Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ More than just a Kute Kitty ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

K: People gave me stuff.

Yami: Shouldn't they give things away in random fics?

K: *shrugs*

Neko Yugi: Meuh!

Yami: O__O ^__^ *cuddles his cat boy hikari*

N. Yugi: ^_^ Hehe.

K: *blink blink* okay… from radiany I got a ticket for 1000 to wherever I want to go, 3 wish tickets and 3 engagement ring… hmm…


The sun was shining dimly through the window of the bedroom. Yami frowned when the light was shown on his face.


Yami slowly opened an eye and saw big violet eyes staring at him.

"Ahh!" Yami yelled falling off the bed.

"Meuh!" 'Tenshi' looked down at Yami, worried.

Yami had a hand to his head mumbling a few curses then looked up at the kitten.

"I'm okay," Yami said getting up. He stretched showing his well-toned stomach when his shirt lifted up from his stretching.

The cat stared at the stomach with slight drool coming from its mouth.

Yami yawned, then bent down to pet the kitten making it purr then he went straight out the bedroom to the bathroom. The kitten frowned when Yami suddenly left after petting him and he ran after his new 'owner'.

When he got to the bathroom he watched Yami gurgle some type of mouthwash then spit it in the sink. (Yami: I don't use mouthwash.)

The kitten blinked then ran back to Yami's room to lay on the bed.

After a while Yami came back in and smiled when he saw the kitten snoozing on his bed. He then went to his closet to get his school uniform.

He paused, 'Wasn't there a set of clothes in here?' then he shrugged, assuming they were in the laundry. (His school uniform is the same as the show. People don't mind him wearing a black or leather shirt underneath but I don'' mind him wearing a white shirt either.)

After he changed he went downstairs for breakfast. The kitten opened his eyes then followed Yami downstairs.

"Ohayo kaasan," Yami said to his mother.

"Ohayo Yami! Ohayo Tenshi!"


"Aww. He's saying good morning," Ashita said.

Yami rolled his eyes then picked up the kitten.

Suddenly something burst threw the door, it was Jou.

"Ohayo Yami-kun!"

Yami's eyes were wide and 'Tenshi' was clutching onto Yami's leather shirt, surprised at the teen's sudden entrance.

Yami shook himself out of his shock, "Ohayo Jounouchi-kun."

"What's that?" Jou stared closely at the kitten. The kitten stared back; blinking then turned to bury its face into Yami's shirt.

"Kawaii!" Ashita shouted at the kitten's antics.

Yami sweatdropped while petting the kitten.

"I found him Jounouchi-kun. He feels different from any other cat I've seen."

Jou pulled back from the kitten, "So yous keepin it?"

Yami nodded still petting 'Tenshi.'

Jou blinked not expecting Yami to actually keep an animal he just found.

Suddenly Ashita walked by them, stuffing a piece of toast into Yami's mouth and taking the kitten, putting it on the kitchen counter.

"Scoot you have to go to school," Ashita pushed Yami and Jou out the door. (K: Yami still has the toast in his mouth too! Yami: -___-)

'Tenshi' blinked then jumped off the counter and raced up the stairs to Yami's room to 'change'.


Yami and Jou raced to the room hoping the second bell wouldn't ring.

When they got to their room they slid into their desks then the bell rang. They both sighed in relief then sat up straight when the teacher came in.

Ms. Mono walked to the front, staring at everyone.

"We have some new students, class," she said.

Yami gasped at the boy who almost looked like him and he heard Bakura who was in front of him grunt at his look a like too.

"This is Mutou, Yugi."

"Konichiwaa," Yugi bowed then stared at Yami. Yami felted heat rush up to his cheeks at Yugi's intense stare.

"And Kura, (Ryou: O___o K: ^^; ) Ryou."

"Hello," Ryou also bowed.

"Take your seats at the back and we'll get started on slope equations," Ms. Mono said turning to the board.

Everyone groaned while Yami and Bakura stared at Yugi and Ryou.

Yugi sat behind Yami and Ryou sat to the right of Bakura. Yami turned around to Yugi and examined him, while Yugi was taking out his books.

'He looks a lot like me, wait, are those my clothes? Nah can't be and his eyes remind me of the kitten. Strange.'


Yami snapped out of his thoughts and focused on Yugi who was smiling at him.

"Huh?" was Yami's intelligent response. (Yami: Hey!)

"You were staring at me," Yugi answered opening his book.

"Oh um sorry," Yami blushed. (Yami: I don't blush that much. K: Well you don't know you're in love yet. Yami: …..Oh.)

"It's okay."

Bakura was looking at Ryou from the corner of his eye. 'Why the hell does he look like me? Are those my clothes?!'

After a while of watching each other then blushing every time they got caught the teacher was now asking questions.

She saw Yugi staring at the back of Yami's head and thought she should pick on him so she wrote a question on the board.

"Mr. Mutou."

Yugi looked up.

"Tell me the answer to this question please."

