Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Rewind 1 ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Ahhhh!!!" was heard the distant shriek of a certain albino boy. "Get this thing off of me!!"

As expected, Ryou Bakura came tumbling out the bathroom. The automatic doors parted and he ran through, practically falling on Marik as he did. Ryou was frantically waving his right hand around, a greenish yellow flubber attached to his forearm.

"Calm down there, buddy, it's just the sponge!" Marik said reassuringly, while patting the white haired boys back. Ryou, however, didn't look really comforted. Ever since they came to Serenity's apartment last night, Ryou was faced with one challenge after another. Marik and Serenity could only watch in amusement, as the ancient boy's eyes would always widen in disbelief and awe.

First there was the red moonlight. Unbeknownst to the others, Serenity had once lived in Earth and knew what white moonlight was like, but she still couldn't convince Ryou that the moon of Mercury was red. After the shock of facing `flying tubes' as he would call hovercrafts, Ryou faced another surprise by the realization that they lived above the clouds, and could not see the ground of the planet.

Marik had tried to explain that the Catacombs where on the ground, but it would take a lot more than that to convince Ryou. The reticent boy had suddenly been turned on frightened and shy mode.

They had a good nights' sleep seeing as Ryou found Serenity's apartment quite normal compared to the outside world. Marik suspected that the boy was just too tired and had slept without further comments.

Now, however, the morning had come and Ryou was full of energy. Consequently he was full of questions.

"What do you mean it's THE SPONGE?! It bit me!!" Ryou shouted in a very uncharacteristic way "I was just washing my hands when it attacked me!!"

Marik chuckled dismissively at Ryou's wide and innocent eyes. "It wasn't trying to bite you, pal, it was just trying to wash you!! It's automatic…"

"But it's slimy and gooey! EWW!! Take it off, I beg you!!" Ryou cried desperately. He ran around the dark lounge wearing the dark blue pajamas that Serenity had given him. It made a wonderful contrast with his silky white skin.

"Take it off!! Take it OFF!!!!" he screamed at the grinning Marik.

Just then, there was a loud noise coming from the kitchen and Serenity immediately came to help Ryou. Her green nightgown waved around her as she reached her troubled friend.

"RYOU! You can't pry it off!! You have to take it back to the bathroom!! Then it will leave automatically!"

Serenity grabbed her friend's free arm and led him to the bathroom. "Stretch your hand." She instructed. As he did what he was told, the `'gooey demon from hell' as he referred to it, released his hand and stuck on the wall.

"Well that was close…" Serenity whispered and turned to look at her startled friend, who was checking if his arm functioned right "Are you ok?" she asked with a tone of mirth.

Ryou nodded and shot a look of pure disgust at the flubber-sponge.

"Jerk!" he murmured.

"Sorry? What did you say?"

"Nothing…" he said, his innocent eyes sparkling with trouble.

Serenity snickered and gently took hold of the handsome boy's arm. "C'mon!" she told him and elegantly walked back to the lounge.

Marik was sitting on an armchair, apparently doing something on his palm-computer. "What are you doing?" Ryou inquired like a curious and innocent little child.

"I'm reading a book." Marik casually said, while clicking something on the touch-screen. Marik looked as though he was about to start explaining but a gesture from Ryou stopped him.

"Hold it!" the boy said with a sigh "I don't wanna know." Marik shook his head in obvious sympathy and resumed his reading. Serenity stepped towards the closed windows of the house.

"Open windows." She ordered the computer and Ryou could only watch as the black glass layers that covered the windows from outside slid up. A soft blue shine entered through the window. Serenity seemed to notice the albino boy's expression of silent awe. "We have two suns in Mercury, Ryou" Serenity amiably said. Ryou glanced towards her with a questioning look. "They are both blue."

Ryou nodded slowly and approached the window. He stood next to Serenity and gazed outside the huge window. She smiled at him and followed his gaze. He was looking at the suns. "It's beautiful…" the silver-white haired boy said. The abrupt change of atmosphere found its way to Marik, who shot a knowing glance towards his two friends.

Serenity nodded slowly. Ryou would sometimes fall into this kind of romantic trance. It was as if he was remembering some distant dream. Could it be he was thinking about that girl he had told Marik he loved? Maybe it was some ancient goddess that he had forever dreamed of…

`Why do I care so much, damn it!!' Serenity desperately thought `Why do I feel like I'm gonna die if I don't look at him? Why does it feel so hot when I'm near him? I've never felt like this before! What is wrong with me? I wish you were here to help me, Joey…'

Just then, she noticed Ryou had stepped even closer to the window. He just sat there peacefully and stared outside. His amusing adventures with 25th century technology were temporarily forgotten. Now he had that wistful look again.

