Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Returning Curses ❯ Coming Home ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Returning Curses

Chapter 11: Coming Home

/My grandpa's gonna kill me! I was supposed to be home hours ago!/

//Hey! He's your grandpa, he won't hurt you!//

/That's your opinion./

Yugi was racing back to the game shop at top speed, having remembered that he had told his grandpa that he would be back for dinner. He looked at his watch, and saw the time was 7:00.

/Great, we have dinner at 5:00! What can I do, Yami?/ Yugi whimpered.

//Talk to him and explain why you're late.//

/Yeah, that I was being mind-controlled by a psycho?/

//No! I mean make something up!// said Yami.

/I can't make something up!/ protested Yugi.

//Then you'll have to tell him about the priest...//

/Fine. I'll make something up./

Yugi sighed and opened the door to the shop. "Grandpa?" he said timidly. But Solomon was no where in sight.

/Oh no! What if he was kidnapped again?/

//Then the phone would be ringing.//

/Ha ha./

Yugi saw something white on the counter and ran to inspect it.


I have gone to visit my archeologist friend, Prof. Yoshimori. The time is 4:30. I will hopefully be back around 8. Don't get into any trouble. There is a frozen pizza in the freezer, just put it in the oven and set the timer for 20 minutes.


"Phew!" Yugi sighed in relief. His grandpa was safe, and better yet, he wasn't home to get mad at him for being late!

/Don't get into any trouble... too late for that./

//Told you so. I knew he was okay.//

Yugi sweatdropped, then obeyed Solomon's instructions and heated the pizza. He picked up a slice and the TV remote, and flipped through the channels.

"We now return to Clamworld. The clam's mating habits..."

"Boring!" Yugi clicked a button on the remote

"Oh that wascally wabbit!"


"Japenese culture dates back..."


"Tired of getting dumped on dates? Try..."


"Isis Ishtar's Ancient Egypt exhibit..."

Click. "Wait!" said Yugi suddenly, flipping back to the previous channel.

"Coming to Domino again! With a new subexhibit on Ancient Egyptian Curses and Spells, opening to the public tomorrow."

/Hey, Yami? We're going to the museum tomorrow./


That's another chapter done. I apologise if my chapters are short, and I'll try to make them longer from now on.

*glares* Be happy I updated. I'd rather be sleeping... so tired... must rest...

Cookies to anyone who can guess where I got the name Professor Yoshimori! ^_^