Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ On Angel's Wings! ❯ Revealed! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

On Angel's Wings
By Gogina
A/N: Thanks to dragonlady222 for reviewing! And thanks to tinkle time Kelly for reviewing chapter 1.
Chapter 4
Dream Sequence . . .
“Can you hear me, young one?”
Yugi's eyes fluttered open at the familiar voice.
Kydu? Yes, I can hear you.”
“You must listen to me, Chosen One. The time for your mission is close. An evil, one like you've never faced before, is coming. You must be ready before he arrives. Do you understand?”
“I-I think so, but, Kydu, I don't have all of my memories.”
“Not to worry, you'll remember soon enough. For now, you have to awaken. Your friend is extremely worried about you.”
End Dream Sequence . . .
Yugi felt something pressing against him tightly as he regained consciousness. Someone was whispering words of comfort in his ear.
“Yami,” he whispered, smiling.
The pressure was immediately lifted as Yami turned his aibou around so he could see him.
“Yugi, are you all right?” he asked, worriedly.
Yugi closed his eyes and lowered his head.
“Yami, I'm not who you think I am,” he announced, softly.
His friend frowned in confusion.
“Yugi, what are you talking about?”
Violet eyes filled with tears met crimson.
“I don't even belong in this world, Yami. I was only sent here for one purpose.”
“He's beginning to remember.” (A/N: This is either Kydu, or Dertu)
Yugi suddenly placed a hand to his forehead, closing his eyes in slight pain. A rush of feelings, emotions, and memories bombarded him. Yami was startled when Yugi raced out of the room, out the door, and down the street. Recovering quickly, the former pharaoh rushed after him.
`I feel like my body's on fire,' Yugi thought, struggling to continue forward. `If I remember correctly, my body's going to be going through some changes soon. I don't want Yami to see this.'
A bright light flashed before his eyes, blinding him momentarily, but not enough so he couldn't see, or feel, what was happening to him. His clothes changed to ones of pure white. His eyes closed, then opened, revealing golden orbs that glowed with knowledge and understanding that far surpassed his years. Pain registered on his back and he screamed in agony as his back opened up and two pure white wings appeared, spread wide and graceful. The extent of the transformation was exhausting, causing Yugi to fall to the ground, unconscious.
“Yugi! Yugi, where are you?”
Yami's concern was growing with every minute he didn't hear a reply. The scream he heard sent shivers up his spine.
“Yugi!” he shouted, running in the direction the scream came from.
The clearing was brightly lit, but it wasn't because of the moon. Yami stopped dead in his tracks at the sight that greeted him. The figure on the ground moved slightly, until it stood up.
“Y-Yugi?” Yami stammered, incredulous. “Is that you?”
The figure turned to look at him and a small smile spread across its face.
“Hello, Yami.”
A/N: So, Yugi's regained his memories of his being an angel, but how's Yami going to react and everyone else? And we still don't know how Yugi's going to carry out his mission, or what that mission is! But, you all know how to find out, right? The little button at the bottom of the page. ^__^ R&R.