Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Rewind 1 ❯ Filth ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hiya, guys!!! I hope you enjoy this!!!! I've been lacking inspiration for months!!! So here you go, a little Xmas gift from me!!! Merry Christmas, everyone, and a happy New Year!!!!
Pissed off was hardly a term to specify what Marik was feeling right now. Although it was Bakura who was notorious for his never-ending temper, it was now Marik who was pacing up and down the small lounge.
As expected, the KC ship had safely brought them back to Yango. Kaiba stayed true to his word and ordered not a hair of their head be touched. That did not change the facts, however…
And the facts were that now they were stranded in Marik's old house in Virna- back to where they'd started- left in the mercy of Kaiba's guards, who were surrounding the house from all directions at that very moment. Once they had reached Yango, the company of ten didn't even attempt to escape. It was futile, and they all knew it.
Thus, they had simply lowered their heads and allowed the KC guards to lead them to Marik's house, earning curious glances from locals the whole time.
The look of pure desperation on Yugi's face once he realized he had come back to the place he despised most of all was honestly pitiful. Lena, Rika and Tea seemed simply resigned to their fate and kept strangely silent the whole time.
As for Ryou and Serenity…they had been the most silent ones along with Marik and Rishido. Lost in thoughts they all were, each one plagued with their own mysterious problems. Dark Bakura had retreated in his Ring long ago, after Ryou's repeated pleas.
And now, finally, they had reached Marik's house and had sealed themselves inside as fast as they could. But Marik knew that this wouldn't last long. This was a hut, not a fortress, and there was no way out except the front door. There was a small backyard, but there was no alternate exit. Not only that, but their food supplies weren't that great. At least one of them would eventually have to exit the house…and consequently get blasted by one of the guards that were circling the place like bloodthirsty hyenas.
Strange and disappointing, that they had gone through so much only to find themselves back in the starting point, trapped worse than ever…
Marik pondered all this, as he absently stared out the small hole in the wall, which could hardly qualify for a window. Sitting on the sofas, at the other side of the room were the infamous albino, the spiky haired Yugi Mutou and ,of course, Serenity Wheeler.
Everyone was silent, lost in their own thoughts. The rest of the company was at the kitchen, possibly trying to wind off from all the stress. Not much time had passed, since the inevitable question was made by Serenity.
“Soo…what now? What do we do?” she asked simply, looking first at Marik and then at Ryou. The wise albino shrugged slowly and lazily scratched the back of his head. His brow furrowed in concentration.
“I think it's quite obvious at this stage that we have to get out of here…” he simply stated.
-No shit, Sherlock. - was heard the annoying voice of his Darkside in his mind -how long did it take you to think of that?-
Ryou, noble as he was, restrained himself from answering to that ironic sidecomment and turned his attention to Marik.
“Isn't there some kind of backdoor the KC guys can't possibly know about?” Ryou questioned, earning a thoughtful look from Marik.
“No…” the blonde left that statement trail on in a manner that wasn't exactly firm “There is no other way to leave the house except from the front door.”
Serenity frowned slightly, a scowl shadowing her usually bright features “Well, what if we disguise again, or something? It worked last time, didn't it? We can easily pull one of those stunts…right?”
But Marik shook his head in refusal, much to Serena's chagrin.
“No do. The last time, the port guards had never seen us before…but now, the guards know us. They brought us here with their ship, remember? We can't fool them that easily.”
Yugi suddenly perked up, obviously having come up with something “Hey! Wait a sec! What about that KC ship that brought us here? Maybe we can…commandeer it or something! Where is it now?”
Serenity smiled and ruffled Yugi's mop of hair affectionately. Yugi was still a teenager, after all. Not that she, herself, was much older.
“Time to stop living in Virtual Games, Yugi…” Serenity said quietly “You can't just `take over' a spaceship…you need navigators, commanders, you need to know how to drive the specific ship…it's not that easy…”
Marik nodded slowly, as he finally turned away from the window.
“Not only that, Serena…Kaiba has probably ordered the ship get back to the Base already…He's much too smart to leave a ship here with us…He'll probably send some ship to take his people back once they are `done' with us…”
Serenity simply gulped.
Yugi leaned forward and supported his elbows on his knees, as he stared at the others.
