Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Pharaoh Yami ❯ The Pharaoh ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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Chapter One- The Pharaoh

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I walked into my room, was which in its usual messy look. Duel monster stuff spread out all over the room, my deck in my pocket. I saw the air change on my right as my Yami appeared at my side. Yami was dressed the same as me, as always.

" Any homework today, Aibou?" He asked. I shook my head as in saying yes, but than I thought about it. I told him that I had already finished it at Joey's house. He squealed with delight and began to tickle me, not letting up until I begged him to stop. I was at Joey's till 8:30, my grandpa was a little worried when I arrived that late at home, because he did not want me walking home alone that late at night.

" Yugi bedtime." My grandpa shouted from downstairs. I smiled at my Yami and prepared to get ready for bed, he rummaged through my backpack looking for my history book. He seemed a little fascinated to learn about the world's history. He was most fascinated about the history of Japan, Egypt, and America for some unknown reason I have no clue of why he liked the history of that country.

Yami's POV

I grabbed the book out of the overly large bag that my hikari calls a " backpack." I believe that it is weird, however that is just my opinion. I pull out the heavy history book and thumbed through the pages until I came to the American Revolution; I began to read it as my hikari got ready for bed.

" Yami, what was it like being a pharaoh?" I stared up at my hikari. He reminded me so much of my little angel, Yuma. I had no memory of Yuma and I meeting, but I had few of the memories of us together afterwards.

" It was interesting, and boring at the same time. I had all the power in the world. I could kill a man with a single order. I was Pharaoh Yami, son of Ra, a God among mortals. I could have anything I wanted, anything. I wanted it, I got it." I paused as I glanced at the clock on the wall.

" I could not have the life of my Yuma brought back though." I mumbled, I hoped that me Hikari did not here.

" Yugi, you need to go to bed. You have school tomorrow." I stated as I sat his history book back into the oversized bag.

Yugi's POV

I could tell that Yami was hiding something from me, for he went off subject after he mentioned the name Yuma. I sighed as I got into bed, my Yami got up and walked over to the bed where he pulled the covers over me and kissed me softly on the forehead in goodnight. Than he disappeared into the puzzle, where he would wait until I was asleep and open up my soul room for me, or his if he is on a sugar high. I chuckled at the thought of last time when Yami was on the sugar high and dragged me over to Ryou's to finish the fight with his Yami. That resulted in Ryou and I having an involuntary sleep over at his house and Marik having to come to Ryou's house to rescue Bakura from a sugar high Yami. This than resulted in Ryou, Malik, and I trying to stop our Yami's from sending each other to the shadow realm.

I fell asleep rather late, and did not go to my soul room because Yami probably decided to close it when I did not go in immediately. I dreamed that Yami was fighting the other Yami's in a sugar fight in my room. It was covered in sugar, chocolate, caramel, and ice cream. I laughed at my dream but than was beginning to get scared when they all started to look at me like I was something that they had never seen before.

I woke up sweating from some unnatural heat; Yami probably broke the ac again like last summer. He always blamed something on my bad dreams. I began to pull back the covers of ….. sand? I opened my eyes and jumped up, I was surrounded in sand, from miles it went on. I turned around as I felt a whip sting my back.

" Move slave, the pharaoh does not like to see idle slaves. Actually, he kills the idle slaves." The man said with a wicked grin that reminded me of Bakura or Marik. He swung the whip at me again. The whip left a mark in my back, and made it sting and it gathered pain when sand kept gathering into it.

" What is the hold up here, slave keeper?" I turned around slowly at the voice, so as not to cause any more pain. I recognized that voice, but it could not be. I saw blond lighting on a black background, and ruby eyes! It was, it was Yami.

" Yami!" I exclaimed. I seemed to frighten my poor Yami and the slave keeper.