Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ MST: Malik's Favorite Hunter ❯ Horror... ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

MST'ers Note: We've done this because we felt it had to be done. We have various YGO characters popping up, so don't be alarmed by this!

*Malik's Favorite Hunter

Kat: As opposed to his unfavorite hunter.

*Chapter 1: On the side of Evil

Everyone: Why not in front of evil?

Steph: Behind evil! Above evil! It's all good! *^_^*

*Malik was still roaming about Domino. Yami and Yugi could feel it,

Kat: So…*that's* what roaming feels like!!

Sharon: They were feeling Malik… That puts soooo many dirty thoughts in my head.

Malik: Get your head out of the gutter…Before I cut it off.

*regaining his powers, healing wounds. But what they didn't expect was a certain *Rare Hunter by the bay, where they were.

Sharon: ::sings `Down by the bay'

Steph: Which was by the bay… didn't you know?

Kat: No..I didn't! Is the rare hunter gonna fall in??

Seto: I hope so. She'll do us all a favor…

*It was a quiet day, unusual for Domino since after all.

Yami: *pokes sentence with a fork* Hello..? Subject? Do you exist?

Kat: The plot hole took it.

Yami: Damn.

*Battle City ended just only yesterday. Life went back to normal . . . as normal as *things get when you have a Yami and a sen nen item.

Yugii: What's a sen nen item? I have a `sennen' item, but I have not heard of the sen nen items…

Kat: It's probably something the authoress pulled out of her ass.

Sharon: EWWWIE! Don't touch it!

*Yugi looked at the wide-open seaports (I don't know if there's any in Domino, but *work with me!)

Steph: And then the thin closed seaports…They come in a variety of sizes!

Everyone: They..do..?

*"Such a beautiful day. It hardly seems like normal."

Steph: It was because it was unusual. Since after all.

Kat: Ahh!!! The plot hole took it again! It stole the rest of the sentence! ::pokes again with a spork::

Sharon: And what is this normal you speak of? Is it good to eat?

*Yugi said in a whisper.

Yami: Aibou! What have I told you about talking to yourself!

Seto: Damn external monologues… Those are reserved for villains or cool people.

Yami: Are you implying that you're cool?

Seto: Yes.

Yami: ::cough::

*"I'm usually stuck fighting someone for their cards." A young woman, around Yugi's age said as she turned around to face the teen.

Kat: Ah yes…Today is much nicer, so she decided to talk to herself instead!

Seto: You are not worthy of the external monologue!

Yugi looked at her; her clothes seemed oddly familiar.

Yugi: WAIT! Give me back my shirt!

Steph: I would hope clothing is familiar…I would hope it was not foreign…

*Yugi blushed when he seen her face,

Steph: Saw, damn you!! Saw!!! ::pokes grammar hard with a spork::

Honda: Saw through what?

Otogi: Dense…

*she had much beauty to it. Then it hit him.

Yugi: OW!!

*She was a Rare Hunter a woman rare hunter.

All: No kidding! Thank you for saying this; as the pronouns weren't a dead give away…

*'No wonder why the hood and cloak she is wearing looks so familiar.' Yugi thought to himself while continuing to stare at her.

Sharon: It's rude to stare! ::stares::

*"If you were wondering, my name is Yume." The young woman said.

Steph: She likes to go up to random people and tell them her name, right after her external monologues…

* "I have a feeling that we are going to meet again." Yume said and walked off.

All: Oooh… fore shadowy…

*Yugi understood. Her name meant dream. That must mean from her look it seemed *that she was dreaming of better days.

Yugi: I didn't know I could tell those things by looking at someone's face…

Steph: ::pokes sentence with spork:: There's nothing grammatically wrong…It just needed to be done.

**Some where hidden in Domino**

Sharon: WHEEE! Teleportation!

Kat: The unusually quiet place.

*"Yume come, give me that medicine." Malik said while lying on a bed.

Malik: What the hell am I doing?!! God dammit, if I need medicine, I'll get it myself!

*"Yes master." Yume said and walked up to his bedside and fed him his medicine.

Malik: Now heel!! Roll over! But don't stay. Please don't stay.

*"Yume." Malik said and trailed off. He touched her face in a friendly address.