He wasn't perfect, Serenity knew that much. He was an old man who found his way in the most peculiar of places and times. He was no romantic prince charming. He was just a poor spirit, stranded suddenly in an unknown world, alone and helpless.

`He must be in great pain…' Serenity thought, and suddenly had the urge to fall in his arms and comfort him. She just wanted to tell him everything would be okay, and that he's not alone anymore… But it would be improper. Ryou needed time, after all. He had lost his loved one, and Serenity could never replace her…Maybe it was wrong to have such feelings.

Ryou's thin frame was seated on the other armchair, outlined by the blue sunshine. His white hair fell gracefully in spikes, highlighted by the cyan light. How could it be that a man of his age could hold such innocence? Extraordinary!

Marik left his computer down and stood up. He stood behind Ryou's sitting form with his arms folded. He looked thoughtful and shared Ryou's gaze out the window. Serenity observed them both. They were very different but quite similar in a way.

Marik was swift, lively and young. His fiery gaze was petrifying and his exotic aura could make anything succumb to his whims. Ryou, on the other hand, though supposedly young, was composed and submissive. He was very relaxed and casual in his moves- when not forced to deal with auto-sponges (!) Ryou's stare was expectant and innocent with an aura as fresh and unnoticed as a feather's.

Yet both of them shared wisdom and reflex. Both of them had a spark of confidence with an unknown origin. Both of them were tropical, each in their very own way. Mark: the master of seduction and charm. Ryou: the one with infinite experience and wisdom. With their forces combined, nothing could stand in their way.

"Do you remember anything, Ryou? From your past?" Marik suddenly asked in a reflexive tone.

Serenity was instantly very interested in the conversation. Maybe she would find out about Ryou's mysterious beloved! Her heart started beating faster at that thought…it was curious, the way the mere thought of him could make her insides spasm nervously.

"I do…" Ryou quietly said. "I remember when I was young…" he slowly touched his cheek and mumbled something incoherent "I was just like this…it's been so long…" he continued "For a second time…I have my softest years back…" he murmured.

`Such pain and confusion…' Serenity thought as she remembered his tired expression as an old man `he just wanted to rest…' she mused.

"I remember when I grew older…I was an architect, I designed buildings." He continued thoughtfully, almost wistfully "Then I became 106 years old…I remember it clearly…that was when I found the ring."

Marik's attention seemed to focus especially on this, but Serenity didn't understand what the ring had to do with this.

"That's when things started happening…" his voice faded out lightly "And they locked me up. They thought I was crazy.

"What kind of things started happening? Why did they think you were crazy?" `Serenity inquired curiously while approaching her reminiscing friend.

Ryou turned to look at her sadly "I'll tell you some other time, Serena…" he told her. "All I remember after that was that…I became 120 years old and…that's it."

Serenity suddenly felt as though she had been viciously stabbed. Didn't he trust her? What did he think of her, that she wasn't worthy? Why?

"I see…" Marik said thoughtfully. `That must be when they locked him in the cryogenic capsule. Maybe I should not tell and upset him yet. We'll tell him later…Besides, I feel I need to tell him that I can see this `Yami' person…I have a feeling that `Yami' is responsible for Ryou's getting locked up in the first place…' Marik stole a quick glance at Serenity. She seemed on the verge of tears and Marik knew why `I'll tell Ryou he can trust us with his secret. Serenity would never think he was crazy…'

Ryou abruptly stood up and stepped aside. Marik took this as a hint that the conversation was over. He slowly returned to his reading position on the armchair. Serenity just stayed there, frozen and sad. She was still gazing at the window, but now she was more like glaring at it.

Ryou noticed her troubled state and approached her. His observant experiences warned him that something was wrong. He reached and lightly touched her arm. No response.

Ryou smiled slightly and bent down to the girl's ear. He could feel her skin standing on end by his warm breath. "I promise I'll tell you, Serena…" he whispered in her ear. He observed her immobilized gaze as it turned to meet his innocent one. The hair on her arms and neck was stretched with shivers.

Serenity was as still as stone. She was completely frozen. This man was unbelievable. He had the most honest and penetrating gaze she had ever seen. Unbelievable was the way he understood other people, and the way others behaved. How could his innocent nature decipher all meanings of body language and expression? It betrayed his old age and experience.

She silently nodded and averted her gaze, unable to hold onto his unmoving orbs for much longer. When she felt his warm presence leave her, a surge of relief and disappointment filled her at the same time. She turned to look at Marik who was seemingly unaware of everything. Something in the back of her mind, though, told her Marik had watched it all. Grr…

She had just started staring out the window again, drowning in her thoughts of Ryou, when a sudden yelp of surprise was heard.

