Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mokuba turning into a rapper ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N:This is a yu-gi-oh style fic.

Mokuba turning into a rapper.

chapter 1
Mokuba was running away from his brother.He got all his duel monsters cards,
all of the money in case if mokuba is hungry.Mokuba ran as faster as he can when
he ran into an alley and he saw a group of gangters,their were black gangsters.
Mokuba walked quietly out of the alley when he step on a can that make noise and also
make the gangters walk to him.One of them point a gun at mokuba and about to pull the trigger
when,a gun was fired.Leave that boy alone,a voice said as the gangters run away.
The man went to see if the boy is alive,he check his heart,it was beating,he was still alive,
but he was unconuese.The man carried the boy to his house in the black neighborhood.
As the man carried the little boy to the house,he called the shoulder leght hair.Hey tea,the man said as
tea came down the stair.Hey C-webb,tea said.The man named was chris webber,he is a rapper and a basketball player
for the sacramento kings.He was wearing his 2001-02 away jersey,it was black,and it had the team named with purple sprikles
and it has his jersey number,4 and behind the jersey was his last name,and his number jersey also.
Who is that,tea asked.It's a little boy,webber said.Poor little guy,tea said.I found him in the alley when i was walking to the store,
and I he was surounded by other black gangters,pointed a gun at him and I got him back,but the boy has a sprain arm,would you help him,webber asked.
I'll tried,tea said as webber gave mokuba to tea as she walk to her room to lay him down on the bed.Webber went into the living room
as he got more friends.Hey guys,webber said.Hey webber,the others said as webber enters the living room.Back in tea's bedroom,
tea was helping mokuba arm to heal up.It was gonna take a long night to heal it up.Tea went on the bed with mokuba as she was tried.
He's so sweat,tea said as she went to sleep with mokuba.

End of chapter 1