“So…let's review. We're trapped in a house which we cannot exit…and even if we did somehow manage to get out of this place without getting shot by the guards, or arrested by the local authorities which are probably after us too by now, or skinned alive but some random thug we meet outside…we would have virtually no means of escaping the planet, which is coincidentally swarming with bounty hunters and all kinds of scum of the universe who coincidentally want off with all our heads, as you probably know already…am I right, so far?” Yugi asked.
It was a cruel truth, but it was the truth.
“Too right, Yugi.” Ryou said as he let out a heavy sigh and fell back on the couch.
Marik also walked to a nearby armchair and sunk deep in it. “We have to find a way to get out of this place...without getting anyone hurt. I don't want no killings.”
Serenity nodded in approval “I agree. I'm a doctor, not a scout. Being the good guys doesn't mean we can kill people for our good cause.”
“Are we really the good guys?”
Yugi's question stilled the conversation, making everyone turn to him in surprise. The boy shrugged simply.
“Sorry guys. I didn't mean it that way…it's just that I hardly know anything about any of you…for all I know, you can be the bad guys.”
Ryou stared at the boy in sheer disbelief. “Are you serious? As if the way Kaiba treated you in the Base wasn't proof enough of whom the bad guy really is??! He almost killed you, for God's sake! If it weren't for Marik, we'd all be dead by now!!”
Serenity blinked slowly, in confusion. “What do you mean, Ryou? What did Marik do?” Her eyes flew back to Marik's indifferent expression, which was fixed on Ryou.
`Damn…this is the last thing I need right now…more people asking more questions…How to explain everything to everyone? Damn…I don't even know what's wrong with me…they might start suspecting…damn!' Marik thought begrudgingly, as he watched Serenity and Yugi toss more confused questions.
Ryou was about to open his mouth, answer and solve all their problems once and for all, while Marik simply wished for a miracle to stop the upcoming revelations.
And curiously, the miracle came…in the uncanniest way ever.
Ryou's eyes suddenly flashed red.
It was as quick as lightning, and then the albino's eyes were back to the customary mahogany. But Marik had seen it. He had seen Ryou's hair spike up wildly, and he had seen the glint of something golden flash under Ryou's torn shirt. And now, no matter how hard Dark Bakura tried to hide his appearance in front of Serenity, Marik knew he was there…
`He came just when I needed him the most…again.' Marik unconsciously thought, as he watched Bakura recite the next words with Ryou's flawless calm voice.
“You know what, Serena? On second thought, forget about that…I'll tell you later. What is important now is finding a way out of this shack. Right Mariku?” Bakura turned towards the lithe blonde, granting Marik with a perfect view of unguarded, blood-red eyes.
“Mariku?” Serenity's curious voice abruptly interrupted. “Since when do you call Marik, `Mariku', Ryou?”
Marik had a clear image of Bakura rolling his eyes upwards and cursing under his breath. Marik really had to restrain himself from laughing sadistically at the scene. Bakura had made a fool of himself- he had let his guard down!! And for Marik, nonetheless!! Marik just wanted to fly to the heavens from the sheer pleasure of the thought!! It seems like he had finally started stealing the attention of the one person he had always cared to distract!!
“Mariku? What Mariku? You must have misheard me, Serena…I said: we don't have time to talk. We have to find a way out!” Bakura covered up his slip up flawlessly, but Marik didn't fail to notice the suspicious look both Serenity and Yugi were granting the spirit right then. It seems that Yugi had not noticed the change in the albino yet, even though he could see the spirit.
“Well, I believe I deserve to know at least the basic information about the ones I'm traveling with, don't you agree? I'd like to know your story. Now.” Came Yugi's curiously detached, sharp command.
Serenity eyed Yugi curiously due to his sudden lack of amiability, whilst Marik took some time to better examine `Yugi'…It didn't come as a real surprise when `Yugi' didn't turn out to be the huge-eyed, kind youngster that had a passion for spaceships…It was a lordly man with frosty eyes, as demanding and kingly as ever.
`I didn't even notice the change…I guess I've learned how to see the change in Ryou immediately…With Yugi it's a bit more tricky.' Marik pondered as he shared a look of perfectly concealed surprise with Bakura, who seemed to be having the same thoughts.
“Is…is something wrong?” Serenity's sweet voice interrupted, seemingly oblivious to the entire situation, but far from it actually. She had been capable to detect the change in her beloved Ryou immediately. But now…what was wrong with Yugi?
Seeing as Bakura looked just about ready to pounce on the Game King and crush his head between claws of death, Marik decided to save the situation while he still had time.
