Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Random Silliness ❯ Its...dead! ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hello! I'm back!! With a new chapter- yea!

~I do not own Yugioh. But if I did…. Well, you guys would be in trouble.~


Chapter Seven: Random Silliness

*Joey and Tristan/ at the mailbox, at Joey's house*

#Joey and Tristan are standing in front of the mailbox, staring#

Joey: hmm…

Tristan: hmm…

Joey: This is not working.

Tristan: *looks up from staring at mailbox* Nope. *resumes staring*

Joey: Man! This thing is never going to come.

Tristan: Don't worry buddy, it'll be here soon.

Joey: It had better.

*Both go back to staring. Bakura (yami) walks up.*

Bakura: (thinking) hehe… they don't notice that I've walked up. This is going to be good…* walks up to Joey and Tristan slowly. Gets within arms reach and reaches out when…*

Marik: (eerily happy) Hey Bakura!

Bakura: *anime fall* what are you doing here?!

*Joey and Tristan are still staring at the mailbox, oblivious to the presence of the other two.*

Bakura and Marik: (sweatdrop) ^_^' *goes to stand beside Joey and Tristan and stares*

@ 3 hours later@

*mailman drives up, stops at Joey's house. Throws box out, it drops on ground. CRASH! Uh oh…*

Joey: (Turns around slowly and looks at the box) No!! (runs over to the box) No! I've waited all day for this! *starts sobbing.*

Tristan: What have we been waiting for anyway?

Marik: You've waited all day and you don't even know what you've been waiting for?!

Tristan: (confused) Yeah. So?

Bakura: You really are stupid. Let's go Marik.

Marik: (back to sugar high state) OK!!! ^_^

Bakura: Please… don't do that.

Marik: OK!!

Bakura: (sweatdrop) ^_^'

*both walk off to do… well, whatever their sick, twisted minds want to do.*

Joey: (still mourning, holding the box, and sobbing* Why? Why?

Tristan: Hey, it'll be alright man.

Joey: Can we have a funeral for it? (Big chibi eyes)

Tristan: ahh… (Look away from eyes, look away from eyes!) Sure. (Dang!)

Joey: Great! (Jumps up and looks a little bit happier) I'll go make a coffin for it, you just here and hold it till I get back.

Tristan: o… k… *Joey goes inside and Tristan gets very curious to see what's inside the box and finds…*

Tristan: Omg! What the heck!

*End Chapter Seven*


Please review! ^_^

Thank you so so much to everyone who's reviewed!!

-KaoriLindsayBlack, Rowan Girl, Dragon_of_1000_Lands, foxfire 9, mystieka, Kura Magician Girl, Yamis wife, a tea fan, sapphire eyes, and firelung 06!!