Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kages of the Pharaoh-Noah,Seth, and Ka ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kages of the Pharaoh- Noa, Seth, and Ka

; � 160; Well here is chapter 7 of the story. I hope you all have liked it so far. I'm sorry I left you all at a cliffhanger last time. . .but you see this is one of the final chapters.*laughs* Well maybe not one of the final chapters. . .but well. . .you'll understand. I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh so please don't sue. The only characters I own are Ka, Kage, Shaina and the final OC of this story.

� 160; ; � 160; Chapter 7- Blood of Purity

& #160;  0; & #160; " No," whispered Seth as he ran onto the scene. There on the ground by the edge of the castle laid Ka. " KA!" Seth ran over to his smaller twin and lifted him into his arms. " Who did this to you?" Ka looked up into Seth's eyes and smiled as he touched the arrow in his chest.

� 160; ; " I don't know," whispered Ka as he noticed Noah. " Noah. . .come over here." Noah ran over and knelt down next to them. " Remember your promise?" Noah nodded and Ka smiled. " Good. . .now Seth. . .if you can find Zenda she can heal me. . .but actually I want to go."

� 160; &#822 0; What!" exclaimed Seth as he held his little brother in his arms.

� 160; " Seth. . .I have been living on borrowed time," whispered Ka as he leaned up and kissed Seth. " I know how you feel about me dying. . .but promise me Seth. . .don't intervene. . .this is for the best." Seth shook his head as he hugged Ka to him. Blood spattered all over his uniform. " Seth. . .Noah. . .I love you." The two nodded as someone appeared next to them. Ka looked up into the deep sea green eyes of someone else. " Nen. . .my friend." Noah and Seth spun around and looked at the other boy. A staff stood in his hand as his eyes saddened.

� 160; " Ka. . .please. . .don't die," whispered Nen as he fell to his knee's. "What will happen if you die?" Ka smiled slightly as he took the other boys hand in his own.

� 160;" Nothing except maybe. . .there will be peace," whispered Ka as he turned and looked at Seth. " I don't have much time left Seth." Seth nodded and slowly knelt down and took something out of his pocket.

� 160; " Ka. . .please. . .don't go," whispered Seth as tears rolled down his cheeks. " What am I supposed to do without you?" Ka smiled as more blood pooled on the ground around him.

� 8220; You still have Noah. . .and Nen," whispered Ka as he looked at Seth. " I'm sorry. . .I didn't tell you. . ." Seth tightened his grip on the thing in his hand. " Yes. . .the first time." Ka started to drift away as his eyes closed. " I wish I had. . .it would have saved us both ten years of grief."

" Ka. . .please. . .will you. . .the second time. . .say yes?" asked Seth as he pulled Ka into his arms. The smaller boy weakly nodded his head as he took a shallow breathe.

� 160;" Yeah Seth. . .I'd be honored too. . .if only. . .I wasn't dying," said Ka as he took another breathe. " I do love you Seth and Noah. . .I will see you again. . .in the future." Ka stopped talking as he went limp in Seth's arms.

� 160;" Ka. . ." whispered Nen as he looked away. Noah sunk to his knees and wrapped his arms around his knees as tears rolled down his face. Mumbled words from Seth echoed from behind them as he picked Ka up. The Pendant of Life glittered and then flickered to a stop.

� 160;With Ka's Spirit

� 160; " I'm ready," whispered Ka as he looked down on the scene. Tears rolled down his translucent face as he turned and looked toward Kuroi. Kuroi nodded sadly as his eyes misted over.

� 160; " Are you sure?" asked Kuroi. Ka blinked as the other boy smiles slightly. " You don't have to go. . .if you don't want to."

� 160;" What. . .stay a ghost? No thank you," whispered Ka. Kuroi shook his head slowly as he looked at Ka.

� 8220; No. . .not a ghost. . .a guardian," whispered Kuroi. Ka nodded and suddenly he felt himself tingling. " Seth. . .and Noah. . .they'll never forget you Ka." Ka nodded and slowly turned away from the scene.

" I promised I'd protect them. . .and I'll keep that promise even in death," whispered Ka. Kuroi nodded as the two disappeared. " One day Seth. . .I'll come back."

� 160;With Seth and Noah

 0; " Seth," whispered Noah as he laid on the bed totally disrobed. The taller boy turned and looked at him. " Where'd you put Ka's body?" Seth sighed as his robes disappeared.

