Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Natural Darkness ❯ Just Have A Little Faith ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Natural Darkness "Have Alittle Faith"

Inu:I have no clue where this one came from. Maybe it was when I was reading when Shonen Jump interviewing Kazuki Takahashi. *shrugs* Oh well. I just hope you people enjoy this one!


Inu:WHERE!? *looks around*


< br> It was cold, raining, clouded, and gloomy.

The perfect weather for a cursed girl....the one walking on the sidewalk, hugging the purple wool coat close to her for warmth.

"Ah..Ah..AHCHOO!!!!!!" Faith sneezed which also caused her to wince from the pain she had recieved earlier from some gang members. And wishing she hadn't ran into to them at all. Now there was going be news about the toughest gang in Domino gone insane with no explanation.

Faith sneezed again and hugged her coat close to her body for warmth. She looked up at the street lamp and held out a hand. The skin was grey and a black marking showing from underneath the bandaged arm.

The girl sighed and lowered her hand. When the gang had attacked her it had also caused her to changed into something that she didn't want to be, but now she was and she still didn't have any clue of how to changed back.


Faith looked at her wrist watch to see it was one in the morning. She looked up at the sky and her eyes fluttered as the rain fell on her.

'Mom must be worrying sick. This is the sixth time I did this to her,' Faith looked around her. Nobody was to be seen for miles. 'I'm sorry, mama. But I have reasons to stay out this late when i'm not...myself.'

Faith hunched up and lunged up onto the street lamp. There she sat on it, her legs dangling on each side. She sighed and sat there; her skin was still getting soaked through her coat.

The girl let out another sneezed and held onto the head of the lamp for support, for almost losing her balance. She didn't know what else to do with this...strange mutation.

Every time she was mad, hurt, sad, scared or anything that had to do with negative energy. She would changed into this mutant she was now. Her skin would turn grey, her hair black, and strange black marking would appear underneath her eyes and arms. The only thing that remained the same was the marking on her back, and her green eyes; that was about it.

Her mind would be the same, but a dark edgeyness to it would be added. She was full of dark powers that seemed to be use to hurt people. And Faith was scared, she didn't want to tell anyone because she was more afraid of them shipping her off to some place like...Area 51.

Where looney scientist could study her and place her a isolation room; where she would have no contact with other humans or the outsid world.

Warm tears slide down her cheek of just the thought of something happening to her like that.

'This is why I tried to handle it on my own. This is why I keep to myself even if it meant mom or my friends getting hurt by my new ways of behaving.' Faith rubbed her tears away with her damp sleeve.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!" A scream caught the attention of young Faith.

She looked down to see a girl of 20 years old being persude by a couple of men. Faith glowered. She could feel her powers stirring; wanting to help the lady. Faith watch them chase her into a dark alleyway.

She leaped down without a probelm and stood up. Her powers coursed through her like boiling water. They wanted to be released, to punish those that dare hurt the innocent.

Faith smirked and follow the gangbangers. At least her powers wanted to be use for good and not for bad.

'Maybe it wouldn't really be that bad to be this...mutant.' she thought, landing on the fire escape stairs. She looked down to see the group of men had the lady cornered. She could see that the lady eyes were full of fear.

The lady whimpered as the men moved upon her. She covered her face and looked away.


The men stopped in thier tracks and looked to see a figure of 5'5, darken by the light shinning from behind it.

The lady looked to see the men forgetting about her and appoarching the new victuim. She could hear them laughing as they held out their pocketknives and pipes they had picked up from the ground.

The figure eyes glowed green. Some parts of the face could be seen from underneath the huge hood.

"Shall we play a game?" it asked.

Inu: OKAY! I'm gonna end it there! And if does well, then I might continued. *shrugs* I really hate it when stories like these just pop in your head. *smile* But anyways. If you like review! So I could know, and maybe continue this on! ^^