Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Random Silliness ❯ A funeral and... the end! ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi! This is the last chapter! All my reviewers' rock! Thank you SO much for reviewing! And to all who read this thanks and I hope you liked it. I'm going to do replies like I promised but after the story, so let's get on with it.

Since I haven't said this for a couple of chapters, I do not own Yugioh.

RS- Chapter 10 Joey/Tristan (in Joey's backyard)

*This is a sad, sad day. It's the funeral for the… hmm… I haven't told you what was inside the box yet, have I?*

Joey: (sobbing)

Tristan: (staring into space) hmm… hmm… hmm

y. Bakura: (yes, they came back for the funeral) What are we doing?

Joey: We're (gulp, sniff) having a few last moments for this beautiful… ohh... (sobs) Okay, this beautiful glass flower! (sobs)

Malik: o…k… And they say I'm the crazy one…

Joey: (death glare)

Malik: (backs away)

Yugi: (wearing a little preacher's collar) We are here today to mourn the… uh, passing of this… this flower. Would anyone like to say any words?

Tristan: I would just like to say that it was a pleasure waiting on this beautiful flower. Even if it did have an unfortunate ending.

Yugi: Joey?

Joey: umm… (Thinking: I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry…) Well, she was so beautiful… (sniff) and so young! Why? Why?! (sobs)

Yugi: There, there, it's alright Joey.

Joey: No, its not. That stupid mailman. Why did he have to drop her? Why? (sobs)

Yugi: Let's just put her to rest, then you can have some peace. (Places box with broken flower in it in into hole and fills it up) Come on Malik, Tristan and Bakura; let's give Joey some time alone.

Bakura: This is so stupid.

Joey: (death glare)

* Yugi, Tristan, Malik and Bakura leave*

Joey: (kneels down beside the… uh, grave.) Even though we didn't know each other long, you were so good to me. (sniff) I enjoyed waiting for you. I would wait forever if only you would come back. Stupid mailman, he hurt you so bad. But now you're at peace. But I'll still miss you so much. Why did you have to go? Why?

Malik: (sneaks up behind Joey) Because!

Joey: Ahh!

*End Chapter 10*

That's the end! Hope it wasn't too bad. Anyway, thank you SO, SO much to everyone who has reviewed:

Rowan Girl






Yamis Wife

A tea fan

Sapphire eyes


You guys rock! You are a big part of the reason I've kept this going. And thank you to everyone who has read this as well, though I don't know what you thought of it.

Please continue to review and check out my story, "Back to the Beginning" because that fic is going back on my priority list!

And if you have any good Seto, Mokuba, or Ryou fics, I would love to read them!!^_^

Ja ne!