Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One's Desire ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Insanity Gurl: Ok I had started this story and never really well got round to actually doing it but I feel like doing a yaoi story…. *Shrugs* Don't know why. But anyway. I need to think of an idea….

Bakura: Great. We're gonna be here all day.

Insanity Gurl: No. I have an idea! *Evil giggle*

Johanna: O.o; Am I in it?

Insanity Gurl: No.

Emma: What about me?

Insanity Gurl: No

Kathryn: ME?

Insanity Gurl: No.

Johanna: Y_Y *sobs* Are you?

Insanity Gurl: No.

Bakura: Good.

Insanity Gurl: … anyway. On with the story! This is my very first attempt to do a sad story…O.o;.

Bakura: Get on with it

Insanity Gurl: ok here it is! Oh and I'm err attempting to do a Yaoi story…O.o you don't like. You don't read. RyouxBakura … mostly all Yaoi couples.


~ Normal's POV ~

Lying peacefully his pale skin reflected off the neatly furnished curtains, only to stir from such brightness. His chocolate brown eyes scanned the area, as he sees his yami in the corner resting his head in his arms. `What's he doing here?' thought the young albino as he shifted to a more comfortable position sitting upright. He looked around the observed where his current location is, as his eyes drop down to his stitched wrist.

"Not again…" he whispers looking at it softly swaying his attention back to his yami.

"Bakura" his sweet British accent spoke being swept in the air as he looks to the one who was muttering something as his somewhat harsh eyes return to the lighter half seeming somewhat stressed or lack of sleep. Most likely both.

"You're awake" said the older darker one still remaining his spot on the chair.

"Yes… what happened?" asks Ryou touching his stitch hastily pulling away in pain.

"Don't touch that. Don't you remember what happened?" his deep voice spoke standing up stretching his arms.

Simply shaking his head he watched carefully as the dark one known as Bakura walks over to the curtains pulling them open allowing light to enter the room.

"You tried to kill yourself again" with that Ryou looked at his utterly insane half and looked away biting his lip.

"Again?" he recites gazing upon the hospital room.

"Didn't you hear me the first time?" he growled but still trying to sound caring.

"I don't know why you do it. I mean. It's pathetic. Maybe you don't even know why you do It." simply resting his head against his arms he paced back and forth between the door and window.

It's true… Ryou didn't know why he cut himself so many times. Maybe it was as no one was there to care for him. Sure Bakura had always been there to the rescue when he was sick or unwell. But Bakura had more things happening in life than just Ryou.

`There is always someone for everyone' his father's voice kept travelling off in his head. Ryou thought maybe what his father was saying is true but there was no evidence to back up such things. Everybody had somebody to look and care after them. Yugi had Yami. Marik had Malik, and mostly everyone was with their hikaris. Except Ryou and Bakura…

It's true he has quite a lot of friends… but anyone who would care more than that? `Even if I do die sooner or later, everyone has someone to help them get through it' he thought which caused his depression to drop more.

But there was one person Ryou thought who could make him happy. That person was Bakura. He loved him more than anything and just wished for Bakura to love him back. But trying to get Bakura to show his feelings was terribly hard. He would always mutter or grunt more than say it. Ryou thought Bakura would never return the feelings he had for him.

Ryou had been suffering a lot since Bakura got his own body. He had become weaker than he already was. He was more oblivious to many things, which made much more people pity him.

Trying to get in a more comfortable position, Ryou sat upright twisting his body side ways to get off the bed. Wincing in doing so as his yami rushed over to him.

"Stop moving Ryou! It'll just make it worse" he growls, lying Ryou back down, against the soft plush pillow.

"But…What about school?" Ryou manages to say, as his eyes began to drop.

"You are absent. You are not going to school in this condition. That's final Ryou" he snapped, even though trying to sound comforting Bakura was never really good at those sorts of things.

Even Ryou knew that.

"Ryou-kun!" squealed a voice a he raced into the hospital ward.

"What happened?" asks the young tri-coloured boy as his eyes began to water.

"Nothing did Yugi I'm fine," Ryou said smiling down at the younger youth. His glazed eyes looked back at the white haired albino with forgiveness as he tried to bring a smile to his small pale lips.

"We bought you some flowers Ryou," says Yugi, as he gives Ryou a fake smile and withdraws the blossom flowers behind his back.

"They're beautiful Yugi. You shouldn't have" he says slowly grasping them in his hand only to run his fingers over each petal.

"Are you feeling ok?" he asks, still looking half caring, half worried at the small white-headed boy.

"Of course I am Yugi"

"Ryou…" his eyes water slowly as he continues to stare at the older paler one.

"Yes Yugi?" it was obliviously something important that Yugi had to say, due to his glazed watered eyes.

"Please don't do that again" he sniffs rubbing his violet eyes only to see Ryou smiling back at him.

"Don't worry Yugi I won't. I promise"

"Really?" He snuffed even more heavily this time as Ryou nodded.

"Thank you Ryou! I don't know what would happen if I lost a friend like you" he chirps sniffing in-between words, as Ryou was embraced by the younger ones arms.

He gave the younger smaller one a little smile, as sooner or late he left, as Ryou's older bitter half appeared once more.

"Is he gone?" he asks as the young boy looks up and nods.

"Yes Bakura he is" he whispered, only to be swept into the air like a sudden breeze.

"Good. How are you feeling?" He muttered, trying to avert Ryou's gaze.

A red tinge filled Ryou's face as he turned his attention to outside the window.

"Good. Thank you for asking… and thank you for staying here with me Bakura. It really means a lot" he whispered at the end, as he felt his cheeks warm up as he shows a small smile.

"I'm only doing this because…because…" he watched his Yami stutter as he tilted his head slightly.

"Because what?" he asked, hoping it would be somewhere near love. Fat chance.

"Because I need someone to cook me my food" he says casually sitting down, crossing his arms and legs obviously happy in himself to come up with that as Ryou relaxed back down on his bed.

"Ohh" he whispered as Bakura gave him a small smile, not to be seen by Ryou, as he says,

"What did you think I was going to say?" he asks, as his smile curves into a somewhat devilish smirk.

"Oh nothing… I was just wondering" he spoke as his eyes began to drop, as he looks over to his older darker half.

"Bakura I think I might take a quick nap now… you can go into your ring now if you want" says Ryou, as he slowly gets into a comfortable position smiling slightly, as he closes his chocolate eyes, and let out a small sigh. He rests his mop of hair against the plush pillow keeping his gentle smile.

"I think I go terrorize some people then come back"

"Ok Bakura… see you soon" he rolls onto his side, as the light flicked off, and he relaxed a bit more.

"Night" With that finishing statement Bakura, strolled out the hospital ward, and out into the fresh air, as he grinned evilly, and clapped his hands together. He scanned the area, only to see innocent normal civilians walking downtown.

"Which one first?" grinning he takes his anger, on a mother and child.


Insanity Gurl: Ok that's it… I'll do more if I feel like it. But I don't right now so meh.

Bakura: ^-^ I get to kill!!!

Insanity Gurl: ^_____^

Bakura: ^________^

Everyone: ^______________^

Insanity Gurl: Please review!!!!