Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Moonlit Lover ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title:  My Moonlit Lover
Part:  7/15
Author:  Murasaki Rose
Beta:  None
Genre:  AU/Romance/Supernatural/Horror
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  YAOI/Anthro/MPREG/Violence
Pairings:  YYxY, SxJ, YBxR(established), YMxM(established)
Spoilers: Yami no Yugi's real name.

Disclaimer:  Here we go.  Yu-Gi-Oh and all it's characters are the property of Kazuki Takahashi, Shueisha, Konami, Toei, and unfortunately, 4 Kids Entertainment.  All mentioned characters from the other series are also not mine, they belong to their respective creators.  In other words, I don't own them and I'm not making any money off of this, I'm just a fangirl having some fun.

A/N:  "text" = speech, 'text' = thought, ((text)) = telepathy, #text# = English, (((text))) = Arabic

Summary:  In a world where supernatural beings live hidden amongst humans, you never know who or what's eye you might catch!  Humans Yugi Mutou and Katsuya Jonouchi have their world turned upside-down when two werewolves choose them as their lifemates!

Author's note:  Virtual cookies to dragonlady222 for being dead-on about Atem and the "aibou" thing.  Also huge thanks to Lbry for bringing up Yugi's family.  I would have forgotten them otherwise.
And look!  We have plot, smut, and limes!  *squeals happily*


When Yugi returned home on Sunday night, his grandfather and mother had cheerfully welcomed him back, then sent him upstairs to put up his things before dinner.  Having expected this, the small teen had hugged them both tightly before running off to do just that and maybe get his backpack ready for school tomorrow as well.

It wasn't until they had sat down to dinner that the two elders started acting a bit odd.

At first he thought it was his imagination, but as the meal progressed, he noticed that they both kept shooting him odd glances.  Then in-between the odd looks, one would open their mouth as though to speak, but would seem to think better of it and stop.  Yugi tried to ignore it the strange behavior but as it continued on into clean-up, the small teen decided that enough was enough.

"All right!  What the heck is bothering you two so much?!" he exclaimed, glaring at his mother and grandfather.

"What makes you think something's wrong?" Atsuko asked innocently, mentally wincing when her son simply raised an eyebrow at her response.

Fortunately for her, Sugoroku was the one to answer him.  "It's nothing really, Yugi.  We were just wondering if you and Atem did anything unusual over the weekend?" the elder Mutou asked, stressing the word "unusual".

"Grandpa!"  Yugi's scandalized expression easily overtook the embarrassed blush that wanted to cover his face.  He couldn't believe he was being asked that!  "What makes you think we did anything?!"

"We're just concerned about you," his mother answered genuinely.

Huffing and crossing his arms, Yugi gave them both an irritated glare, "That doesn't mean I need to tell you what Atem and I do when we're alone together!"  Shaking his head angrily he stormed out of the kitchen.  "Don't you trust me?" he asked softly just before he moved out of sight.

"Oh Yugi," Atsuko murmured sadly, wincing slightly when she heard his bedroom door slam.  "Maybe . . maybe we're over-reacting . . .  I mean, his health is as good as ever, he's even happier now than when he left-"

"But they did do something, Yugi's aura has changed!" Sugoroku interrupted.  "And it's not the same aura that other bitten weres have before their first transformations!"

"Atem hasn't bitten him.  I've checked his neck on both sides and the only thing he has there are hickeys."

The elderly shopkeeper was astonished, "How did you manage that?"

She waved off-handedly, "I made him give me his shirt for the laundry . . . the important thing is that he doesn't have anything resembling a bite mark."

Sugoroku frowned thoughtfully, "I think we need some more information on Egyptian werewolves.  It's possible they have rituals we've not seen before."

Atsuko nodded in agreement.  She wanted to know what had happened to her baby over the weekend.  From Yugi's demeanor and Atem's overall behavior around her son, she doubted it was harmful, but something had changed and she desperately wanted to know what.


The next morning Yugi was still irritated and pointedly avoided his mother and grandfather while getting ready for school.   He knew they meant well, but he wasn't a little kid anymore!  He was eighteen years-old, for goodness sake!  Scowling angrily the petite teen stomped down the street, so caught up in his inner grumblings he was oblivious to his surroundings.

"Yugi!  Wait up!"