Serenity whipped around instantly, only to meet the sight of a guffawing Marik and a despondent Ryou. It seemed Ryou had decided to sit on the couch. Not just any couch, though. He had sat on the `Home Coiffeur for all uses' seat. The metallic helmet was now firmly attached to the boy's head.

"AHHH!!!" he yelled as Marik laughed even louder "It's pulling my hair!! TAKE IT OFF!!! HELP!!! HELP!!"

Serenity couldn't help but chuckle as she watched the usually composed, innocent man writhe and thrash around in exasperation. She was startled out of her wits when the poor boy aimed a killer glare at the laughing Marik. Ryou Bakura GLARING?? No way!

It all happened so fast. Serenity and Marik had just reached the desperate Ryou when the Home-Coiffeur helmet released his head. Ryou limply fell on the couch like a bag. Marik and Serenity just stared at their friend. Then, simultaneously, they both started laughing. Serenity was laughing so hard that she was tears left her eyes. Marik doubled over and was soon laughing while hitting the floor with his fists.

Slowly, almost in a frightened way, Ryou raised his hand and touched his hair. He touched the soft strands and realized they were…curly? He desperately grabbed his head as his friends kept laughing even harder.

He could feel it: the soft bun and the curls that fell gracefully down his face. He grabbed a stray band and looked at it. It was sparkling with silver glitter.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" was heard the inevitable reaction.

Ryou hesitantly stepped inside the closet-like room. Serenity's head popped into the room.

"Just relax!" she said while blushing slightly. Ryou stiffly nodded. The curls had been removed from his hair and now he kept running his hand through his white mane every 5 seconds. He was probably checking on it.

Serenity closed the door, locking the boy alone in the room. Suddenly, a flash of light appeared in front of him.

"Weight 130lbs. Height 6 feet. Size: 38." A computerized voice said. Ryou glanced around nervously. Serenity had told him to say something.

"C-Casual." Ryou stuttered. He suddenly felt a cold breeze wash through his body. The next thing he knew was that he was dressed in a green blazer and brown pants. He blinked. Well that was different from changing in KaibaCorp, were he was forced to change `manually' in a cupboard…

"I-I'm Ready!" he ordered and the `closet' doors snapped open. Ryou slowly walked outside. Serenity's smiling face greeted him. She was dressed too, in a short sky blue dress and a pink jacket to cover. Ryou smiled back at her.

"C'mon, Ryou, I'll teach you the basics of a 25th century home!" Serenity happily exclaimed and Ryou nodded eagerly.

From the living room, two sparkling lavender eyes were observing them. Marik shook his head dismissively. Those two were so blatantly in love…it showed from their carefree behavior. Even when Kaiba had tried to murder them yesterday, Serenity and Ryou were just too absorbed with each other to realize the seriousness of the situation. They might be safe in Serenity's home for now but it was temporary. Marik knew that they would have to leave soon-but where to go? Kaiba had people everywhere; he would surely get them. The authorities were no solution. Kaiba had people there too…Dang!

About Kaiba…what was that telepathy issue about? `How come I can read his thoughts?' Marik thought `And why does he listen to what I suggest? I'm just an ant in his way, technically… Why does he obey to everything I say? Am I losing my mind, now? As if I didn't have enough problems, already…'

Marik shook his head desperately to shake the unpleasant thoughts away and turned his attention to something much more interesting: Ryou's past. `Ryou said that people thought he was crazy after he got the ring…I bet he kept talking to that spirit that only he and I can see…'

Marik held his head in both hands as chuckles and giggles echoed from the kitchen. `That Yami person…I wonder what his story is…I wish I could see him again! I really wish he would come out…' Marik thought.

As he thought this wish, an abrupt yelp was heard from the kitchen. "Just a minute!" Ryou's voice told Serenity and the boy came panting out the kitchen door. Marik stared, transfixed as a translucent figure followed Ryou to the corridor.

Marik instantly pretended to be asleep so as not to let Ryou know he could see the ghost.

"What the heck are you doing out here, Yami? Not yet!" Ryou's commanding, whispering voice floated around. Ryou cautiously glanced around and was glad to see Marik was asleep. His secret was safe for now.

"I just felt something pull me out." The `Yami' person said. Marik could feel the spirit's crystal gaze settle on his `sleeping form'.

"Get back in, Yami!" Ryou pleaded. "I don't want them to think…I don't want her to think…please…"

" I know, I know…I'll just take some fresh air…" Yami said in a strangely submissive voice. Ryou sighed and reluctantly agreed. Soon, the sound of the closing kitchen door was heard. Marik suddenly felt a cold breeze surround him and blow next to him.

