Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Random Silliness ❯ Ghost Antics ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey again! I'm back!...hahaha![0_0] Okay… anyway, here is the next chapter. BTW: Thank you SO much to everyone who's reviewed this. It makes me so happy!! Also, WARNING: This chapter contains Tea bashing and character death. Don't like, don't read this chapter. That simple. On to the fic!!

Chapter Three: Ghost Antics

[Anzu/ Bakura(Yami, not good one)… in the park]

Bakura: So… what are you doing here?

Anzu: Oh, I'm waiting for Yugi. Because he's my friend, and friends wait for each other friends because friends help each other out. Isn't it great to have friends?

Bakura: Hmm… yes… (moves a little farther from Anzu on the bench)

Anzu: (notices him moving) What's wrong Bakura? ( big flashy smile) You know.. we're friends, and friends can tell each other anything, don't you think we're friends?

Bakura: No I don't! (stands up) And I'm sick and tired of all your stupid friendship rants. I will feed you to my giant squirrel army! HAHAHA!!

Anzu: squirrel army?

Bakura: Yes, my giant squirrel army!! MWHAHAHA!!

*(giant squirrel army comes rushing in, wearing little squirrel army uniforms, and devours Anzu)*

Bakura: HAHA!! I have finally done it! I've killed the friendship girl!

Anzu: ( creepy voice) Ohh Bakura….

Bakura: Oh crap. (turns around) AHH!! You're a ghost!

Anzu: Yes.. And I will haunt you forever! HAHA! (a/n: Do you think I use that too much?)

Bakura: hmm… that's great, but can you come haunt me later? I have other things to do, my own people to terrorize you know.

Anzu: umm… okay! I'll go torment Marik.

Bakura: oooh… can I help?

Anzu: sure!

Bakura: Well then, let's go!

*End Chapter Three*

Okay.. that's it for this ch. Short I know, I just don't hate Anzu enough to write a long torture chapter for her. (Plus I ran out of ideas) So all Anzu fans can now resume reading of this fic! I'm not going to torture her any more. Also for any one who has written about suggestions for conversations, I'm going to start those after the next ch! (Sorry, I already have it written) Anyway, please review! Till next time!