Startled into awareness, the small teen stopped and turned around to see Anzu running towards him.  Concerned blue eyes regarded him thoughtfully, "I've been trying to get your attention for a whole block, what's wrong?"

Knowing better than to beat around the bush with Anzu, Yugi gave her the short story, "Mom and Grandpa were trying to find out what Atem and I were doing over the weekend."

The brunette nodded sagely, "No wonder you're upset.  No one wants their parents knowing about those kind of things," she teased.

"Anzu!" Yugi exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.  "Has everyone in my life gone completely perverted?!"

"Who says I was being perverted?" she replied, mock-innocently, "What's going on in your head that you thought that's what I was thinking?"

Stunned, Yugi gaped and struggled to come up with a response when a warm, familiar pair of arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him against a hard chest.  "Hmm, I hope whatever it is, it involves me aibou," Atem purred, licking the shell of Yugi's ear.

Used to such events by now, Anzu rolled her eyes and prepared to once again scold the Egyptian teen for embarrassing her small friend, only to be stopped cold by what she saw.  Normally, Yugi would blush and squirm away from such amorous behavior in public, but today her friend was actually turning into the embrace and twining around his boyfriend like a piece of ivy.  Then her childhood friend proceeded to make HER blush by licking a slow trail up Atem's neck to his ear, nibbling and sucking on the sensitive lobe.  Fascinated, the poor girl couldn't bring herself to turn away, despite the fact that she knew it was rude to stare.  But how could she NOT!

Fortunately for her, Jonouchi came to her rescue.  "Feelin' a little frisky this morning, Yugi?"

Blinking in surprise, Yugi released Atem's ear and stared at his best friend with confused and slightly foggy eyes, "Jonouchi-kun?   When did you get here?"

"Soon enough to keep Anzu here from fainting," he teased as the four of them started walking once again.  Much to the blond's surprise instead of turning strawberry red and running ahead of Atem and the others, Yugi simply cuddled impossibly closer to his boyfriend as they walked.  Attempting to make sense of this new development, the confused blond was completely unprepared for the smack Anzu gave the back of his head.

"Ow!  Anzu, why?!"

"I was not about to faint!" she denied vehemently, planting her hands on her hips and tapping her foot in irritation.

"Mazaki, why are you hitting my puppy?"

Anzu huffed and rolled her eyes in exasperation.  "It was only once and he's got a head like a rock," she defended herself, pushing the blond over to his newly arrived stalker-slash-love interest.  "I'd have to use a sledgehammer to do any real damage."

"Hey!" Jou protested both to her statement and to Kaiba's wandering hands.

"Not a chance, puppy.  You're all mine for the next nine blocks," the tall brunet purred, nuzzling the sensitive skin behind Jonouchi's ear.

"Eep!  Anzu help!" the blond cried, struggling to free himself from Seto's grasp.

"It's just nine blocks, Jonouchi.  You'll be fine," she replied, giggling when he deflated with a whine as Seto drew him even closer.


Later that week at the beginning lunch break, Seto hung back to handle a situation he'd been expecting for some time now.  Sure enough, his "competition" did not disappoint, approaching him the second he was alone.

"I don't know how you're scent-marking him but I've had enough!" the fox demon hissed warningly.

The wolf smirked down at the seething kitsune, "Jealous much?" he taunted.

Green eyes flashing dangerously, the raven-haired teen barely stifled an angry growl.  "Jonouchi is mine!"

Folding his arms across his chest, Kaiba snorted disdainfully at the delusional fox.  "Really.  Even though he has turned you down every time you've thrown yourself at him?"

Otogi waved it off, "He's just playing hard to get."

Kaiba smirked, "And yet it's MY scent covering his body."

Snarling, Otogi dropped all pretenses, "Look wolf," he sneered, "However you're marking him, I know he's not letting you do it willingly or else you'd mark him here in front of everyone."

"Does this conversation have a point?" Kaiba interrupted rudely, ignoring the obvious insult.

Glaring at the taller teen, Otogi continued, "Yes.  I'm challenging you for the rights to mate with Jonouchi.  If you can't win him over in one month, then you have to relinquish your claim on him."

"And if I succeed?"

Flipping his long ponytail over one shoulder the green-eyed teen gave the brunet an arrogant grin, "Then I'll relinquish my claim and leave you be."

