Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight's Call ❯ He did WHAT? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own YuGiOh, and I never will. That is unless I have some rich unknown uncle who invented YuGiOh, then he dies and left all the yugioh stuff to me, but I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon.
Couples: Serenity x Ryou. You can tell me what other ones you want, I don't really care.
This has LEMON! Somewhere... don't know where I'll put it.
Midnight's Call
Chapter One: He did WHAT?
Ryou lay on his couch, staring at the plane white ceiling of the living room. He sighed. His Yami was sleeping, so he wouldn't get beaten again tonight. It was about eleven right now, so why wouldn't everybody be asleep. He sighs again. His only time away from his Yami's taunts and beatings, night. His favourite time of the 24 hours we call a day. No one suspected it... but this was his time.
Ryou sighs again. He would go to sleep pretty soon. Just as his eyes began to close, his doorbell rang. This confused him. Why would someone be coming here at this time of night? Being the curious little hikari he is, Ryou gets up and answers the door.
To his surprise, there stood Serenity Wheeler, drenched from head to toe from the rain that Ryou hadn't even noticed, and wearing only a torn nightgown. Her eyes where streaming with tears, and she looked like she ran all the way here. He immediatly became concerned.
"Serenity, why are you here at this time?" He asks, not unkindly. She sniffles and starts crying harder.
"Honda... h-he nearly raped me..." She says and couldn't say anymore, too overflowed with tears. Ryou's eyes widen. Tristan... raping Serenity? It couldn't be... but then why would she be here.
"Ssh Serenity... come in, you'll get a cold." He says and leads her in the house and to the living room, putting her on the couch.
"I'll get you some dry clothes." Ryou stated and turned to head to the stairs.
"Don't... leave me..." Serenity chokes out, still sobbing hystericaly. Ryou blinks, then goes back to her and sits down on the couch, wrapping his arms around her.
"Don't worry... I won't leave you." He whispers softly in her ear, rocking back and forth. Serenity leans over, crying on his chest, getting it wet with salty tears. They stayed in that position for awhile till Serenity's heavy sobs became occaisonal hiccups. Ryou smiles softly down at her, picking her up and carrying her to his room. Once there, he sets Serenity on his bed so she was sitting up.
"Sere', you need to change out of those clothes, okay?" His only responce was a small nod, in which gave his signal to get up and walk over to his closet, searching through it. He found exactly what he was looking for. A pair of grey sweatpants and a red plain white t-shirt. He smiles slightly and walks back over to Serenity, handing her the clothes.
"I'll leave so you can get changed, alright?" He asks, but to his surprise Serenity shakes her head.
"Can... can you stay? Please, I don't want to be alone right now." Serenity asks, no, begs. Ryou blinks, then nods.
"Okay Sere'." He says and walks to the far side of the room, facing the wall. There was the rustling of clothes as Serenity slowly changed into the clothes.
"You can look now..." Serenity says softly, sitting at the edge of the bed. Ryou turns and smiles at her. Walking over, he kneels down in front of her.
"Serenity, can you tell me how Honda ... nearly did that?" Ryou asks, immediatly regretting it as a fresh wave of tears hit Serenity. She doesn't let them go down there.
"You don't have to tell me right now if you don't want to." "No... I have to tell you sooner or later..." Serenity takes a deep breath, then begins.
"I was sleeping in my room, Joey was staying at Yugi's, when I heard noises. I relized soon that it was someone throwing rocks at my window. When I got up and opened it, there was Honda. He asked me to come down for a few seconds. I oblidged and went down to the front yard. Honda immediatly clamped a hand over my mouth and dragged me to a nearbly alley. He started tearing at my nightgown when I finnaly reganed some sence and kicked him in the... more private place. He was paralyzed, so I ran to your house, which was the nearest to where I was..." Serenity bites her lower lip, some tears going down her face as she brings her knees to her chest and buries her face in them.
"Sere'... don't worry. I'll help you find him and get an explanation. I'm sure Yugi and the others will too." Ryou says with determination, such determination that caused Serenity to look up.
"You will?" She asks uncertainly. Ryou smiles and nods.
"Of course. You're my friend Serenity, I'd never leave you." Serenity smiles and throws her arms around Ryou's neck, burying her face in his shirt again.
"Thank you so much Ryou..." He only nods, holding her close until he was pretty sure she was asleep. Smiling, he lays her down on the bed, covering her up. He turned to go to the living room to go back to sleep, when a hand reached out and grabbed his wist. He looked back and saw that Serenity was still awake, though just barely.
"Sleep wit hme here... will you?" Ryou blushes lightly at that, but since this was for Serenity...
"Sure Sere'." Ryou says and carefully lies down beside her, upon where she wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled closer to him. His blush deepened, but he didn't say anyrthing and hugged her closer. They fell asleep in that position, leaving their problems for the warm and comforting land of sleep...
Blaze: Okay that sucked.
Drak: I know.
Blaze: Ah, shaddup. Drak: snickers Blaze: So anyways... Read and Review! I'll try and think of more ideas for this.