Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Reverse Side ❯ Epilogue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Equilla: Welcome to the epilogue, where you get to find our how everyone else is going after the end of the story.
Mokuba: finally it is over, ow she don't own any of us
Joey: till the sequel
Mokuba: was hoping she would forget that
Equilla: never, ow and sorry for the lateness
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Seto tried ringing Mokuba again. He kept getting told that the phone number was out of order. He then heard the front door open and close and he stormed down to it seeing Mokuba drudge himself in.
“Where have you been and why isn't your phone working. You shouldn't be out so late at night and are suppose to tell my secretary that you are going to be out so late if you are,” Seto snapped at his brother.
Mokuba looked at his brother snapping at him, and as soon as it was over he threw his arms around the infuriated and then confused CEO.
An alarm started off in Ryou's house causing the sleeping thief to attempt to throw his pillow at the offending clock. As he rolled over he suddenly felt his bed going on an angle beneath him. Opening his eyes and looking he was able to let out one shouted exclamation before plummeting to the ground from the rafters were his mattress and bed had been put.
Sitting up he held his head, `aw shit why the hell do I hurt so much. The fall couldn't do all this pain,' he thought to himself making the way to the bathroom to splash his face with water.
Rubbing his face with the tap water he then looked up at the mirror and watched with shocked eyes as some foundation ran down his face revealing black eyes and other sores.
“Why in Ra's name am I wearing pink!” roared through the street scaring many birds from their nesting place.
Ishizu Ishtar was rudely awoken by two loud angry shouts, and an argument happening outside her bedroom door.
Making her way to her door and opening it rubbing her eyes she muttered, “What is it this time.”
“Look what he did to my hair,” both Marik and Malik yelled at Ishizu pointing accusingly at the other.
Blinking so she could see better, covering her mouth with her hand was the only thing she could think to do to stop herself from laughing at the new hairstyles her brothers were headed.
Malik glared at his more innocent side and growled threateningly, “you shall pay for this!”
Marik gave Ishizu a look which read, `how are you going to punish him,' as Malik stormed off.
“Well at least it makes you look more like a boy,” Ishizu replied trying to stop herself from smirking and to give him a reassuring smile.
Marik threw his hands in the air before storming off in the opposite direction of Malik. Ishizu watched him go down the hallway and shrugged as Odion, who had poked his head out the door to see what the fuss was about, raised an eye curious.
A crowd of people watched as police searched a shop which was commented to have had a large commotion the night before which included an amount of damage to the shop itself. Most people in the crowd were excited about the action having broken the mostly drag day to day. Though scattered people watched on sombrely, as the police went in circles with their investigation getting nowhere.
Standing by a fountain the crazy man watched by grinning, keeping his hood as low as ever. While a shadow watched from a not so distant stair well, shaking its head before it disappeared into the darkness.
Tea continued running yelling back at her perusers, “look just tell me what you want me to change and I'll do it!”
“Destroy the whiny destroy the whiny!,” the weapon wielders replied.
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Equilla; Yep the end to that saga is over
Mokuba: I got my brother back
Joey: no more people attacking the openings
Equilla: see you guys at the sequel, and don't forget to read my other stories
Mokuba; nooooooooooooooooooo