"I know you're awake, pretty boy, so there's no use in faking it." A stony voice commented, so much unlike the brotherly tone he had used with Ryou. Marik cursed inwardly and slowly opened his eyes. As he had expected, Yami was standing on top of him. It was the mirror image, the actual body of Ryou Bakura with a different personality. `Yami' s' eyes were harsh and pained, not innocent. His white hair stuck out with untamed spikes in various places and he was a bit taller than Ryou.

Growing uncomfortable with a spirit standing on top of him and eyeing him maliciously, Marik stood up. Surprised, Marik realized he had almost the same height with `Yami'. Weird… he could have sworn that the stranger was taller… The wraith spoke again:

"I know you can see me…I can…feel it…" he said mysteriously while eyeing Marik suspiciously "So why did you call me?"

Marik was surprised at this. Called? `I just wished I could see him… What? Can I also summon spirits now?' he thought. "C-Called?" he inquired a little more stiffly than he'd intended.

"Well, duh…" the spirit said while rolling his cruel eyes. With a swift movement, he stepped towards Marik. The exotic boy reflexively made a step backwards, thinking the spirit would crash onto him. The results were quite different. Yami passed through the boy and continued to walk casually around. Marik, on the other hand, was immobilized. All his hair had stretched on end and his heart was beating rapidly. He fought to calm his throbbing blood `Note to self…' he thought `Never walk through spirits.'

"Of course you called me, you idiot. I don't know how THE HELL you did it, but you managed. Only Ryou can do that….So what's with you?"

Marik looked thunderstruck. "I-I called you?" he repeated dumbly.

"Eesh…" the spirit smirked "He's a slow one…"

Marik shook his head violently as though to wake for a dream. Since the spirit had magically heard his wish and transported here, he might as well ask what he wanted, right?

"I wanted to know about your past." Marik said steadily, his persuasive gaze meeting the spirit's icy one "In short" Marik continued "What's with your case? And… What is your name, after all? I heard Ryou call you `Yami'"

The ghost nodded and obliged to answer quietly, much to Marik's surprise. Apart from overly powerful businessmen, were ancient spirits obeying him now?

"I can't remember anything about my life before I met Ryou. I know I was probably cursed to be locked in the golden ring; I could figure out that much…I don't know why or how, though. I wish I knew who did it…so I could make them pay… I swear to my rotting corpse that they'd pay…" the spirit's gaze became steely and overly cruel. Marik nodded quietly in understanding. He let the spirit continue.

"All I remember is meeting Ryou when he was really old…we shared his body. Other people saw the change in our behavior and took it as a sign of dangerous paranoia…they locked Ryou away… I wish I had tried harder to protect him, but I was still so angry back then…then, it was like we died. I don't remember anything after Ryou turned 120… Just slumber. We were asleep."

Marik understood, but he still wanted to know more about the spirit's past. Maybe there was a link as to why Kaiba was so desperate to kill Ryou: for the spirit that rested inside him…Was it possible? "What about your life before Ryou? Before you were trapped in the ring?" Marik asked hesitantly- he didn't want to anger the spirit.

"I can't remember. I can't remember a thing! Not even a flashback. Not even a dream…Every time I force myself to remember, it hurts. It feels as though my head is about to explode…I can't focus." The spirit suddenly ceased his pained gaze and turned to Marik with an accusing glare.

"Why do you want to know, mortal?"

Marik was a bit taken aback by the sudden offense. What was that change of behavior? `This person must have great rage and insecurity inside him…He is afraid to show himself and his feelings…'I guess he talks to me because he has no choice…I summoned him, right?' Marik thought.

"Somebody tried to kill Ryou yesterday, but it seems a bit absurd to try and murder someone so fanatically just because he was called a lunatic 6 centuries ago… I wonder if they want to get rid of you instead of him…Kaiba seems very anxious to make sure everyone is convinced that Ryou's ring NEVR glows…maybe he knows about you …Or your hidden memories…" Marik said. The spirit's attention snapped instantly.

"I saw that guy try to kill Ryou yesterday! We share the same body, remember? I see what he sees…What do you mean they might want my memories? I have none!"

"Exactly! And it hurts every time you try to remember! It seems to me like someone was intent on keeping you away from the world and away from your memories in the same time!" Marik exclaimed.

The spirit's eyes widened. "Are you suggesting-?"

"Yes!" Marik said "The same person who locked you in there could be the same one who took away your memory! Imagine what happened in your life which could be of such importance that it had to be eternally forgotten!"