“I assure you we will tell you everything we know, Yugi…it's just…let's focus on getting out first.” Marik reassured, earning a calculating look from Dark Yugi's part.
“You better be telling the truth, Marik. Coz I demand an explanation.” And with a court nod and a simple blink of his eyes, instant mist had swooped over his body, and Yugi was once again the kind boy they had first met in Yango.
“Umm…” Yugi simply started, but was rudely interrupted by Bakura, who had immediately turned to Marik and seemed extremely intent.
“There's only one solution to the problem…” Bakura started, and Marik was sure he detected a certain evil glint in his eyes.
Marik narrowed his crystalloid eyes “Go on…I'm all ears.”
Bakura smirked “We have to fight. Like we did back in Mercury with the ninjas, remember? That's the only way: wipe `em out.”
Marik shook his head dismissively and walked to the window, thus turning his back to the spirit in Ryou's body.
“Nah…This isn't like the ninjas in Mercury. Those were undercover, trained assassins…these guys here are serious. Guns, lasers, all kinds of shit…we can't just `take `em down'…” Marik voiced reason with heavy sighs.
“Wanna bet?” was the somewhat predictable answer from Bakura's part. Strangely enough, it was Serenity who answered.
“No, Ryou…we can't hurt people, remember? If we turn this into a blood-bath, we'll have more feds after us.” Serenity didn't feel all that comfortable interacting with a spirit she knew nothing about…but, after all, Marik seemed to be able to talk to him directly, so…why couldn't she do the same?
Bakura turned around a little too abruptly for Serenity's comfort, and he mercilessly pierced the girl with his now bare, blood red stare.
“If that's what it takes then so be it!!…It's our only chance. Isn't the entire known universe after us, anyway?” Bakura argued vividly, forcing burning holes in Serenity's skull with his glaring eyes.
“You've got a point there, Bak…I mean, Ryou.” Marik fought the urge to bash his own head on the wall because of his own stupidity. He watched the familiar albino turn back to look at him expectantly. “But let's not forget we're scientists, not marines.” Marik concluded, making Bakura smirk.
“Your `scientific' ministrations with the ninjas showed otherwise.”
Marik's eyes narrowed at the leer, as he clearly recognized the glint in the other's eye. He opened his mouth to respond, but was once again interrupted by Serenity. This conversation was becoming quite tiring.
“Do we have to kill people?” Serenity questioned persistently and this time Bakura made absolutely no attempt to restrain his frustrated sigh. Marik really had the feeling that Bakura was controlling his temper with Serenity's attitude only for the sake of his Brightside's reputation.
“Look.” Bakura started with what vaguely seemed like an attempt to be kind and understanding, but failing miserably “We don't necessarily HAVE to KILL people, okay? But what you have to understand is that if we don't kill them, they're gonna kill us. This can only mean one thing: live and let die. We'll avoid hurting them if we can. Happy now?”
Serenity was thunderstruck, that was the only way to put it. It wasn't as though Bakura had really hurt her feelings…she was just surprised by the sudden…forwardness…of his character. Ryou was so different…so subtle…so compassionate…so democratic…
And as for Bakura, he didn't wait to hear the girl's answer. He turned around in total, heartless disinterest and immediately addressed Marik and Yugi. Marik truly felt sorry for the girl and for everybody else unfortunate enough to cross Bakura's path. But then again, the realization that he was perhaps one of the few people who had totally gained Bakura's …well…respect, at least…made him…proud. The sheer thought burst a strange bubble of excitement in Marik's chest. Although he kept feeling guilty about being so full of himself all of a sudden, he just couldn't help savoring the way he had repeatedly managed to get Bakura to shower him with attention. He just couldn't help the feeling of…triumph?!
“What do you say? How about we surprise them at dawn, or something?” Bakura offered with the look of a weasel who is building a dirty plan- which wasn't all that far from the truth, actually…
Marik tapped on his chin as a gesture of meditation. Finally, he spoke. “I say we wait one more day. Then, tomorrow or the day after, we can do it. That way, we'll be better prepared…at the moment, we don't even have a ship or something…”
Bakura nodded slowly. “Right though you may be, pretty bo---…I mean, you may be right, Marik, but we're running out of supplies. Fast. And no ships come to Virna, remember?”
“Wait a sec!!” was heard the familiar melodic voice. Serenity had found her way in the conversation yet again. Marik was seriously starting to believe that the girl really was a glutton for punishment, or something. Bakura looked ready to strangle her, for goodness sake!!