Stomping down the urge to shred the other supernatural into a quivering pile of flesh and organs, the brunet wolf extended his hand to the other teen.  "It's a deal," he agreed, shaking hands with the kitsune.

Assured of his victory Otogi laughed to himself, this was too easy.  In just one short month, Kaiba would be out of his hair and Jonouchi would be all his!

Turning his back on the gloating teen, Seto allowed himself a smirk of his own.  'Stupid kitsune, I won't need a whole month.  Katsuya is already receptive to my advances,' he thought, blue eyes gleaming in delight.  'In three weeks time, the moon will be full and Jou will be my mate.'


Two weeks before the next full moon:

Much to his frustration, Yugi found himself wanting Atem at the most inconvenient times on a regular basis.  It hadn't been so bad in the beginning, but lately he'd been so horny that he and his boyfriend had started sneaking off between classes to get each other off.  Yet despite his worry over being caught, the Japanese teen just couldn't bring himself to care, the only thing that mattered to him was Atem.


"Let me help you with that aibou," the wolf purred as he backed his chosen into a stall in the deserted bathroom.

"Mmm, Atem," Yugi moaned appreciatively as his boyfriend unbuttoned and unzipped his pants to slip a hand inside.   Smiling into his neck, the darker teen nibbled softly on Yugi's pale neck while pushing his pants and boxers down his hips.
His cock free from the painful confines of his clothing, Yugi sighed blissfully and moved to reciprocate only to feel his boyfriend lowering himself to his knees.  "Atem, what-?"

"I'm feeling peckish, aibou," the wolf replied, gracefully dropping to the floor, bringing himself eye-level with his chosen's swollen length.

"What?!  I am NOT a snaaaack!" the last word trailing off into a strangled squeak, as a familiar, hot cavern closed around his length.  Slamming one hand over his mouth and tangling the other into Atem's spiky locks, Yugi's eyes rolled back into his head as his boyfriend made a meal out of him.


One week before the next full moon:

Moaning deep in the back of his throat, Yugi felt the tremor it caused in Atem's lean frame just before the tanned teen's length exploded in his mouth.  Humming in delight, the pale teen eagerly suckled every last drop before releasing the limp flesh with a soft pop.  Peeking between his legs, he noticed that Atem's crimson eyes were still hazy and with a mischievous giggle, began peppering the sensitive insides of the other's thighs with soft kisses.  His efforts were soon rewarded by a scorchingly-hot mouth and sinfully-talented tongue returning to his own painful erection.  Moments later, amethyst eyes slammed shut and their owner was burying his face into one of the thighs he'd been kissing to muffle his shout of completion.

Chuckling proudly, Atem carefully manipulated his chosen's limp form to rest against his chest, with all the times at school the smaller teen had gotten quite good at quieting his screams.  This was the first time that Yugi was horny enough to dare try anything in his own home while his mother and grandfather were downstairs in the shop.  Kissing Yugi's damp forehead, Atem let his hands glide up and down his chosen's soft skin.

Relaxing in the pleasant afterglow, Yugi cuddled his sweaty form against Atem, enjoying the light caresses the darker teen was giving his body.  The wolf's hands continued to glide ghost-like across his chest to circle his peaked nipples before trailing further down to brush over his limp penis and back up again.  Yugi basked in the light caresses, but soon he was enjoying it too much.  Feeling his groin begin to tighten again, Yugi attempted to dissuade his eager boyfriend.

"Mmm, no Atem.  You're gonna make me hard again."

Grinning ferally down at his chosen, Atem instead gripped and stroked the panting teen's cock firmly, bringing him back to full hardness.  "That's the idea, aibou."

"But, Okaasan and Jiichan-mmph."

Mouth sealed against the smaller teen's, Atem gently pried his lips open and engaged him in a slow, sensual tongue battle.   Giving in, Yugi wrapped his arms around Atem's neck and held him close, their mouths locked together until Yugi pulled away to gasp sharply.  Smirking down at him, the crimson-eyed wolf licked a trail down to his cock which was hard and aching once more.  Locking eyes with his amethyst-eyed human, Atem wrapped his kiss-swollen lips around the head of Yugi's penis in warning, he was going to make his beloved chosen scream.

Recognizing the warning for what it was, Yugi snatched a pillow and held it with both hands in front of his face.  He only hoped it would muffle the sound enough not to alert his family.


May 26, 2010