The spirit stared in a bewildered manner. Marik continued in overexcitement.

"Could it be that what you can't remember was so important that the same people who got `rid' of you once, want to destroy you again? Ultimately this time- by killing your body host and destroying the ring?!"

The `Yami' person fisted his hands. Marik could see small gashes form under the sharp fingernails.

"It's impossible…" he said desperately, making Marik stare at him in interest "I don't know about the 25th century, but no one could remove someone's memory 600 years ago!" the spirit said and Marik instantly smirked.

"That's what you think…" he said lightly, in a sly, deep voice "It is known from historic sources that at the end of the 21st century- which ia when you met Ryou, I suppose- the grand companies had already started to develop on Earth… MultiCorp was already planning to colonize other planets and build the Catacombs for ship-making, while the great medical company of the time had reached ways to tinker with the human mind, particularly human memory, in order to find the cure for Alzheimer…"

The spirit suddenly seemed petrified to the spot. He opened his mouth but no words came out. Finally, he managed something. "Do…Do you know the name of that 21st century medical developing company?" he asked Marik.

"Unfortunately, no." the exotic boy said thoughtfully "It has been lost within the ages…Why to ask?"

The spirit looked precariously into Marik's lavender eyes. "Because I remember commercials on the road that had the name on them…"

Marik looked expectant. Suddenly, for some mysterious reason, his heart started beating erratically in angst. "G-Go on…" he choked.

"It was…KaibaCorp…and it was the greatest medical company of our time, but we never knew they had to do with memory experiments."

Marik's heart was ready to burst. "You mean…you mean…that Kaiba's great-great-great-great grandfather might be the one who did this to you?" he anxiously asked, all charm and slyness forgotten.

The spirit nodded slowly. "And…maybe the great-great-great-grandson is out…to finish the job."

Marik's eyeballs nearly popped out. It all made perfect sense. It fit perfectly. " So they're after YOU, not Ryou…" he whispered and looked into the spirit's shaken, glaring orbs.

Suddenly, the spirit's eyes became glazed. He looked as if he was lost in some deep meditation. "What's wrong?" Marik worriedly asked. He whished he could shake the spirit's shoulders but it was no use: his hands would just run through the air.

The ghost abruptly snapped out of it and refocused its eyes on Marik.

"Ryou wants me to go back in the ring. He told me through our mind link."

"You can communicate like that?" Marik inquired in awe.

"Yes…our minds are connected and we can switch control of the body…It's our conscience that is different. I always hear it when Ryou calls me…but it has never happened with another person before… Nor have I ever felt the need to obey to someone's wishes before…not even Ryou's…what's with you?" the spirit looked at Marik meaningfully.

Marik nodded promptly as if trying to shake away his bad thoughts. "I'll…figure it out…and I'll let you know…"

The spirit suddenly realized they had been sitting down all this time. It stood up and started to float above the ground. "I must go."

"Wait!" Marik said " You can call me Marik! What should I call you?"

The spirit looked thoughtful "Ryou calls me `'Yami" because I am his dark-side. Other than that…I don't remember my name…if you want to distinguish me from my bright-side, though, you can call me by his surname…'Bakura'…just to separate us…"

Marik nodded quickly, indicating he understood. "Goodbye…" he said quietly and a little dejectedly.

Bakura's body started to fade away like smoke. Soon only his eyes were left, staring back at Marik. A loud, distant voice echoed around Marik's brain cells, as those fading eyes glared at him. "Until next we meet…Marik." He heard the scary voice say. After that, the eyes and smoke completely faded away.

As though waking from a sudden dream, Marik could again hear the voices of his friends from the other room. Soon, he saw the door open, and Serenity and Ryou came outside covered in something Marik was not quite familiar with. The blond boy stood up, his golden earrings tingling at the movement. He stared quizzically at Serenity, asking for an explanation.

Serenity's face was graced with a pretty blush while Ryou looked embarassed beyond imagination.

"Um…" Serenity started "I decided to show Ryou how to bake a cake with contemporary equipment but…he insisted we try the `traditional' cooking method…" Serenity aimed a playful glare at Ryou. Ryou looked away bashfully.

"I just thought using our hands to cook was a good idea…" he said innocently. Marik's eyes widened considerably.

"You used your HANDS?" he said with a level of incredulity unknown to mankind.

"Well…yes…" Ryou said quietly.

"And these are the results!" Serenity said while pointing at her stained clothes. Marik was commencing a fit of laughter while Ryou and Serenity were slowly becoming purple from blushing. Who would have thought these people were actually twenty years old?

The three friends were suddenly interrupted by the sound of a computerized voice.

