Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Karate Girls: Marik The Evil Spirit Returns! ❯ Joey and Tristan's Rescuer ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Continue Karate Girls!
Fukai: OH! YEAH! Let's do this!
Seto: *in a cat costume*
Ryou: What's with the costume Kaiba?
Fukai: *anime fall*
Seto: >.< MEEOOWW! *jumps on Joey and rips him off*
Everyone: *takes step back away*
“Say Joe, can I have a date with Serenity?” Tristan asked as Joey snapped up but then sighed. “For the last time Tristan, no, no, no, NO!” Joey shouted. “Ok, ok, ok, just asking.........” said Tristan then 3 rare hunters appears with swords.
“What the....look, we don't want any trouble” said Joey as the rare hunters were getting closer. “Hey, aren't those the rare hunters” said Tristan. “Your right and this time, their bringing swords...not dueling disks...” said Joey as the rare Hunters were laughing evilly.
“If you both know what's good for you, you 2 must surrender” said the rare hunter. “Umm...can we please have one last word before we surrender?” Tristan asked as the rare Hunters nodded. “RUN!” screamed Joey and Tristan as they ran. The rare hunters got mad then chase the 2 idiots.
“You 2 blabber mouths won't get away!” shouted the rare hunters. “Watch us!” Tristan shouted back. When Tristan and Joey ran to the street a motorcycle was about to hit them, the 2 idiots stop then the guy inside the motorcycle turned and nearly crashed.
“Sorry about that!” shouted Joey as they ran over to the driver. “Hey dude, we're sorry...” Tristan said as the driver stood up. “Who are you calling dude?” the guy asked but it was a woman's voice. The driver took off her helmet and it was a teenage girl with long black hair, black eyes, and all black outfits including the bicycle.
Joey and Tristan were in complete shock. “So what are 2 running dodo brains are running across the street while motor bike driver girl was about to hit you 2?” the driver girl asked. “There those 2 are!” shouted the rare hunter. “Then let's go!” shouted another as they run.
Then the driver took out something in her bike, it was a bag of oranges. She carried it then dumped it all over, when the rare hunter run by they slide down and passed the driver and the 2 idiots to another street then hits a dead end.
“Come on, you 2 can ride with me!” shouted the driver as she got in. Tristan got in first then Joey and away they go! For a while, Tristan speaks up. “Hi, I'm Tristan and this is my buddy, Joey, so what's your name?” Tristan asked. “The name's Fukai Bokutachi-wa Mori but call me Fukai” said Fukai. (Fukai: say it with me FU-KA-EE)
“Well Fukai, can you take us to this Game Shop, we need to talk to someone....” said Tristan. “And that's Yugi” Joey replied. “Yugi! Yugi Motou! You mean the King of Games?! HE'S AWESOME!!! He defeated Seto Kaiba's tournament and also the Duelist Kingdom tournament! HE'S SO COOL!” shouted Fukai.
“Well, do you know me, Joey Wheeler?” Joey asked. “Oh yeah, I know you, Seto Kaiba said you are the puppy that wins in 4th place while in duelist kingdom you were second rate....” Fukai said as Joey snapped. “WHAT!?! THAT KAIBA! I'M GONNA-” Joey got cut off while Tristan shouted. “There! That Game shop!” said Tristan. “Ok, hold on, we're going fast!” said Fukai as she puts up the limit.
When they arrived at the Game Shop, Joey and Tristan quickly got inside followed by Fukai.
“Solomon! You here, Yugi!” Joey shouted as an old man came out of the door. “What's the matter Joey?” Solomon asked as Yugi Motou came out behind him. “The rare hunters are back!” Tristan said as Yugi and Solomon gasp. “Good thing, Fukai saved our lives!” said Joey as he pointed towards to Fukai.
“Thanks Fukai, for saving Joey & Tristan's lives, would you like to stay here for a while?” Solomon asked as Fukai smiled. “Sure, no-” Fukai got cut off as a beep from her cell was sound. Fukai sighed and took out her cell phone to see the message then made a pout face, she then put away her cell.
“I got to jail out...sorry, I'll come back tomorrow” said Fukai as she goes out to her bike. “Hey Fukai!” Joey called out to Fukai as she turns to see him. “Thanks for saving us” said Joey with a smile then it made Fukai to smile. “No problem...BYE!” said Fukai as she drove off.
GW: Well, that took me so long, sry....
Ryou: its ok, Fukai
Fukai: Yeah, I guess so...
Joey: ^^ Yup, you did save our butts!
Fukai: I guess so...anyways, please review and give me some ideas...I think I really suck at this....