Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Moonlit Lover ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: My Moonlit Lover
Part: 4/?
Author: Murasaki Rose
Beta: None
Genre: AU/Romance/Supernatural/Horror
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: YAOI/Anthro/MPREG/Violence
Pairings: YYxY, SxJ, YBxR(established), YMxM(established)
Spoilers: Yami no Yugi's real name.
Disclaimer: Here we go. Yu-Gi-Oh and all it's characters are the property of Kazuki Takahashi, Shueisha, Konami, Toei, and unfortunately, 4 Kids Entertainment. All mentioned characters from the other series are also not mine, they belong to their respective creators. In other words, I don't own them and I'm not making any money off of this, I'm just a fangirl having some fun.
A/N: "text" = speech, 'text' = thought, ((text)) = telepathy, #text# = English, (((text))) = Arabic


Summary: In a world where supernatural beings live hidden amongst humans, you never know who or what's eye you might catch! Humans Yugi Mutou and Katsuya Jonouchi have their world turned upside-down when two werewolves choose them as their lifemates!


After Jonouchi finished pummeling Honda, the group killed a couple hours at the arcade before finally heading to Atem's home. Earlier in the week the Egyptian boy had invited the four teens over for dinner with his "family" and this was the appointed night.

Like Yugi had been before them, the other Japanese teens were surprised that Atem lived in such a large home with just his friends while his parents still in Egypt. Once inside, the group was led to the family room where Atem's friends were waiting and the other three teens were introduced to Bakura, Marik, and the two older Ishtar siblings: Isis and Rishid. Apparently, Malik and Ryou were still upstairs with the twins and at Atem's suggestion, Yugi had eagerly run off to get them.

Just seconds after the small teen left the room the atmosphere shifted noticeably. The previously light and casual "getting to know you" conversation now became more intense, almost as though the three of them were being judged. Carefully guarding his expression Honda answered honestly, but with more care than he would normally use. It was obvious now that Atem and his friends were "very" protective of one another. So protective in fact that Honda couldn't help but wonder if this was how they'd treated Yugi when he first started coming over and made a mental note to ask the smaller teen later.

The strange questioning went on with no sign of ending when Honda finally felt the heavy atmosphere lift, apparently they'd passed. With the tension gone, Atem nodded to Isis who headed upstairs, adding yet another item to Honda's list of: "Weird crap to ask Yugi about".

Barely a minute after the older woman had left, Yugi came thundering down the stairs, stopping to bounce excitedly on the balls of his feet at the bottom while Ryou, Malik, and Isis descended at a much more sedate pace.

"It is my honor to introduce Ryou Morgan, Malik Ishtar, and the twins: Keket (1) and Thabit (2) Ishtar-Wosret," Yugi announced giving an over-dramatic bow at the end (complete with arm sweep for extra effect), making Malik and Ryou grin and the babies giggle. Turning to the newcomers he smiled brightly, "And these are my friends, Katsuya Jonouchi, Anzu Mazaki, and Hiroto Honda."

Yugi's friends couldn't help but be surprised. They'd been told that Ryou was Bakura's boyfriend and Malik was Marik's, but the resemblance was uncanny! If they didn't know better, they'd swear that Malik and Marik were twins, or at least brothers! They both shared the same shade of caramel skin, lavender eyes and cornsilk blond hair. The differences between them were few but noticeable: Marik was a little taller and more muscular than Malik, his long hair standing in spikes similar to Atem's while Malik's fell in spiky waves down his back, and finally Marik's eyes appeared pupilless. (Which was a bit creepy and added an air of insanity to his expression.) Then there was Ryou and Bakura who looked as much alike as Atem and Yugi! Ryou was slender and pale with large chocolate brown eyes and pale silver hair falling in semi-tamed spiky chunks around his face and down to his waist. Bakura on the other hand, stood nearly a head taller than Ryou. His build was muscular and he shared the same caramel-colored skin as the other Egyptian teens, his eyes were the color of dried blood and his own jagged silver hair was cut about an inch above his shoulders.

Bowing politely Ryou and Malik made themselves comfortable by their mates, while Atem pulled Yugi into his lap and was pleasantly surprised when instead of protesting, the small teen settled comfortably against his chest. Meanwhile, Anzu had traded places with Jonouchi in order to be closer to the babies and started a friendly conversation with the young fathers.

Shortly after everyone had settled in again, yet another surprise landed on Yugi's friends, or more specifically Jonouchi. While Anzu was cooing over the twins and the rest of the group made small talk, the doorbell had rung and this time, Malik's brother-in-law Rishid left to greet the newcomers. The rapidly approaching sound of small feet running causing several heads to turn towards the entry just before two small forms dove on the hapless blond.

'What is it, jump on Jou day?!!' he thought plaintively before focusing on the two boys in his lap. The one on his left had long shaggy black hair and blue-gray eyes and the other one . . . looked like a mini-Kaiba with teal hair. Huh.