“Didn't you say that Kaiba's gonna bring a ship to pick up his people after they're `done' with us?”
Marik and Bakura exchanged glances, curious at Serenity's self-satisfied expression.
“Yeah…and your point is…?” Bakura questioned simply, with a gaze that clearly showed Serenity just how seriously he took her suggestions…not.
Serenity smiled brightly, nonetheless… “All we have to do is make them think we're dead. Then Kaiba will send a ship to pick up his goons and we can immobilize them then…we'll take their pod and escape to Earth in no time!”
At this point all three other boys simply blinked. Even Bakura, was speechless.
“Uh…cool plan Serenity…” Yugi simply commented, after the surprised silence.
“Thanks!!” Serenity answered cheerfully “That way, no one has to get killed! All we have to do is knock them out, ditch them here and steal their ship. Right?”
“Cool!!” Yugi agreed excitedly. “Sounds convenient! Now all we have to do is organize it carefully…”
From the sidelines, Marik turned to Bakura.
“Why didn't I think of that, again?” Marik inquired numbly.
Bakura simply smirked and quietly commented “Looks like Brightside has a good taste in women, after all.”
After all four friends had decided to follow the course of action Serenity had suggested; Marik excused himself in order to take a long-awaited bath. Since Serenity and the others had already taken care of that, they stayed in the lounge and tried to forget their sorrows by talking about something `light' and simple….a.k.a. virtual reality games.
Ryou seemed intent on learning anything he could about this kind of thing, and the King of Games was more than willing to demonstrate his in-depth knowledge about all kinds of different game strategies.
When they had finally gotten bored of that subject, Serenity asked Yugi the question she had been agonizing to ask for some time.
“So, Yugi…you don't like fighting, do you?” Serenity asked, referring to the conversation they'd all had earlier that evening.
Yugi shook his head in refusal “Nah…I don't want people getting hurt, you know? But…”
Serenity raised a curious eyebrow, while Ryou stayed silent a listener.
“But?” Serenity probed further.
“But…if I had to fight in order to get away from this place…” Yugi raised his huge, pure eyes to stare deep into hers “…I would do it. My dreams are out there…and I'll do anything to find them…”
And Serenity knew he meant it, for she saw his spirit shine through his determined eyes…She knew he would do it…for his dreams. To get away from this place…to discover new worlds…
Joey had dreams too.
------------------------------------Flashback-------------------- ---------------
“What's that, big brother?”
His deep brown eyes sparkled with dark glint…as dark as the darkest chasm of earth, the color of the coconut's shell, dried-up lava that has converted to the deepest amber-brown. And his skin, hard and callous, sunkissed mocha, matched only by his corn, hay-golden hair.
A son of the Earth, grown to be the rarest gift of the Earth's core. Brought up from the fullest, healthiest soil- bent and formed into his shape by the currents of wind that shuffle and shake the ground! That was her brother - whipped by the scourges of nature, a body forged in a Volcano. Eyes deep and natural enough to compare to the cracks on the ground after an Earthquake, nails wide and clear to resemble the claws of a hawk- that was her brother. The Son of Earth- wild, free, natural.
“It's a drawing. A dragon.”
And his voice, the rumble of the rocks before a rockslide- raining down in deep waves, crashing down on silent reality, matching the fire of his being.
“ A dragon? Okaaaaay…So, why does it have red eyes?”
And his touch on the girl's cheek…he didn't have those disgusting things on his arms then…it was hard and painful- his touch. It was like the feeling of skin sliding over dry rock- insistent and somewhat painful, but curiously cool, and pleasant.
“Because I like red.”
She giggled “Liar! I know you hate red. You say the Catacombs are red.”
“Exactly! Do you know why the Catacombs are red?”
“…um…because they're on fire…?”
“Yes. The Catacombs are on fire…Imagine a Dragon, with the Catacombs in his heart, and ship-metal on his skin.”
“…The Catacombs in his heart? But how can he have the whole place in his heart!?! It doesn't fit….right, big brother!? The Catacombs are huge. ”
“Yes…but all Catacombs are the same, right? All the Catacombs are Red, because fire is everywhere. So even though the Catacombs are huge…all you have to do is take a small part and you have the whole thing.”
“…I still don't get it…”
“…Look at the picture. What do you see?”
“…It's…it's a big black lizard with red eyes. That's what I see.”
“Well then, that's what it is. It's a Black Lizard with Red Eyes.”