"Warning. Two individuals approaching residence. Gender: females. Grant access?"

Marik stopped snickering and turned to Serenity. "It might be a trap…Kaiba!" he said urgently and Serenity nodded. Ryou's innocent eyes widened. Marik could guess he was having an internal conversation with Bakura. He really wished to know what they were saying.

Serenity's commanding voice ordered the computer "Computer, demand name and activate speakers." The computer obeyed and the house was suddenly filled with two voices.

"It's us!" a tearful voice cried. Marik instantly recognized her, being the one with the most experience in KaibaCorp "It's us!" the voice said again "Lena and Rika!! Serenity, please! Open the door!"

Serenity turned to Marik anxiously. " It might be a trick! What should we do?" she inquired. Marik looked a bit lost for a moment, so it was Ryou who answered.

"Marik, let's hide. We don't know what they want or why they're here. We can't risk them seeing us! Serenity has an alibi, remember? Kaiba has no reason to hurt her!"

Serenity was surprised by Ryou's determination. His eyes were still honest and pure, but this time they had a load of resolve into them. Marik nodded quickly and followed Ryou into the nearby corridor.

"Close!" Ryou ordered the computer and the corridor doors closed immediately.

"You're a fast learner!" Marik complimented as Ryou's innocent eyes sparkled with pride.

"I only saw Serenity do it, like, twenty times." He answered.

Marik smiled quickly and urged Ryou to focus his attention on the happenings of the living room. Fortunately for the two of them, the house speakers were still on, so the voices of the girls echoed around.

"Oh my God, are you okay!?" Serenity yelled after the sound of the closing door. The boys' blood froze in their veins as they listened to incoherent mumbling and constant sobbing. "Serenity! We didn't know where to go…We' re so sorry…"Lena's tear-filled voice finally said.

"You won't believe this, Serenity, my God…I can't…oh God…" Rika cried after that. Marik and Ryou had gotten really worried by now.

Serenity's voice ripped through the sobs. "What happened? Tell me! What's wrong, girls?" she anxiously asked.

"Haven't you…Haven't you seen…the…n-news?!" Lena inquired between sobs. Serenity sounded like a nerve-rack right then "No, I haven't! What's going on? Tell me, you're killing me!"

`And me…' Ryou thought desperately.

"You know the d-doctors Suzuki and A-Ayano that were with us at the operation yesterday?" Lena asked. She seemed to be a little better than Rika who was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Y-yeah..,. Your point is?" Serenity hesitantly asked.

"And you know that boy Soiji…he was w-with us too…" Lena continued ominously. Serenity said nothing but the boys could imagine her nodding anxiously.

"Well, they're…they're…" Lena tried to say.

"THEY'RE DEAD!! ALL THREE!" Rika screamed desperately. The boys covered they're ears, but they were focused on what she had said. Marik especially felt horrible. He had known these people.

"What??!" Serenity tremulously asked "Wha-How? Why? When?" she asked desperately.

"Yesterday night! They were found …oh God… they were found murdered in their apartments… Some maniac chopped their heads off! All three of them."

A thud was heard and the boys could only imagine Serenity drop to the ground.

"W-Why?" she asked in a distant voice. Ryou was sure he could hear tears in her voice.

"W-We don't know…W-we were out partying with Taichi and Kenji last night, at the time the others were killed…when we went back home in the m-morning…both our apartments were trashed…" Lena murmured barely loud enough to hear.

There was a long pause and Serenity's voice was heard after that "What are you saying?" she asked in a sickeningly low whisper.


Marik looked at Ryou and he stared back. So it wasn't just Ryou who was the target, after all…It was everyone. Lena's voice broke the silence again.

"You know that guy, Ryou Bakura? Kaiba says he escaped his cell yesterday. You think that crazy freak killed everyone? We still don't know were Marik is! D-Do you think…"

"I don't think so!" the deep exotic voice said.

All three girls looked around to greet the sight of Marik and Ryou walking towards him. The girls gasped and ran to Marik at once. The practically brought him down with hugs.

"Oh, thank God you're okay!" both of them were saying. Ryou shook his head slowly and approached Serenity. He stood beside her and together they waited for the girls to stop glomping Marik.

When it was finally over they turned back to Serenity. "What's the meaning of this?" Lena asked her.

Serenity glanced towards Marik's direction and the exotic blonde got the message.

"Ryou didn't escape last night…It was us who sneaked him out…we thought we could bring him here where he could be safe. Kaiba was about to kill him! Serenity and I were worried about Kaiba's threatening behavior so we went to check on Ryou…Kaiba was about to kill him, I swear"

Both girls stared in disbelief. "Kaiba?" Rika asked incredulously.

