think they get a six. It was a nice solid kiss, but not very interesting.”
Ryou spun the bottle. Bakura growled as it started slowing. His eyes narrowing as the bottle wobbled to a stop in front of Duke.
“Any tongue action and it's the last thing that tongue will ever do.” Bakura snarled, his eyes glowing dangerously.
Duke looked down at the bottle, semi-horrified. Sure Ryou was cute. Sure, Ryou was kissable. Sure, he wanted the game to get spicier. Sure… He looked at Bakura's face… he wanted to live, with his tongue for many, many, more, happy, taste filled years. He gallantly lifted Ryou's hand and kissed the other boy's knuckles.
“Minus points!” Honda glowered. “Does that even count? Where was the tongue action?!”
“I'll give him a six, just for self preservation.” Yami glanced up from his close examination of Sapphire's skin.
“Nah, zero.” Anzu snorted. “No duration. No passion. No tongue action. This game isn't about self preservation.”
Duke glared at the bottle and gave it a vicious spin. It revolved a minute than landed right on Sapphire. Yami glared, his eyes glowing red. “Not a good day for you, is it Duke?”

Duke gulped, “Aah, can I appoint a stand in?”
“No, that's not how the game is played.” Honda gave Duke a friendly slap on the back, urging him closer to Sapphire. “Now's your chance. Go for it!”
“Remember, no more hand kissing.” Anzu leaned back. Her usually happy eyes filled with amused cruelty. “We want tongue!”
Duke leaned forward wincing. Sapphire met him half way and grabbed him by the back of the head and pulled him into a deep, tongue filled kiss. Horrified, Duke stated shrieking, which was muffled by Sapphire's lips, and wildly trying to escape. Yami snarled, the Millennium Eye flickering to life on his forehead.
Duke finally broke free and scrambled behind the couch whimpering. “Don't kill me. I kept my tongue to myself. HONEST!”
Sapphire giggled and settled herself back into Yami's arms. “I'd say that was a nice seven.”
“Eight.” Honda leaned back.
“What's going on?” Mokuba dragged himself out of the kitchen, carrying a couple of pizza boxes and a bottle of orange soda. He dropped them onto the coffee table and slumped into an armchair.
“We're playing Spin the Bottle.” Anzu patted the carpet next to her. “Come and play. It's fun.”

“Fun is an illusion that quickly fades.” Mokuba pulled himself wearily out of the chair and sagged to the floor next to her.
Sapphire twirled the bottle. It only revolved once and pointed at Bakura.
“Come here girl.” He leered.
Sapphire leaned forward and was abruptly pinned to the floor. Bakura nearly devouring her mouth and running his hands along her body. She squealed and twisted free after a couple moments, retreating, panting to Yami's side.
“Ten!” Honda cheered.
“Ten.” Yugi nodded his agreement, gleefully noting Sapphire's rumpled, shocked look.
“Nine.” Anzu pursed her lips thoughtfully. “Bakura has perfect marks, but she lacked… gusto. Too timid.”
“Is it safe to come out now?” Duke checked over the edge of the couch. Seeing Yami's narrowed, angry glare he ducked back down.
Bakura flicked his wrist, sending the bottle into a spin. It spun a few seconds then landed on Honda.
Honda shrugged and moved closer. Bakura caught his shoulder and leaned in. Their lips met and their tongues dueled a few moments, then they parted.
“Nine.” Anzu nodded decisively. “Honda wasn't really into the kiss, but displayed good technique.”
“Nine and a half.” Mokuba propped his chin on his hand. “Good form, but no heart.”
“Nine.” Yugi snitched a piece of pizza, wondering absently where the olives went. Didn't the pizza have olives when it arrived?
Bakura leaned back on the couch and nuzzled Ryou's hair. “Can we get to the good part yet?”
Yami nodded, “As entertaining as it is to watch Duke cower behind the furniture, this is a bit tame.”
“How about…” Yugi looked quickly around. “A movie?”