“…But…but didn't you just say that the fire was in his heart and that the metal of the ships was on his skin?”
“…I did, didn't I?”
“…Big brother, stop kidding around! You said it was all that- you did! But then you said it was a dragon! And then you said it was something else!!”
“It is a dragon, then. And it has fire in its heart and coal-metal on its skin. And it's a lizard with red eyes and black body. It is all of these things. It is what you see in it.”
“…So it's a DRAGON. D-R-A-G-O-N. “
“Exactly what I was saying. It's a Black Dragon with Red Eyes, which breaths fire and flies like a spaceship with its metallic wings…”
“You changed it again!!”
“So what do you think, Seren? Imagine a world with flying beasts like this one! Imagine a Swordsman wreathed in flames, riding the birds of fire! Can you imagine it?”
“…Big brother, what does `wreathed' mean?…”
“…One day, I'll show you. I'll show you that world…”
“H-Hey, big brother…”
“..One day, I'll show Mai that the stories of the Valkyries and the Amazons that her grandma tells her are true…and maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll make her believe in them again…I'll show her- I'll surely show her-“
--------------------------------------End Flashback-------------------------------------------
“Hey, Serena! You okay? What's wrong?!” The albino's worried form bent over the girl on the couch. “Quick! Yugi, get her some water or something!!! Damn this 25th century!! I don't even know first aid!”
The spiky haired boy rushed to the kitchen, leaving Ryou to take care of an abnormally pale Serenity.
“What just happened?” Ryou questioned anxiously, holding the girls hand tightly clasped between his own two.
Serenity smiled somewhat shakily.
“N-Nothing…I…I just had a bad-“
“Here's your water!!!” Yugi shouted, as he entered the lounge suddenly. He ran to Ryou and gave him the small glass. Serenity smiled in gratitude as she drank the essence of life hastily. The two boys watched her somewhat worriedly, and only when she paused to reassure them she was all right did they seem to lighten up a bit.
Ryou, however, was not completely placated. He watched the girl he loved silently, as she finished her drink.
“Serenity, what's wrong? Are you sick or something?” Yugi idly wondered.
Serenity shook her head in refusal. “Nope…just tired.” And then she turned to Ryou with those completely…serene…amber eyes. Everything was oddly calm and quiet, until Ryou's voice suddenly broke the silence.
“Yugi…could you please leave us for a while? “ came Ryou's noble but also strangely commanding voice. He was set on discovering what was bothering Serenity, and that was that.
-Are you sure this is the smart thing to do, Brightside? Alone with her?! She might rape you…- Bakura commented from within Ryou's mind, only to earn a furious telepathic shout, which, curiously but effectively, shut him up.
“Uh…sure, Ryou. See you guys later…” Those were Yugi's last words before the boy exited the room. He seemed very glad to leave on the first place. Maybe it was because he could feel the tension growing between the albino and the girl.
Ryou followed the other boy briefly and watched the door close behind him. He stayed silent for a moment while leaning on the door with his back turned to Serenity.
She gulped. Suddenly, knots were twisting in her stomach and her heartbeat was erratic. As if the not-so-pleasant flashback she just had wasn't enough, now she was left alone with Ryou… She stole a quick glance at him and immediately turned back to the floor when she saw him turn around.
And then, the inevitable question came.
“All right, Serena. You know you can trust me with anything. Now tell me what that was all about.” Ryou's deep mahogany eyes questioned.
Serenity tried to bite back a bitter comment about the fact that he didn't trust her as much as he claimed. If he really did, then he would tell her about his secret spirit. Suddenly, all these feelings of betrayal and loneliness hit her full force, in combination with the initial shock of her flashback.
The customary unbearable guilt about Joey mingled in the mix, intensifying the general feeling of unworthiness in the girl's heart. And then again, those eyes were staring at her. Those eternally innocent eyes…how could they ever know how filthy she really was!?
It was that which hurt her the most- the fact that Ryou admired her and believed her to be some sort of angel who had saved him from certain death…when in truth, she was nothing more than a dirty, petty, insignificant scientist who had sucked up to the worst people possible in order to become what little she was…And she had betrayed her family too.
As Ryou watched her expectantly, Serenity felt the lump in her throat grow. How could he be so naïve? How could he be so compassionate? Why couldn't he just let her rot in her little cage, withdrawn and abandoned form the rest of the world?! Why did he always have to pick holes in her arguments- why did he have to care!?!?