� 160; " He's being buried. . .where he belongs. . .with the priests," whispered Seth. Noah blinked as Seth smiled sadly. " Nayama and Shiroka are fighting mad. This is the first time I saw Nayama set anything on fire. . .she burned ever single wood shield in the throne room. Yami seemed strangely distant." Seth's eyes narrowed as he walked over toward Noah. " I don't like that." Noah nodded as he felt a presence on the balcony.

� 160;" Who's there?" asked Noah. Nen walked into the room as he looked at the two naked boys before him and blushed.

� 160; " I'll. . .uh. . .leave," said Nen and disappeared. Seth shrugged as he walked over to Noah. He smiled as he pinned Noah to the bed. Noah smiled and kissed Seth. Seth smiled as he stuck a finger into the smaller boy. Noah gasped as tears leaked out of his eyes.

� 160; " Did that hurt?" asked Seth worriedly. Noah nodded and then gasped again as another finger entered him. " Just hold on Noah." Noah nodded as he lay there his eyes shut. " Where'd the oil go Noah?" Noah opened one of his eyes and pointed toward the side table. Seth nodded and stood up and grabbed the oil and looked at his penis and sighed. He oiled himself up as he looked at Noah.

� 160; " I'm fine Seth," said Noah as he looked at Seth seriously. " I am fine." Seth nodded and positioned himself above his brother.

� 160; " Ready?" asked Seth. Noah just nodded slightly as Seth entered his brother. Noah gasped and Seth looked worriedly at him. " Am I hurting you?"

� 160; " No. . .I'm fine," said Noah as he lied to Seth. Seth sighed as he let Noah get used to him and then sighed and started to pull out and then went back in. Suddenly a knock on the door alerted the two to someone. Two seconds later the door was flung open. There stood Yami. . .who blushed at the sight of the two. Seth and Noah starred at Yami in shock and fear.

� 160; " Uh. . .well. . .you seem to be busy," said Yami and turned to leave. Seth and Noah sighed in relief and then Yami turned around again. " Don't. . .ever let me catch you at 'that' again." Seth and Noah nodded in fear as Yami slammed the door behind him. Seth pulled out of Noah and wrapped the smaller boy up in his arms.

" He's so cold," whispered Noah as he clung to Seth. Seth nodded as he felt a strange presence next to him. Shouts and curses came from outside the door as Nen appeared dragging Yami by his cape.

" Let go of me!" shouted Yami. Nen smiled as he held onto Yami.

� 8220; You say you're sorry to my brothers. . .or I'll send you to the Shadow Realm," said Nen. Yami just raised an eyebrow and growled.

" Yeah. . .right," said Yami. Nen smiled and then shoved Yami out the door. " That will teach him." A snicker from all around them informed them of the presence of another.

� 8220; Ka. . .you'll never leave us. . .will you?" asked Seth. The snickering stopped as a gold light appeared in the room. " I'm sorry. . .for doing this right after your death. . .but. . .well."

" I understand Seth," whispered the light and smiled. " I'll always love you. . .I always will." Seth smiled as the light wrapped around him and kissed him slightly.

� 8220; Ka. . ." purred Seth as the light started to dim. " I love you." The light nodded and disappeared blowing out a candle in the process. " I'll prove Pharaoh Yami wrong." Noah cuddled up to Seth's chest and Seth smiled as he wrapped his arms around his smaller brother. " Noah. . .I love you."

� 8220; Love you too," whispered Noah as he drifted off to sleep. " I always will. . .love you and Kanji." Seth smiled as he smoothed Noah's hair across his forehead and fell asleep with the smaller boy in his arms.

" I will get you Pharaoh," whispered Seth as he drifted off to sleep.

� 160; So how did you like it? The next chapter. . .will come out when I get a good idea. Can you believe it? I killed Ka. . .well he reappears in TBC as Kanji. Nen only appears in 'A Rose to Show My Love' as a ghost. . .he's explained more later on. Well R+R if you like it. If not. . .flame. . .I'll use it to roast Tae/Anzu. I don't hate Yami. . .just. . .I know Seth/Seto hated the Pharaoh. . .so I made up a reason. Not enough guards. . .Ka got killed. . .and him being mean to Noah and him.