“How about playing Spin the Bottle, but you have to make out in the closet for ten minutes?” Anzu smiled evilly to where Duke was crawling back to his place next to Honda.
“Maybe a nice game of strip poker?” Duke arched his brows hopefully.
“Great thought Duke.” Yugi bounced to his feet. “I'll get the cards.”
“Maybe later aibou. I like Anzu's idea.” Yami nuzzled a kiss on the side of Sapphire's neck.
“Seconded.” Honda sharkily smiled at Duke.
“I'm in.” Bakura smirked.
“Sounds…interesting.” Ryou smiled happily from the circle of his yami's arms.
“I'm going back to the kitchen.” Mokuba stood up and trudged mournfully away. “All this sex is depressing.”
“All right, since I was last. I get to be first.” Honda spun the bottle. It rotated a couple times and landed on Duke. He glared at the bottle, then stood up. “Okay, stud muffin, let's get this over with.”
Duke, horrified because it would be his turn to spin next- oh god, what if he got her or Ryou- stumbled along behind him toward the closet. Honda gave him a quick shove in and closed the door behind them.
“Gotta give Honda points.” Anzu grabbed a piece of pizza. “For a straight guy, he's being a good sport.”
“Not a bad kisser either.” Bakura poured himself a glass of soda. “Could use a bit more imagination, but he does have talent.”
“Serenity's doing probably.” Yugi looked toward the closet, where a few muffled thumps and a strangled yelp came from.
Ryou went into the kitchen an reemerged a moment later with bread sticks and dipping sauce. “Do you think he might be bi?”

Yami shook his head. “No. Doubt it. Watch him at school. Girls fascinate him. Guys are nothing more than buddies.”
Ten minutes later, a disgusted Honda and a slightly rumpled Duke emerged from the closet.
“All talk, no action.” Honda shook his head and plopped himself back in his place. “Spent the entire time whining about who he'd end up with next.”
“Your turn Duke.” Bakura shoved him into place and sat down on the couch with Ryou sitting on the floor leaning against his legs.
Duke, his hand shaking, spun the bottle and closed his eyes in dread.
“Well, isn't that interesting.” Yami remarked casually.
“Yes, quite interesting.” Honda nudged Duke.
“Great. Just great.” Yugi said snippily and got to his feet. “Have fun. I'll get the cake.”
Duke opened his eyes as Yugi brushed past him. The bottle pointed directly at Yami. Duke's already large eyes got even larger. His life flashed before his eyes. Hell opened up and waved a cheery hello. “Oh no.”
Yami reached over and yanked Duke to his feet. “Come on Duke. No time like the present.”
“Have fun you two.” Bakura toasted them with his soda as the door slammed shut on Dukes horrified face. “Anyone got any rum?”
“In the kitchen, behind Mokuba.” Honda got up and walked across to look out the window, smiling at the violent thumps, curses, whimpers and cries that came from the closet.
Sapphire ambled over to the pizza and selected a slice. “Where did all the olives go? I like olives.”
“I shoved them in Duke's shoes.” Honda nodded toward the entrance where all their shoes were lined up.
Sapphire arched her fine eyebrows. “I don't know why, but I like you people. You're all sick and twisted.”
Anzu came up and patted her shoulder as she poured herself a drink. “If you like sick and twisted, you should get to know Bakura better. He's got thousands of years of practice.”
A bit later Yami strolled out of the closet with a self satisfied look on his face. “I agree with your assessment, Honda. All talk, no action.”
Duke, missing several pieces of clothing, his hair a rumpled mess, and looking a bit dazed, stumbled out a few seconds later. He blinked, uncomprehendingly at the others then wobbled over to the couch. “I need to sit… uh no… lay down”
“Fucked silly.” Bakura dropped to the floor as Duke collapsed, sprawling across the whole sofa.
Yami shrugged. “You should give him a try later. You might want to bring a gag though. He babbles.”
Everyone took their places again and Yami spun the bottle. Yugi nearly howled in protest as the bottle pointed to Sapphire.