The boy repeated his last question in apprehension and Serenity was shaken back to the real world- she had to answer. But then again, she suddenly realized, she didn't want to answer- she didn't feel worthy of talking to him any more.
“You think I'm so perfect, don't you?” she merely stated, glaring at him with a most unfamiliar, unusual look. Ryou was puzzled. What was wrong with Serena- one moment she seemed desperate and the other she was angry. He wondered whether it had been a bad choice to talk to her, after all.
“Serena…what are you talking about?” he simply asked, “I just asked why you passed out.”
Serenity didn't answer; she merely slumped down on the couch and smiled somewhat bitterly, gazing at the floor. Had one approached her at that time, they would certainly see the soft tears that were forming in her eyes.
“I know…” her voice broke “I know that…”
Ryou's eyes widened, and like a tornado he rushed to his beloved's side. With not a moment's hesitation, he gathered her small form in his arms and tenderly swept away a couple of her loose auburn bangs to look clearly into her eyes.
Liquid amber jewels blinked tentatively back at him.
Ryou was not stupid. He knew that Serenity got this way only with things that had to do with the lost brother she had told him about. Judging from her now wet cheeks and the names she had been crying in her sleep before…the situation definitely had to do with her brother.
“Shhh…” he soothed gingerly, and buried his long digits in her soft hair. The girl let go of her restrains and fell into his warm embrace, sobbing quietly the whole time.
Ryou smiled a slow, serene smile and ran his hand over her silky hair.
“If it's about your brother…we'll search together for him on Earth…We'll surely find him! Don't blame yourself- it's not your fault…” he simply said, closing his eyes and leaning against her head.
Curiously, his words not only didn't comfort Serenity, but they made her cry harder. She shook her head frantically in blind denial and tried to escape the boy's arms, suddenly feeling filthy and unworthy of his touch.
“No..No, you don't- you don't understand…” she tried to say, unaware of how her words really hurt the boy “It's not- it's not only about J-Joey…it's it's….Oh, God…”
And as she tried to tell him about the real guilt that was eating at her, she realized she didn't want him to know. She didn't want him to realize she wasn't his angel. She didn't want him to know she was one of the mere scientists who had treated him as a lab specimen. She didn't want him to know…didn't want to lose his affection.
She knew that once she opened her mouth and the next words came out…the arms around her would disappear and the innocent eyes that now looked at her with blind admiration would turn hurt and betrayed.
And she didn't want it. She couldn't bear to look at Ryou's confused face as he'd watch her stutter pathetically. She couldn't look at his honest eyes as she would finally tell him the truth and ring the bell of her doom.
But it was too late now. The phrase had already started…and before she knew it, it was out of her mouth.
“…I'm not who you think I am!! I'm not- I'm no…I'm no perfect angel!!” she pathetically admitted, as she fought to escape Ryou's grasp “I…I never saved you…I was -I was one of those who tried to hurt you…”
Ryou merely ceased to move, finally focusing on what she was trying to tell him. His sudden action mysteriously terrified Serenity, who was worried that he had started hating her already. She started crying even louder now.
“But- but you must believe me, Ryou….It changed! Everything changed! Wh-When I met you….and I…”
Ryou took her shoulders in his hands and shook her lightly. “Serena…what are you trying to tell me?” he simply asked, his brown eyes never once slipping away from her face. Guilty amber orbs finally rose to look at him, and he frantically tried to search for the source of the girl's discomfort.
Serenity tried to take a couple deep breaths and continued “It…It was an operation…in KaibaCorp, about two weeks ago…I had just been assigned as Kaiba's right hand scientist…”
Ryou's innocent eyes widened “Kaiba…as in, the guy who's chasing us!?”
Serenity nodded slowly, her eyes straying at the ground “Me and Marik and everyone else…we all worked there…but-but I didn't know they were conducting illegal experiments on humans…I-I…”
She sighed and tried to calm down, while Ryou tried to ignore the unpleasant feeling that had started to grow in his stomach.
“…And…?” he urged.
“The first day I was assigned to organize a top secret operation called…'Rewind 1''
The moment she said that, Ryou felt something cold run up his spine and into his lungs, choking him. The frigid thoughts that ran frantically through his mind were not his…they belonged to Bakura…But why was Bakura so aware of the conversation all of a sudden?
“Rewind 1…I've heard that name over and over again, but…I don't know what it means…is it really an operation?” he asked in concern. Serenity nodded seriously, her sobs somehow restrained for the sake of informing Ryou.
