Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Paradise City ❯ How this happened... ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ok…so I admit…I'm getting nowhere with Reason to Live. The fact is that I'm stuck and feel like working on something else. I get bored easily…plus…I don't feel like making the beating that long. I'd much prefer working ahead on fluff and etc. So now I'm doing something different…even if it's not going to start out fluffy. This is a story of seduction!

WARNING!!!: Language, and Shonen Ai/ Yaoi later on.

Paradise City by: Angela (orangeaura868)

Chapter One: Prologue

Ryou walked into his house from the outside garden . Of course…the house could be more accurately described as a mansion and the gardens were large and exotic. Ryou lived in a very wealthy place, however, it was very remote.

He sighed openly upon finding it empty…although it shouldn't have come as a surprise to him. His father was a very wealthy archaeologist…and there were few that were that successful. Ryou was awfully proud of his father but secretly wished he could just be at home more often. Ryou would always push those thoughts aside, being the selfless person he was. He really did wish for companionship though. It seemed like ages since someone had been in the house.

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Ryou's mother had died nine years ago along with his beloved little sister, Amane. Things had never been the same since then. He was only seven at the time but he still remembered with crystal detail the crude emotion of despair wreak havoc upon his very soul as he collapsed onto the ground sobbing desperately for his mother and sister back.

Children were not meant to suffer loss and Ryou was a fine example of the consequences. Ryou didn't know how to handle everything that was happening to him. He was scared by nearly everything upon realizing its potential dangers. He would be completely selfless noticing how suddenly human life could be changed. Everything he did it was for someone else. He could be seen as the best child in the world had it not been for all he was destined to go through.

Ryou's father suffered as well immediately after the accident. The poor man doled out his money on drinks and would drown his grief with alcohol and wallow in his misery. However…the difference from the parent and the child was that Mr. Bakura soon overcame that hurdle and set his way back to normal life. He returned to his work in Egypt, leaving his young son behind with a tutor knowing that Ryou would appreciate the reason to avoid a social life.

The years progressed slowly but wonderfully…Professor Bakura soon gaining fame and fortune with his discoveries in Egypt. Ryou himself was an academic marvel although he still shied away from the public life his father lived. Everything was fine really. He even met his mentor's grandson and the two became good friends. They were absolutely inseparable…and quite a pair it was. Ryou's snow white hair against Malik's beige blond locks, and the chocolate brown eyes smiling across to those lilac colored, mischievous orbs. They were a perfect duo…and those years were the absolute best for Ryou and Malik.

Fate, however… seemed to have targeted Ryou for misfortune. When Ryou turned 15, Mr. Ishtar had fallen fatally ill. The man was old…so it was not entirely bad luck. Then again…after his death later on…Malik had been taken away to an orphanage God-Knows-Where.

Again, Ryou feel into yet another whir of negative emotions…ripping though his senses, causing him endless nights of sobbing and disturbed sleep. Rest still eluded him and he slipped farther away from anything social at all. He had given each servant he had 2,000 dollars and requested they find a new job. He had become a recluse who again dropped all hope for living and ate only to avoid sickness or bad health…he insisted to not give up on life no matter what it had done to him.

It was quite disheartening, really…the son faltering with each step and barely a safe distance from falling while the father walked on ahead…oblivious to all behind him as he walked confidently onwards.

Why should he inquire to his son at all? Ryou always put on a smile and a happy face while convincing his father that he was fine so that he wouldn't worry about him. Professor Bakura had much too much to do anyway seeing that his important discovery concerned the mysterious young death of King Tut.

Turns out that he had stumbled (literally) into a room that all his other colleagues had seemed to have missed. Upon closer examination, Ryou's father could see tiny hieroglyphics covering the walls. After months of work decoding the inscriptions…he found a suicide note. However…the museums had stopped sponsoring his dig just days before he finished translating his treasure. One he went public with his discovery…every museum lined up for slabs of the rock engraved with the now famed tale. It was auctioned off…the highest bidder getting it for giving two million dollars to Professor Bakura…as well as sponsoring the archaeological team on any further projects.

Marvelous news for the torn apart family…Ryou had moved into a larger house with his tutor/mentor and had continued this for several years until his teacher died and left him alone…all alone except for his father who he loved dearly even if no comfort could be given from him…Thus concluding the tale of Ryou's tragic life…all except for his days with Malik, every other day had been filled with pain and loneliness.

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Ryou leaned against his arms, which were folded on the table as he sat and mused over the terrible news he had gotten earlier this afternoon. It had brought a whole new meaning to `no news is good news'. Professor Hiken had called and informed him on his father's status whenever Ryou's father was busy. Today he had seemed shakier than usual…obviously nervous about divulging his information.

Ryou…there's something you should know.

Yes Professor Hiken?

Uh…yes, well…you see…I regret to inform your that your father…has…well…he I'm sorry Ryou. Your father's died of a heart attack. I'm so sorry…he was stressed but

I understand…Thank you for telling me.

That's it?

What else should I do? It's pointless to feel sorry for him when he would never want me to. Good day to you.


I said `Good Day'

Ryou still couldn't believe he had been so heartless…who could blame him? He had lost everything now…he knew not a single place he could go to or anyone else who could possibly care for him. He was utterly alone in this world now. He could only wait for the social worker to come for him and send him to some orphanage where he would most likely be kept until the age of 18 when he could inherit his father and mother's vast fortune and continue on a pointless life.

Ryou closed his eyes thinking of how lonely he was for a voice to talk to him and soothe him…and he cried finding there was no one left. He slept immediately…the emotional drain tired him relentlessly as had the memories of each loss. He could only wait now…and hope that there would be a salvation for his quickly falling life.

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You want more? I was planning this to be more happy though...it'll get better I promise.

R&R…tell me what you think and some pairings other than Yami and Hikari…I hope you liked this…even if nothing really happened and all I did was give Ryou the excuse of coming to a VERY special orphanage…where he'll meet someone special…

Reviews encourage me!