Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Rapunzel: Different Story.... ❯ Seto Deals with Wizard Bakura ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

GW: Yet another chapter, I wonder why I wrote that fast....
Seto: is because you've already done these chapters and you kept it for 5 months to find a site that has Fan Fictions of Anime
GW: Liar!
Tea: No he isn't! I saw you done it!
GW:........I know you but who am I?
Bakura: The dumbest authoresses that Yu-Gi-Oh casts have ever met....
Everyone except GW: *laughing*
GW: You know, I can torture all of you guys in the story
Everyone: *shuts up*
GW: That's better....now on to the chapter! Oh and bring up Bakura! The witch!
"Oh, dearest!" cried Seto. "Where did you get the satabun?"
"Duh," said Tea, still pointing over the fence at the satabun garden.
Seto was not amused. "Now listen here," he said, "do you know how many croutons I have earned from the sale of all my many inventions?
"Zero," said Tea, who was in no mood to discuss business matters.
"Exactly," said Seto. "So how did you purchase the satabun?"
"I didn't have to pay for it," panted Tea, who was now starting to shake, and to rattle, and to roll on the floor of their modest little hovel. "Woe is me," said Seto. "That first taste is always free."
"There's only one cure for satabun fever," said Tea, who was now sweating like a piggy and looking like death warmed over.
"Your wish is my command," said Seto, feeling like the helpless fool—and something of an enabler—that he was.
"Then I command you!" said Tea. "Go fetch me that satabun!"
Seto dashed to the fence surrounding the satabun. Big fence, big challenge. But not too big for Husband, of course, because he spent a lot of time chopping wood, fetching pails of water, playing with his yo, and so on.
Nonetheless, here's where things got a little hairy.
Actually, very hairy.
The neighbor lady-I mean the neighbor guy who owned the satabun was no big surprise here, a witch-I mean wizard! Not only was she-HE your garden variety wizard—wicked, ugly, full of mean spirits, loaded with evil spells, and so on—he was extremely hairy!
"Nice fence climbing," said Bakura with a smile, or actually with a cackle since it was more of a witch kind of thing. "You're buff. I like."
"You're hairy. I like it." said Seto. "In fact, some of my best friends are hairy." "Nice try," said Bakura with a smile, which was worse than her cackle because, for the past 500 years, she-HE had missed her checkups with the Village Dentist. "But about the satabun? I don't think so."
"Please let me have satabun," begged Seto. "Just a little taste?"
"That's what they always say," said Bakura, examining his fake fingernails, which for the record were extremely dirty fake fingernails. "Matter of fact," he continued, "that's what you always used to say." Alas, it was true. When it came to satabun, Seto had been there, done that. But that was then and this was now. And right or wrong, he was on a mission. "Tea has satabun fever," said Seto desperately, "and you know what they say about satabun fever."
"Know what they say about satabun fever?" said Tea. "I wrote the book on satabun fever!" (Note: The Witch-I mean Wizard also had written the books on Flying Brooms, Warts, and Sylvester Stallone movies.)
"You are such a snake!" screamed Husband.
"Tell me something I don't already know," said Bakura.
"Energy equals mass times acceleration," Seto said.
"Don't change the subject," said Bakura. "How're you fixed for croutons? For five croutons I could see my way clear to giving you two stalks of satabun."
"I'm broke," said Seto, "but I can chop wood, fetch pails of water, and invent new stuff."
"Which reminds me," said Bakura, "how're you coming along with that `yo' thing?"
"Oh, I think I'm about half way there," said Seto. "How about the satabun?"
"Boring and redundant," said Bakura. "Five croutons, two stalks of satabun. That's the deal. Take it or leave it. I got a broom to catch. "
"Woe is me," said Seto, which was like saying "Bummer."
Suddenly the wizard had a change of heart. Actually, The Wizard didn't have a change of heart—she's a wizard, right?—but she-HE did have a change of plan. "So and how's the little Tea?"
"We're going to have a baby," said Seto. "Or at least we were!"
"A baby!" exclaimed Bakura, as if he were really and truly surprised. "You mean one of those tiny creatures that gurgles, sniffles, burps, say funny words, drink everything possible and spits up?"
"That's the general idea," said Seto.
"I'll tell you the general idea, Buff Boy," said Bakura. "You give me the baby, free and clear, and I give you the satabun. What do you say?"
"What if I say no?" said Seto. "What if I just say NO?"
"Then I say no problem," said Bakura. "No problem for me!"
"Why don't you get wed?" said Seto. "And then you can have your very own baby."
"Check it out," Bakura said, leaning forward. "This face, do you see this face attracting a lot of knights in shining armor?"
"But this was going to be our very first baby!" sobbed Seto.
"You'll have more babies," said Bakura. "Take my word for it."
"Your word?" he said. "Why should I take the word of a witch-I mean wizard?"
"Good.... point," said Bakura as he was angry. "Take this magic potion—a mix of love and respect—and you two can have all the babies you want. All the other babies, that is. We have a deal or what?"
"What about the satabun?" Seto asked.
"I'll give you something better than satabun," promised The Wizard, and he meant it too. "Give me the baby, and I'll remove the temptation. No lie. From this moment onward, for as long as you both shall live, Tea will never have satabun. Never. Not ever. End of story."
GW: Ok.....again, its' weird...
Seto: What do you mean of what Bakura meant about Yo!
Ryou: ^^O hehehe.... I ask GW about that....
GW: My bad! So shut up...
Bakura: I QUITE! *stomps off*
GW: Don't worry folks he wouldn't leave without Ryou....
Bakura: >.< *comes back and carries Ryou* *stock out a tongue out of GW* *leaves* idiots....
GW: X( Ok, that was personal...*goes to find Bakura* Review people..... *found Bakura* BAKURA!!! YOU'RE SO SCREWED WITH ME! COME HERE!
Bakura: EEP! *drops Ryou then runs*
GW: *chases Bakura*
Ryou: ^_^Oo umm....review!