Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Name ❯ One ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kaiba is NOT my name. It's HIS name, the name HE gave me when HE adopted me. It is a useful name to me. Because of that name, I can get what I want. I can give Mokuba everything he should have.

But Kaiba is, and always will be, HIS name.

THEY call me Kaiba, most of the time. THEY don't see that it hurts me to be called HIS name. HE is the only thing I'm afraid of. HE is what keeps me awake for days on end, because I don't want to face the nightmares that my memories have evolved into.

HE never did anything that was immediately visible, and when HE went too far, there were plenty of doctors that would just do the job and forget about it. But I can't forget. I remember everything HE did to me. Every strike, every hurt. I remember the long hours in the bathroom, trying to was HIM away.

But the taint never goes away. It will be with me forever. HIS name follows me wherever I go.

Whenever THEY call me Kaiba, I want to shout, to scream at them that my name is Seto. I'm not Kaiba. I'm not HIM. I would never do to anyone what HE did to me.

Kaiba isn't my name......