Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Randomosity ❯ Mentos ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Yes I have done the unthinkable! FEAR MY BAKURA MENTOS ADD!!!!!! *ahem * right.anyway I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh so don't sue me okay

We see that Bakura has managed to kill the drunk who hit on Ryou in the Master card add and is about to dispose of the body.

He sees two police officers coming his way and begins to panic then gets an idea. Popping a mentos into his mouth he grins evilly.

/ It doesn't matter what comes fresh goes better with life./

Bakura stands in front of the dead body as the police approach.

/Nothing gets to you staying fresh staying cool with mentos fresh and full of life./

The police look at Bakura then try to see what's behind him only to have Bakura block them.

/ Mentos freshness, fresh with mentos./

The police try to arrest our favorite tomb robber, like hell he's letting them. He summons the Man eater Bug who devours the two officers sending them to the shadow realm. Bakura then holds up the mentos package and smirks

/With mentos fresh and full of life. Mentos the fresh maker!/

Yes fear me and my insanity. Note this and all the others proceeding it came to me in science class. Be afraid, be very afraid