Malik: How about I slap you in mean address instead? I AM NOT FRIENDLY!!! ::everyone scoots away::

Sharon: ::goes up to everyone and starts touching their faces in friendly address:: Hey, this is kinda fun!

Seto: Touch me again and you die.

Steph: Why can't we have unfriendly addresses, like 666 gottohell Ave.

*"Yes master?" Yume asked. She blushed at her master touching her face.

Sharon: She's afraid of germs. It's the COOTIES!!!

Malik: ::is spraying himself with disinfectant:: THE GERMS!!! THE GERMS!! GET THEM OFF!!

*Normally Malik or Yami Malik wanting privacy would usher off the Rare Hunter *taking care of him.

*"I want you to stay in here. Keep me company. I'm all alone in here when I make *everyone leave." Malik said.

Steph/Sharon: He has a nice grasp on the obvious.

Kat: Yes. Yes he does.

*"Hai Malik-sama." Yume said.

Sharon: Lookie!! She's trying to be smart! ::is waving towel around::

Malik: ::pokes sentence with a fork:: Random Japanese doesn't look good…

Seto: I wouldn't think so. You can't cook it.

Steph: No fair! He gets a fork, and she gets a towel! I wanna butter knife!!

Sharon: Butter knife!! tosses Steph butter knife

*"You don't have to do the formalities when you're the only other person in the room *other than me." Malik said.

Malik: What happened to my invisible chipmunk?! He was there!!

Everyone: ::sweatdrop::

*"H-Hai." Yume said as she continued to blush. Malik's touch was warm.

Malik: My arm hurts…

Yami: Well, then, put your arm down…Resist the power of the Mary Sue authoress…

* Unlike when he was dueling, hunting down an enemy, or going to kill someone.

Malik: But…When I do those things, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside!!!

Laura: Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear! Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair! Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy, was he?

Steph: ::pokes Laura with butter knife:: Don't make me start with the woodchucks…

Sharon: ::ish still dancing around with the towel::

**At Yugi's home**

Sharon: Whee!! Instant transportation!

*"SHE IS A WHAT?! AND SHE LOOKS GOOD??!!" Jonouchi yelled at hearing Yugi's words.

Kat: She is a Mary Sue!! Don't look!!

Jounouchi: Uh…I don't like Mary Sues…Sorry…

Kat: Don't be sorry. It's a good thing.

*"Ys, it's true. She's a rare hunter, and yes she is a girl. I think around our age. She said her name was Yume. And that she knows we will talk again soon." Yugi said.

Everyone: Wow..she knows her name…and gender. Isn't she smart?

This shocked Yami.

Yami: OWW!!

Seto: Hey look…his hair is normal now…

Everyone: ::marvels at the sight:: Ooohh…..Ahh….

(/= Yugi to Yami thoughts //=Yami to Yugi thoughts.)

//Hikari, she's a rare hunter?! Why did you speak to the enemy?!// Yami questioned his hikari.

/Gomen nasi, demo. She didn't cause any harm to me wen I spoke. Not normal for a Rare Hunter, huh? / Yugi asked Yami. While Yami pondered.

Yami: Aibou…You have ten seconds to tell me why you called me an ass…

Yugi: It's the bad random use of Japanese!! The…the..Mary Sue made me do it!! ::Cries::

Sharon: Oooh…there's a conjunction…in a sentence…all by itself not connecting any words…

Steph: ::attacks sentence with a butter knife:: I will avenge you, spelling!! And you grammar!!

*Yugi had a point.

Yugi: Actually, I have three. See? Lookit my hair!

Sharon: They're nice and pointy..See them point.

* //Hikari . . . you're right. She did look interesting. // Yami said while remembering what kind look she had to her face, unlike the other Rare Hunters.

Kat: They didn't have looks to their faces…They had looks on their faces!

*Yami's face grew red he was blushing. He remembered her beautiful appearance.

Steph: `Cause she was pretty. And she was a girl! Her name was Yumi. It means Dream. Isn't she dreamy?

::everyone gags::

Yami: I wasn't smiling. I was grimacing at the remembrance of her hideous appearance.

*Yume was a beautiful name for her.

Sharon: Pointy point proven.

*'I wonder. I might grow to be fond of her.' Yami thought to himself and trailed off.

Sharon: Where do you trail off?

Steph: He can trail on!

Kat: He can. But he won't….Why..? Because, it's over!

All: YAY!!!!