"As in…Kaiba, the boss?" Lena added.

All three friends nodded vigorously and Lena turned to Rika. "It makes sense…Kaiba was threatening everyone yesterday, remember? Why would `the guinea pig', as he calls him, make an exception? Bakura also took part in the operation…"

Rika nodded in understanding and turned to Ryou and Marik. "We trust you guys ant not that scumbag, Kaiba."

"I don't get it, though…" Ryou suddenly said "If everyone was attacked last night, how come Serenity's house is an exception?"

Marik thought a bit and answered. "I know! Serenity just started working at KaibaCorp yesterday. Her address has not been saved in the company catalog yet. I was in charge, so I should know…"

"That means they might discover the address any minute through the state catalog!" Serenity frantically yelled with Ryou's hand gently calming her shoulder.

"It's true!" Marik said "We are all in imminent danger!"

"Then lets go!" Ryou said. He took Serenity's hand and started to lead her down the hall.

"Ryou, wait!" Marik yelled and the other boy stopped dead in his tracks. "We have nowhere to go! I bet Kaiba has his goons looking for us everywhere right now. Let's stay here until dawn."

"Dawn might be too late…" Ryou thoughtfully said.

"No, it won't!" Lena suddenly piped up. "Taichi and Kenji have already prepared and escape pod. We're leaving the planet ASAP!"

"It's the only thing we can do right now…Get as far from KaibaCorp centrals as possible…You should come with us! It's your only hope!" Rika filled in while looking at Marik.

Marik looked at Ryou and Serenity for approval. They both nodded in determination. "Okay." Marik said "You're right. It is our only shot. When are we gonna go to the pod?"

Lena smiled "we agreed with Taichi that we should meet up tomorrow noon. The two of them will be spending the night in the pods. Tomorrow we will go incognito…Kaiba won't dare kill us in broad daylight!"

"Don't be so sure…" Ryou thoughtfully remarked, but stopped when he saw the desperate looks he was receiving "But it is our best shot!" he finished.

"Where to go, though?" Marik murmured "Kaiba has connections everywhere…"

"Maybe we should go to the place he least expected we survive…" Serenity spoke. That pulled Ryou and Marik's attention.

"Do you mean…?" Marik started.

"Ah-huh…." She said slowly "Earth."

Rika and Lena gasped as if a forbidden plague had been mentioned. Marik slowly nodded in comprehension while Ryou's innocent eyes sparkled with hope. He would see home again.

"Why would Kaiba try and kill every single on of us, anyway?" Rika silently mused, "He could just get rid of the main executives- no offense Serenity-"

"None taken"

"…Or just `the specimen' -no offense Ryou.

""None taken."

"Well, didn't you hear him at yesterday's meeting?" Serenity asked "He doesn't want anyone to know about his secret operation. He probably believed we already know too much as it is…"

Meanwhile, Marik watched Ryou carefully. The ring around his neck started glowing but none of the girls noticed.

Marik watched, entranced, as Ryou's facial expressions changed from innocent to cruel. The boy's figure suddenly looked taller and more muscular. His spiky hair flew around his face and his glaring brown-red eyes were locked on Marik.

Suddenly, he spoke, a voice far different than Ryou's sweet one. The girls hushed and turned to `Ryou' in bewilderment.

"So it wasn't just me they're after." He told Marik darkly. Only the bronze-skinned boy caught the double meaning of the phrase. Bakura was referring to himself-the spirit. Marik knew this, but the girls thought it was Ryou, talking about himself.

Marik gulped and nodded stiffly. "No…Not just you…But that doesn't mean we were wrong…" he said.

Serenity focused her concerned glance on `Ryou'. "Ryou?" she asked "Are you okay?"

Bakura turned to her darkly. He could hear his light screaming to him to treat the girl nicely, so he obliged. "I'm fine." He told her in a softer tone than what he had used earlier. "Don't worry… Serena…" he added in Ryou's innocent voice. Serenity observed him up and down. Could it be he was truly crazy, after all?

Marik noticed her reactions and inwardly swore to tell her the truth later. It was a shame to lose her trust to Ryou.

"I can't believe this!" Lena's voice suddenly broke out "I curse the day we heard of operation Rewind 1!"

The moment she said Rewind 1, it was like something scared Bakura out of his wits. He felt his head spinning rapidly and gave into it

"Rewind 1…" he heard distant echoes "We'll name it Rewind1…the first positive result…eternal….Rewind…." just then, the pain returned in excruciating amounts.

He soon blacked out.