“Oh!” She grinned as Yami helped her to her feet. “Lucky me!”
Yugi stood shivering in rage as they waltzed merrily into the closet and shut the door. He spun around and marched over to the couch, shoved Duke's feet out of the way and sat, glowering at the closed door.
“How about some cake?” Anzu opened the box and started slicing it up into pieces.
Ryou and Bakura nearly pounced on the soft white dessert, grabbing big pieces and scooting off to the other side of the room. Honda scooped up a slice and went back to his chair. Anzu took a plate for herself and brought three others over for Duke, Yami and Sapphire. Duke cracked his eyes open and nodded as she set the plate down next to him. She put the others on the floor where Yami and Sapphire sat.
“Do you want a piece Yugi?” She offered him her slice.
“It's vanilla with vanilla frosting.” She waved the piece under his nose. “I thought it would be appropriate, considering the occasion.”
“Vanilla all the way through, huh?” Honda took a huge bite.
“If the cake fits…” Anzu sat back in her place, giving Yugi a worried look.
The closet door literally exploded off it's hinges. A leather clad, red eyed, wild haired version of Sapphire sprang out and stood glaring around the room.
“Who the fuck thought up this shitty game?” She snarled. Her red eyes glowing as she scrutinized the assembled party goers.
Yami stepped out, eyeing the door. “Ruby. No killing doors. I thought we discussed this.”
“I fuckin find myself squished in a closet with your hand up my shirt and you are whimpering about doors!” She swung around and made a grab for the pharaoh.
Yami lightly stepped back avoiding her hand. “You weren't protesting.”
“Ass wipe.” She threw something glittering at his head and stormed down the stairs. “I'm out of here, go fuck a pooch.”
“I almost fucked a bitch.” Yami dodged, a feral smile pulling his lips. “Not a great difference.”
Ryou shrieked as the glittering object fell at his and Bakura's feet. “What's that?!”
Bakura grabbed Ryou pulling him protectively close, trying to turn his body to shield his light. “Fuck!”
The Millennium Mirror clattered for a second then exploded into a shower of green light. Yami shoved Yugi down behind the couch. Duke frantically plastered himself to the floor. Anzu and Honda were next to him as they all started crawling toward the kitchen. Silence covered the small home, then Yami peered over the top of the couch.
“It looks clear.”
Anzu, Honda and Duke poked their heads out from the kitchen.
“That was brief. It nearly wiped out the school yard last time.” Honda opened the door and walked suspiciously back into the room.
“I'm not complaining.” Anzu checked around before coming back into the living room.
“Guys, where's Ryou and Bakura?” Duke shuffled out unsteadily.
Yami frowned and after helping Yugi to his feet, went over to check where Ryou and Bakura had been standing. “Ooops.”
“Ooops?” Yugi scampered over to look. “What do you mean…oh!”
“What!?” The other three hustled over and crowded around.
Sitting on the floor were two toddlers with white hair and big soft eyes. One was wearing Ryou's shirt and sweater and sitting on his blue slacks. The other had on Bakura's leather tank top and was idly playing with Bakura's studded belt. They looked up in unison and grinned happily waving cake smeared fingers.
The one dressed in Ryou's shirt stuck his plump little fingers into his mouth. “R'oo hun'ry.”
Okay folks, how many fan fic clichés can you spot so far???
DemonandGoddess: Here ya' go, one Ruby. Up next the chibis from hell. I think there will only be one more chapter and maybe an epilog, so Ruby probably won't make a reapearence. I have been considering the ultimate cliché of leaving a story hanging unfinished, but that's probably the most annoying cliché there is. I want to get working on Psyche, so unless I do the unfinished cliché, things have got to wrap up quick.
Daebird: Yes, Psyche is coming up. I'm actually hurrying this one along. It's taken far too much time and I want to get to the next chapter in my series. I got all evil and came up with a great baddie for it >:) I actually did come up with a beginning for the Yami/Seth story, but I promise to put it on hold till Psyche is completed. Well, sorta promise….