"You're Katsuya Jonouchi, right?" the teal-haired boy asked, although his tone implied that he already knew the answer.

Jou nodded and both boys shared a grin before launching into a barrage of increasingly embarrassing questions that quickly had the poor blond flustered beyond belief. Just when he thought he couldn't take any more, an authoritative voice cut off their questioning.

"Noa. Mokuba. Leave my puppy alone." Both boys whined, but complied quickly, leaving an incredulous Jonouchi staring at none other than Seto Kaiba.

'That's the second time he's rescued me today!' Jou thought incredulously before another thought hit him, 'THAT'S what he meant earlier!'

"Since everyone's here, I believe it's time to eat." Atem stated, taking Yugi's hand and escorting the smaller teen to the dining room.

The others followed suit, save Kaiba, who strode across the room and held a hand out to the blond, a soft smile on his lips.

Jonouchi was stunned again, Kaiba just kept throwing him off today! Confused and still a bit flustered from before, he hesitantly took the proffered hand and was quickly hoisted to his feet. The two locked eyes and for a moment, Jou thought that Kaiba might kiss him again.

Taking a quick step back, Kaiba turned and instead snaked an arm around the blond's waist. "Shall we?"

Blushing fiercely, Jou could only nod mutely in response while allowing the brunet to lead him into the dining room. He was beginning to understand how Yugi felt around Atem!


While the eclectic group of teenagers, young adults, and children ate, Atem looked around the table at everyone and smiled. This was his pack, present and future. Yugi was seated to his right, followed by Kaiba, Jonouchi, Noa, then Mokuba. To his left were Ryou (Bakura had switched places with him.), Bakura, Honda, and Anzu. While Marik, Malik and their twins were down on the other end with Isis and Rishid on either side of them. These people, both werewolf and human, were all a part of HIS family.

Fondly, he reached over and brushed Yugi's bangs away from his face, enjoying the blush that covered his pale cheeks. He couldn't wait to claim this amazing young man as his own.

Watching the two tri-color-haired teens, Anzu was glad she'd turned from watching Jonouchi try and not look embarrassed from "something" Kaiba (At least she thought Kaiba was responsible, judging by the smug grin he was sporting.) was doing beneath the table, and a determined gleam entered her eyes. Atem was so in love it almost hurt watching him try to woo her childhood friend. She had to talk to him tonight.

Jonouchi jumped when he felt a hand settle just above his knee, again. 'Just ignore it. Just ignore it,' the blond chanted mentally while trying to hide how embarrassed/aroused he was getting. It seemed an impossible task as the damned hand moved higher, softly rubbing his inner thigh in a sensual manner. This had been happening off and on during the entire meal and it was taking the blond all he had just to keep from jumping and yelling every time it happened.

He managed to keep his composure for a just little longer, until that same hand shifted again, this time brushing lightly against his crotch while still rubbing his inner thigh. 'That's enough!'
Barking out a hasty excuse, Jonouchi jumped to his feet and grabbed Kaiba's hand, dragging him away from the table and out of the room.


Desperate for some privacy, the flustered blond didn't stop walking until he'd dragged the brunet out onto the back porch. Once there, Jou turned to face the taller teen, his expression a mix of confusion, anger, and hurt? "What kind of joke are you playing Kaiba?! I've taken a lot of crap from you, but I ain't gonna let you use me in some sick game!"

Backing the blond against the wall, Kaiba locked eyes with the other teen, "It's no game puppy. And I don't make jokes."

"Then why-?" Jonouchi's voice faltered under the Seto's intense gaze. How had he never noticed how deep the other's eyes were?

"Because I finally can," Kaiba answered Jou's partially expressed question, feeling that was an adequate response to what ever it was the blond had meant to ask.

Apparently, Jonouchi thought differently. "What the hell kind of answer is that?!" he demanded angrily.

Sighing, Seto shook his head before catching the blond's gaze again. "It's all I can give you right now. I swear I will explain everything to you soon, but not now. Right now, all I can do is promise that this is real."

Jonouchi stared hard into the Seto's blue eyes, searching for an answer that he could only find this way. What he found shocked him to the core, "Kami, you ARE serious!"

Seto nodded and pulled the stunned blond into his arms, taking advantage of the other's confusion to rain warm kisses across Jou's face and down his throat. Ever since he'd gotten that first taste of his chosen, it seemed he couldn't get enough!

"L-l-look, th-this is all r-really sudden," Jou stammered, confused and slightly, okay incredibly overwhelmed by both Kaiba's revelations and his actions. The brunet was indulging himself by visibly marking his chosen, nibbling and suckling at the bruised patch of flesh he'd left earlier in the crook of Jou's neck.