Yugi quickly looked at the question, "Y equals one half X plus two." (Everyone: O__O Yugi: *whistling*)

The teacher blinked, "…right." Then she picked on someone else who seemed distracted by who knows what.

'Yugi was really quick on the question and he didn't seem to even be listening to teacher when she was explaining,' Yami thought when Yugi answered the question too quickly for a person who wasn't paying attention.


Yami turned and saw the Anzu girl staring at him. He gagged then turned tot he window looking at Yugi's reflection.

The bell finally rang and Yami and Bakura snapped out of their daze at watching their doppelgangers.

Yami gathered his books and noticed Yugi waiting.

"What class do you have next?" Yugi asked.

"English with Mr. Vinh."

"Oh," Yugi looked at his schedule. "I have him next too. Can you help me get there."

Yami smile, "Sure."



"Thanks Yami."

"No problem Mutou-san."

Yugi smiled, "Call em Yugi."

Yami felted himself blush again, (Yami: -____-) "Okay Yugi."

Anzu was watching from the door waiting for Yami, but she was pushed out of the way by Jou who came back in the class.

Yami grabbed Yugi's arm knowing Jou was going to drag them to class.

Jou dragged them all the way to English, and he finally stopped, dropping into his desk after letting Yami go.

"Hi Yugi right?" Jou asked.

Yugi nodded.

Jou grinned, "Welcome to the school. My name's Katsuya, Jounouchi but call me Jou. Yami here is to formal always calling me Jounouchi-kun."

Yugi giggled, "Okay Jou." Yugi looked around. "Why aren't there many people here." (Yami: Hmmm….this is familiar.)

"Oh that. People usually skip or late," Jou answered. (Yami: Really familiar.)

Ryou came up to them, "Hi."

"Hi Ryou," Yugi greeted him then turned to the others. "This is my friend Ryou. This is Yami and Jou."

They exchanged greetings.

Yugi whispered to Ryou, "How's Bakura?"

Ryou sighed, "He can be um… arrogant… anti-social…"

"It's okay he'll open up." He turned to Yami, "What are we doing?"


(Yami: This is familiar too. K:…I'm just going to skip English it's boring.)

"Can I see your schedule Yugi?" Yami asked after class during break.

Yugi handed Yami his schedule and watched Yami's eyes widen.

"We have the same classes," Yami said.

"Really?" Yugi grinned. "You take band?"

(Yami: This is too familiar! K: ^^; )

Yami nodded, "I play the tenor saxophone."

(Yami: Ahh! A sax! K: Umm.)

Yugi followed Yami to the band room; "I play the flute."

Yami nodded getting his instrument from the shelf.

Yugi took out his flute from his backpack and began putting it together.

Yugi got to sit in front of Yami and they would talk at times and complimenting on their talent at their instrument.

After class was lunch and the cafeteria was really crowd. Yugi had wandered off to find Ryou while Yami said he'd be at a table with Jou.

Yugi walked in the halls for a while and spotted Ryou who was looking out the window.

"Hey Ryou."

Ryou looked up, "Hey."

"How were your classes?"

"Boring and I can't tell if Bakura's glaring, lusting or just plain staring at me."

Yugi giggled, "I guess it is hard to tell with him."

"Yeah… what's your next period?"

"Umm… gym."

"Oh goody," Ryou sighed.

"It's not that bad."

"Easy for you to say. You're more trained in this area."

Yugi shrugged, "Well I'm not suppose to use those reflexes."

"I guess but I bet you will anyway."

Yugi laughed, "Maybe. Come on let's go eat."

They both went to the cafeteria looking around.

"Yug! Ryou! Overhear!"

They turned and saw Jou waving them over and sitting at their table was Honda, Bakura, and Yam. Then walked over and sat beside the people they were supposed to watch.

Anzu wasn't to far from the table she was talking to a few girls while trying to watch Yami. Yugi noticed this but tried to ignore it.

"So what are we doing in P. E.?" Ryou asked anybody because they were all in P.E. together.

"I think we're doing archery," Honda answered.

"Ooooh," Yugi rubbed his hands together.

Ryou sweatdropped, "He likes archery."

(Yugi: And anything else with weapons. K: ^_^; )

"I'm not that good," Jou sighed.

"I could help!" Yugi said.



"Thanks Yug!"

"Yug?" Jou sweatdropped, "Yeah a nickname if you don't mind."

Yugi smiled, "It's okay I don't mind."

Through the whole conversation Yami stared at Yugi and Bakura stared at Ryou, thinking the same thing.

'Why does he remind me of the cat?'


Yami: Isn't it obvious. You make me seem idiotic.

K: I don't mean to but you aren't supposed to know.

N. Yugi: Yeah Yami.

Yami: *crosses arms* I guess…

K: I want to know if you want me to put Anzu in P.E. with them so Yugi can 'accidentally' shoot her.

N. Yugi: *holding a sign that says 'Review so Yami won't be so grouchy and kiss me more.'*

Yami: *blink blink* You could have just asked me to kiss you aibou.

K: …