Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ On Angel's Wings! ❯ Lesons! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

On Angel's Wings!
By Gogina
A/N: I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update, but I was in a car accident a little while ago. Hopefully, I can take my time making this chapter more enjoyable for you.
Warning: Yugi is slightly OOC in this chapter.
Now, on with the story . . .
Last time . . .
“Yami?” he whispered, his eyes suddenly narrowing into a determined scowl. “No, I can't be too late!”
Chapter 6
The Game Shop was dark when the figure landed in front of it. Hand shaking, Yugi slowly opened the door, wincing as the bell tinkled. Not a sound could be heard in the darkened store and a gnawing feeling entered the pit of Yugi's stomach, immediately telling him that something was wrong.
“Yami?” he called, cautiously glancing into the back room.

Thump! Yugi jerked his head around at the sound of something falling. A dark shadow silently crept through the room, eyeing the angelic youth dangerously. A low growl sounded throughout the shop, causing Yugi to shiver slightly. His eyes narrowed as a snarl interrupted his search and something jumped out from behind a pile of boxes. Instantly, Yugi turned, eyes blazing with fire as his hand immediately went to his sword that his faithful friends had given to him before he had left. A monster twice his size stood there, drool dripping from its mouth as it lunged at the angel. Without thinking twice, Yugi swung the sword, a slicing sound cutting through the air as the monster fell to the floor, withering in pain from his wound. Calmly, Yugi placed the sword back in its rightful place, turning toward the monster, grabbing his collar, and lifting him off the floor, a determined scowl on his face.
Where is he, Wrath?” the youth demanded.
The demon smirked evilly, causing Yugi to tighten his grip on the monster's neck.
“I said, where IS he!?”
Realizing the little angel meant business, Wrath swallowed the huge lump in his throat, or, at least, tried to.
“He's coming to the dark side, Oh High and Mighty Angel.”
Yugi's eyes flashed brightly as he once again tightened his hold.
“Don't play games with me, Wrath,” the angel warned. “I'm pretty sure that He just gave me the go ahead to rid you from my presence. Now, you're going to tell me where Yami is, right now!”
The demon sputtered slightly before muttering, “Okay, okay, I'll tell you.”
Yugi nodded and dropped the monster to the floor, where he immediately clutched his neck from lack of air.
“Start talking,” Yugi ordered, folding his arms across his chest, his sword clanking at his side, just in case.
Wrath glared up at him in disgust.
“Fear and Destruction took him to meet the master,” he answered, averting his eyes away from the heavenly being. “By this time tomorrow, Yami will become one with his darkness and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it!”
Yugi brought his hand up as it glowed with a bright light, surrounding the demon, causing it to cry out in pain. By the time the light disappeared, Wrath was destroyed.

“Obviously, Lucifer never taught you how to fight,” Yugi mumbled to the darkness. “If he had, I'd probably be in trouble right now.”
Lightning flashed outside as the angel listened to the soft pit-pat of rain on the ground. Thunder boomed overhead as Yugi looked up towards the ceiling, a small smile on his face.
“Of course,” he said out loud. “The cemetery. Lucifer's favorite place of torture. I only hope I can make it in time.”
With that said, Yugi took off into the night, his wings like guiding beacons for anyone who might've been looking towards the sky.
(Hours Later)
Yugi was drenched by the time he arrived at the cemetery. Lightning continuously flashed in the sky, drawing closer by the minute by how close the thunder and lightning were to each other. A bolt of lightning illuminated the cemetery, sending shadows scurrying in all different directions. Yugi stopped walking, eyeing the shadows cautiously.
“I know you're there,” he called, his eyes narrowing with a no-nonsense look. “He's with me, Lucifer, and he's telling me every move you make! Come out, now!”
A tall shadow moved off to the left of the youth. Quickly, Yugi turned towards it, eyes widening and a gasp escaping his lips as he recognized the form of Yami moving towards him.
“Well, well, well, little Yugi,” a demonic voice came from Yami's mouth. “It seems you're at a disadvantage.”
Yugi grit his teeth at the devil that had controlled his best friend's body.
“How so?” he asked, even though he already knew the answer.

“If you don't cooperate, little one, your friend here will never see daylight again!” came the reply as lightning streaked across the sky.
A/N: Wow, I guess I wanted to make it up to you guys for not updating, so, you get a pretty long chapter. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to R&R!