Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Randomosity ❯ Weed od Dasiy ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Weed or Daisy?

Well, I'm back! MUWHAHAHAHAHA! *ahem * anyway here's yet another little bit of insanity brought to you by yours truly crazy DOOM kitten! Yugi would you please do the disclaimer?

Yugi: Kitten does NOT own Yu-Gi-Oh, thank GOD! So please don't sue her!

Now on with the fic!

The Yami's and Hikari's were walking down the streets of Domino city generally wreaking havoc. Well the yami's were causing havoc, the hikari's were trying to stop them or at least slow them down.

Malik and his yami Marik had come for a visit since Isis and Rishid were working on a new exhibit in the domino museum.

They were taking a brief repast from causing chaos and mayhem at an ice cream stand near the museum. Yugi was sitting on Yami's lap taking tiny licks of his strawberry ice cream cone; Yami occasionally taking a few licks of is own. Bakura and Marik were fighting over the last ice cream bar generally making fools of themselves.

Suddenly Marik hit Bakura on the back of his head with his millennium rod sending Bakura to the ground. Marik then broke the ice cream bar into two pieces and gave the larger part to Malik. A few seconds later Bakura popped back up and started to pick at Ryou's Sunday.

Yugi blinked then mumbled something under his breath.

"Aibou? Did you say something?"

Yugi looked up at Yami and grinned.

"Well I was thinking. Bakura's a lot like a daisy."

That got Bakuras attention.

"You mean you think I'm pretty?"

Yugi shook his head.

"No I mean no matter how many times you get knocked down you keep coming back up."

Yami smiled and spoke up.

"Wouldn't that make him more like a weed?"