"Ryou! Please wake up!! Are you okay? What's wrong?" Serenity asked in an anxious tone. Bakura groggily opened his eyes and saw his light's beloved wiping his forehead with a damp towel. `They still have these in 2650?' Bakura wondered, referring to the towel.

He noticed that everyone was gathered around him and the moon had come to the sky. `Maybe this is the time to let Ryou take over…' Bakura mused. He was about to retreat into his ring when he heard Marik ask him a question.

"What happened?" he asked and just like earlier, the spirit felt the need to answer Marik's question.

"The name of that operation reminds me of something…it was an unpleasant flash…it's gone now…"

"You mean `Rewind 1'?" Rika asked curiously.

Bakura winced "Yees…that" he told Rika with a hiss. She got the message and stopped prying.

"So you DO have flashes.." Marik said mysteriously.

"This has never happened before,,," Bakura answered in the same tone.

"Ok, what THE HELL is going on here?" Serenity inquired somewhat angrily.

"I just think Ryou needs his rest, am I right Ryou?" Marik slyly asked.

"Yes…you are…" Bakura said. The golden ring around his neck glowed suddenly, and Ryou's eyes became pure and innocent again. Serenity was royally confused, but the other girls didn't seem to notice.

"C'mon, guys…" Marik said dismissively "Big day tomorrow…"

He took the two girls and ushered them outside the guestroom. "Goodnight…" Serenity quietly told Ryou and turned to the door.

"Wait, Serena!" Ryou asked before he could stop himself.

"Y-yes?" she turned around somewhat shyly.

"I-I…" he started with a stutter "You don't think I'm crazy, do you?" he asked urgently.

Serenity instantly felt guilty for even suggesting the idea to herself. How could she ever think like that after all she'd seen? She had proven unworthy for his gratitude yet again. Now his large eyes were observing her in desperation.

"I could never." She simply said and smiled a true smile. He returned the favor.

"Goodnight…" he said quietly as her figure slowly walked away.

"Goodnight…" she said sweetly "…call me if you need anything…" she added in a worried tone, which almost made him go crazy with joy.

"I will…G'night…"

"Sweet dreams…" she mumbled and walked outside. The doors shut behind her and Ryou suddenly felt very alone. He lay down and searched in the abyss of his mind.

/That was close, Yami…/ he told the grouchy spirit. Bakura smiled at his light, a favor preserved only for his other half.

//She's cuter than she looks from in here…// the darkness said.

Ryou smiled brightly and closed his eyes.

Back in the living room, Lena and Rika were asleep. Next to them, Marik and Serenity were talking. Marik made sure to tell her everything about the invisible spirit.

"That explains why Ryou was called crazy…I wonder why he didn't trust me with this." She quietly wondered.

"He hasn't told me either, I told you…I just know because… I can see Bakura, myself…Ryou is afraid we'll think he's crazy if he tells us…imagine what you would do in his shoes!"

Serenity nodded. A great amount of understanding filled her heart. Poor boy, to have such problems all his life…. Not only he brought was alone in a foreign place, but he also had to deal with an irate spirit…

"What about that `Rewind 1' flashback that Bakura had?" Serenity asked Marik…

"I told you about Bakura's memory loss…Other than that…I don't know." Marik answered,

Serenity quietly nodded and focused her gaze on Marik. His blonde bangs covered his tropical eyes and his golden jewelry sparkled in the red moonlight. He looked very thoughtful.

"What's the matter with you, Marik?" she asked suddenly. He looked at her questioningly. "Why can you control Kaiba's decisions and why are you the only one that can see that Bakura spirit? How did you know about Kaiba's was planning to kill Ryou?"

Marik nodded at her as if he was agreeing with something in his head. Then he covered his face with both hands. He ran his palms through his hair and they became two fists in his blonde bangs.

"I-It's not time yet, Serena…" he mumbled "Not time…"

Serenity yawned widely and groaned. "Sure…that's all I hear today…"Not time"…darn…need…sleep…ahhh…" she yawned.

Marik watched as she sank into the couch next to him. For once, her sleep was not plagued with nightmares of her long-lost brother, but Marik never knew…

He shook his head dismissively and resumed to thinking. Serena was right…why did all this have to happen to him…why now…why here…why…

That was his last thought before he fell into deep slumber himself.

None of them saw the black shadow pull the guestroom window open. None of them saw the shadow stand ominously over the albino boy's angelic, sleeping form. None of them saw the glint of the laser string stretched above the boy's throat.

None of them heard the shadow maliciously whisper:

"And then the Queen of the Wonderland shouted…"Off with her head!!" "

In case you guys didn't notice, the last sadistic phrase was from Alice in Wonderland. Cliffy!!!