Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Pegasus's Drunken Escapades ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Pegasus's Drunken Escapades

(Disclaimer: I don't own YGO or I'd be rich. I'm stuck making One-Shot fics because chapter 3 won't load. So enjoy drunken One-Shot stupid ness and review.)

Pegasus came teetering out of the local bar.

Pegasus: Time for some fun *saunters toward Mako*

Mako: *Doesn't notice and keeps fishing.*

Pegasus: (Wasted out of his mind) Hey tuna face looking for your dad? (Pretends to fish) I'm looking for someone that's already dead. But I'll make all this melancholy crap about searching for my lost father. (Hic hic hic)

Mako stared at him with a mean look. He reeled in his line and cast it and it hit Pegasus in the chest.

Mako: If you say that again I'll feed you to the sharks! *Pulls his hook out of Pegasus's shirt*

Pegasus walked off to cause more havoc.


Weevil was walking home when the soused millionaire pulled his old glasses out of his pocket.

Pegasus: (In screechy voice and wears his glasses) I'm Weevil *hic* I'm a stupid cheater that can't get a date and I'm going to lose my virginity to my pet beetle. *Starts singing Michael Jackson songs a hold crotch* Yeee heeee! *Hic*

Weevil: *clenching fist*

Pegasus: Now you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses would you? *Teeters around*

Weevil: *Takes off glasses and shoves them back in his pocket. Punches Pegasus in the gut*

Pegasus: *Starts puking* That HURT! *Pukes even more on Mai who just walked by drunk*

Mai: (drunk off her rocker) Hey Peggy lets make-out!

Pegasus: Sure*starts making-put*

Weevil: (disgusted and walks off and meet up with authoress)

Moon_Dragon: Hey cutie ready to go to the movies?

Weevil: Sure!


Pegasus staggered to the arcade and met up with Tea on the dance machine.

Pegasus: *Puts on tutu and prances around* I'm Tea a crappy dancer and a slut sideliner who can't duel for shit! Oooooh lets be friends forever! *Makes bright-eyed look and prances drunkly* (Actually he would dress in a tutu)

Tea: *Takes out pepper spray and sprays in empty socket*

Pegasus: You missed! *Takes pepper spray and shoves down his pants* Come and get it!

Tea: You can have it! *Walks off*


Pegasus returned home in a daze and passed out on an expensive couch

*The next morning*

Pegasus: Uh, why do I taste vomit and vodka? That's the last time I challenge Rex to a drinking contest.

(Sorry it was my first One-Shot fic. I don't get reviews so flame me if you want. I was bored and I may lengthen this if I get reviews.)