Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Rain and Fire ❯ Cloudy Sunrise ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Mono: Hello there, sorry I took so freakin' long. I've just bee busy...
Kani: No you havent, your just lazy.
Mono: -_-u Shutup. Okies, the song is Faint by Linkin Park (one of my fave bands so just deal if you don't like.) And theres a little gore, but not much. Oh and I don't own Yugioh.

The fuzzy veil of unconsciousness lifted from his tired mind, leaving the real world free to crash into it. The famous rockstar Yuugi Motou slowly opened his eyes.
What the-? Where am I?
"Yuugi! Yuugi can you hear me??!"
I am
A little bit of loneliness
A groan was the only answer the girl above him recieved. Keiko looked down at the pathetic sight. Yuugi's face looked like a rotten piece of fruit, black and blue from the bruises. His arm was bloody and bent in a strange way. There was blood all over the room, and dried blood stuck to his brilliant mop of hair.
A little bit of disregard
A handful of complaints

He tried to move his head around to see who was talking, but found that he was being held down by someone. Seina, who was strong despite her frail appearance, had his head in her lap and held him still.
" 'Ina, whas going on? Whatre you two doing here? Go 'way."
He slurred his words, and a small trickle of blood made its way slowly down his bruised face.
But I can't help the fact
That everyone can see these scars
I am

The two girls just stared at the man like he was crazy, which he was.
"We knew you had a death wish, but damn! Who did this to you?" Keiko asked.
"Yeah, Yuugi. Who did this. We have to know. You can tell us."
Seina whispered as she stared into his dull, glassy amethyst eyes.
"No. Can't. I'll be jus' fine." He tried yet again to rise as he heard voices outside the door.
What I want you to want
What I want you to feel

"In here!" Jake led a team of paramedics into the room where they started immediatly to work on Yuugi.
Hauling him up onto a stretcher, they gave him shots and an oxygen mask. They rushed out of the room, through the hotel to the lobby. But the minute they hit the lobby, they were stuck.
But it's like
No matter what I do
I can't convince you
To just believe this is real

People, being the dumb, curious creatures they are, had heard sirens and shouting. They had filtered into the lobby to find out what was going on. The word spread fast, from the desk to the next person.
Motou Yuugi was hurt. Supposedly someone had tried to rob him and beat him.
So I let go
Watching you
Turn your back like you always do

As the medics tried to get throught the crowd with minimal damage, people started to go hysteric.
"Yuugi!" Fans all tried to get next to him to comfort him, to be the one he woke up to see.
Keiko, Seina, and Jake as well as Yuugi's personal bodyguards ran out. They surrounded the stretcher and kept the hysterical fans at bay. But they were no match for the paparazzi. (sp?) The reporters and their cameras crowded up to get a glimpse of the superstar.
Face away and pretend that I'm not
But I'll be here
Cause you're all that I got

"And we are live at the Hilton in Downtown Domino City where superstar Motou Yuugi was assaulted earlier today. The identity of the attacker is unknown at the time, as is the condition of Yuugi. Back to you..."
I can't feel
The way I did before
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored
Time won't heal
This damage anymore
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored

The strecher was finally loaded onto the ambulance and they took off for the hospital.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~At the Kami Game Shop~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

"Yami! Get your butt down here at once young man!"
The spirit was shocked at the language the old man, Yuugi's Grandfather, had used.
"What's wrong?" He shouted down at the older man.
"YOU! You skipped all of your classes today! I got a call from the school, Yami what were you thinking?"
Yami winced. He had skipped out of his classes, choosing rather to go home.
I just couldn't stay there. I finaly found him. Oh Little One- not that you are fitting of that name now. I'm so sorry. Come back to me.
"Coming gramps!"
Damn jiji.
"What were you thinking? How can you keep doing this to me? It has been four years Yami. I miss him too, but you have to let go sometime. I know that this has been hard on you. It has been hard for me too. But you can't keep doing this. I am an old man now, and I can't keep this up."
Sogoroku looked up at the young man as he descended the stairs. Ever since Yuugi had left, Yami hadn't been the same. Some days he just sat staring at the walls. Others he would lash out angrily and others... Well....
"Ji-san, listen. I found out about Yuugi today. Apparently he is the lead singer in a group called-"
"Pharoh's light. Yes I know."
Yami stared blankly at the old man, processing this new information.
"How long have you known?" asked the spirit it total disbelief.
"Only a few hours now, I got a call about three hours ago. Yuugi is at Domino City General, and he's in pretty bad shape. I figured that you might want to take this chance to go see him. You can come with me or stay at home, it doesn't matter to me."
He-hes hurt? Who? How?
"Yami? Are you coming?" Called Sugoroku. Yami looked up blankly, but nodded and followed the old man out the door.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~At Domino City General Hospital, ICU~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

I am
A little bit insecure
A little unconfident

Yami and Sugoroku anxiously waited in the large and dull waiting room. When they had first gotten to the hospital, over three hours ago, they were eager to see Yuugi. Now they just wanted to do something. ANYTHING. Yami sighed heavily as he shifted in the uncomfortable hospital chair. The cold, hard plastic bit into his back before he stood, unable to stand it any longer. He went over to the nurses station and waited for the lady to acknowledge him.
"Ahem." He tried to get her attention, but she just kept on talking on the phone.
"Umm, pardon me Miss, but could you please tell me if I can go see Motou Yuugi?" He asked in a strained voice.
"I'm sorry sir, but no one is allowed in to see him."
"He's my brother damnit! We look alike for Ra's sake!!!" He was fuming now, his eyes turning a deeper shade of crimson. The woman was scared now, and she buzzed the doctor.
"Doctor Kyurishi, is Mr. Motou up to visitors yet?" There was a brief silence before a deep voice replied, "Yes, but only family."
Yami eagerly motioned for the elder Motou to come to the desk. But as he was walking to the desk, a group of teens and bodyguards pushed through the doors.
"Hello, we're here to see Motou Yuugi." Said a boy with blue-black hair and silvery eyes.
"Yeah, we're his band-mates. How is he?!" This time it was one of the two girls, the one with the brown hair.
Yami was filled with shock. These people were the ones that his Hikari had chosen over him?
Well, I guess that they arent exactly bad but... Still, how could he choose them over me?
You know exactly why numbskull.
Shut up you.
"I'm sorry, but only his family is allowed back to see him right now. Hospital rules." The nurse motioned towards Yami and Sugoroku.
The band's mouths fell open as they stared at Yami and his striking resemblance to their lead guitar and vocalist.

so thats all for now. Please R&R!