Feeling shy and embarrassed, Jonouchi thought desperately for something that would get his newfound suitor to give him a little space, "Wh-why d-doh-n't we start out aah-s friends first?" he gasped.

Wanting to give his chosen his full attention, Seto paused and lifted his head to press a chaste kiss to Jou's lips. "If we must," the brunet purred in response, dipping his head back down to return to his task despite what he'd just agreed to.

"Ah- yeah," Jou gently, but firmly pushed the taller teen away. "Friends."

Kaiba smirked but relented, he'd let the blond go, tonight anyway. After all, now that they would no longer be fighting, he'd have to leave his scent on his chosen somehow. Too bad Jonouchi didn't know that.


During Seto and Jou's absence, dinner had concluded with Malik taking the sleepy twins upstairs to get ready for bed. Meanwhile, the rest of the group began clearing the table and putting away the leftovers. It was amidst all this cheerful chaos that Anzu took Atem aside and laid down the facts for the Egyptian teen.

"Atem-kun. If you want Yugi to be your boyfriend you're going to HAVE to ask him directly. He won't believe you're serious if you don't." Atem's crimson eyes widened in surprise but he remained silent, allowing the brunette girl to continue. "Yugi's never had a boyfriend or even had anyone ask him out, so he hasn't even considered the idea that you would want to date him."

"What should I do to convince him I'm serious then?" he asked, thoroughly surprised but also relieved. This did explain Yugi's behavior around him.

"Just ask him out and be honest in your feelings for him," Anzu explained, smiling reassuringly at him. "I know he likes you, a LOT," she stressed. "He just needs to know that he's not imagining things and that you feel the same way about him."

Atem nodded in understanding, "Arigato, Anzu. I'll make sure he knows the depths of my feelings tonight."

Anzu grinned and winked mischievously, "Just don't get too carried away!" she warned in a teasing tone before rejoining the others, leaving a blushing Egyptian in her wake.


While Atem was digesting his conversation with Anzu, a smug-looking Seto and an embarrassed Jonouchi had returned in time to help with the dishes, the brunet wolf keeping close to the blond human the entire time. When dishes were done and the rest of the group had settled back in the family room, Atem took the opportunity to slip outside with Yugi. Anzu's words still ringing in his ears, the Egyptian teen was determined to set his chosen mate straight.

Leading Yugi to a small stone bench in the backyard, Atem gestured for the smaller teen to take a seat. Sitting down next to him, he took Yugi's hands in his own before beginning. "I've been informed that despite all the hinting I've done, that I need to be direct with you." Yugi tilted his head curiously, making the Egyptian teen smile warmly, his chosen was entirely too cute for his own good. "Yugi, would you go out with me tomorrow?" he asked, giving the smaller boy's hands a meaningful squeeze.

There was a long pause while the other teen's words sunk in, before Yugi's eyes widened in surprise, "Like on a date?!" he squeaked.

"Yes, a date." Atem looked at Yugi curiously, "Why are you so surprised?" Even though Anzu had explained it to him, he still wanted to hear Yugi's reasoning.

"I-I just never thought that you-" the amethyst-eyed boy cut himself off, too embarrassed to continue.

"Thought I what?" Atem prodded gently.

"I never thought that you, that anyone, would be seriously interested in dating me," he replied sighing softly. "So I never let myself even consider the possibility that you liked me that way," he continued a bit sadly.

Atem was shocked that his beloved had such a low opinion of himself. "Why do you think no one would want you?"

"Why WOULD anyone want me, Atem-kun? I'm short, geeky, and I have weird hair," he said pouting adorably in his frustration.

Atem smirked, "Funny that's just how I like you. But you forgot intelligent, fun, enchanting, and incredibly sexy."

Yugi blushed brightly, but managed to shoot back cheekily, "Sounds more like you're describing yourself."

"I suppose we shall just have to agree to disagree then," Atem replied, chuckling good-naturedly.

Yugi laughed in return, amethyst eyes sparkling in delight, "I suppose we shall."

Still smiling, the Egyptian wolf tugged on Yugi's hands, pulling the Japanese human into his lap. Yugi squeaked in surprise, before laughing and settling in comfortably against Atem's chest. For the first time since he'd met the charismatic boy, he allowed himself to fully relax and enjoy the attention he was receiving from the other teen.

They stayed that way for some time before Atem made his move. Gently curling his fingers under Yugi's chin, he tilted his head up to meet his eyes. Gazing deeply into the entrancing depths, the crimson-eyed teen closed the distance between them to meet Yugi's lips in their first kiss. Eyes sliding shut in pleasure, Yugi hummed happily into the kiss, wiggling his arms loose in order to wrap them around Atem's shoulders.

From inside the house, several pairs of eyes watched the new couple through the windows, happy that the two had finally gotten together.



August 27, 2008
-edited September 07, 2009


1 - Keket - goddess of darkness
2 - Thabit - strong