“Yes…I didn't know what it was about at the time…but soon I understood…That sick bastard, Kaiba, has been taking federal convicts and conducting illegal experiments on them in order to develop new medication and stuff…The Rewind series were operations dedicated in trying to turn people young…They all failed….except the last one…”
Serenity left that statement trail on, turning a guilty, hesitant look over to Ryou's now considerably numb face. She felt guilt and sorrow claw at her insides and tried to talk again.
“I-I…” the tears were falling fast now, and Ryou, predictably, was too numb to do anything about it
“I was never an angel that saved you from death, Ryou…I…I was the top scientist, who, along with…with others, surveyed the operation…The-They brought in an old prisoner, one who'd been convicted in the 21st century because he was considered to be schizophrenic….They had put him in a cryogenic capsule at the end of the 21st century because the old age he had reached was considered a historic achievement…K-Kaiba wanted to turn him young again…with this new substance they'd found…”
Ryou's eyes widened in apprehension, all the time Bakura's frozen anxiety running through his veins. Serenity let out a final, choked sob
“It was you, Ryou!! Kaiba used you as a sick experiment! And I…I helped him!! I know you hate me now…Say it!! Say you hate me!!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs and tried to bash her hand on his shoulder, but he stopped her.
With a kiss.
And as Serenity's brain functions shut down, her eyes refused to close and stayed wide open, staring numbly at Ryou's closed ones. A soft thumb climbed over her cheek and wiped away her tears. The warmth around her intensified, as the soft, full lips over her own seemed to cover her entire essence, nullifying her body functions, making her drown in need.
Ryou pulled away finally and stared deep in the girl's wide, perplexed eyes.
“I love you”
It was sincere, honest and calm and deep and pure, just like Ryou's heart. Like Ryou's eyes. Like Ryou's soul. Everything was displayed there in front of her: all his feelings. Numbly, Serena realized, that she could not spot even a trace of the fear of rejection that most males usually had. Ryou obviously didn't care whether or not his feelings were reciprocated….all he wanted was for her to know…
She couldn't speak.
Ryou smiled calmly and pulled the girl gently against his body. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, shutting his eyes and rejoicing in the incomparable sense of warmth and comfort that their finally joined bodies seemed to radiate.
“Why?” she simply inquired, her voice a bit muffled form his clothing “Didn't you…didn't you hear what I just said…?”
Ryou smiled again and opened his eyes slowly, staring soundly at the wall. “I know what you said…but I also know what you did, when Kaiba threatened to kill me, when Kaiba called me a guinea pig…when they said I was a lunatic…besides…it still feels as though you saved me that day…”
Serenity blinked in confusion, her heart starting to flutter with a feeling she hadn't felt in a long, long time: self -appreciation. Ryou loved her. He LOVED her. How could he be so…so…wise? Perhaps it was because of his old age…it didn't really matter, any more, though. All that mattered was that he loved her.
“I…I love you too.” She quietly acknowledged, smiling. “More than anyone else in this world.” She said a bit louder, smiling at him with an extremely rare, extremely peaceful smile. This feeling of being truly loved by someone…she had only felt it once- with her only brother Joey. And now Ryou, that same brotherly figure that had gradually taken so many other shapes in her mind.
It was confusing, really, the ways she loved Ryou. She loved him as the family she was denied and the friend she'd never had. And yet, it wasn't like that…he was her lifesaver, her anchor. She could never survive away from him for too long, for he was all she ever truly had. A brother, a friend, a soon-to-be, lover…everything…
The one she loved, Ryou.
This time, when Ryou leaned down to capture her lips in a chaste, sweet kiss, she let her eyes close in bliss.
And now he had it. The missing link. `Rewind 1'.
Blood-dipped red orbs sparkled in the darkened room. Since nights were cold in Yango, Bakura's breath formed a trail in the cold air. Silver, long strands swept over the bed, as Bakura stood up. He couldn't sleep. He couldn't stay in his Ring, either.
After the romantic happenings of the afternoon, Ryou had bid Serenity good night and both had gone to sleep in separate rooms. Now, with Ryou sleeping in the back of his mind, Bakura set out to relieve his sensitive nerves.
Too much energy. That was his problem.
He had learned so much, so unexpectedly. He had finally learned what Rewind 1 was from the strangest source and at the oddest time possible. The fact that Marik had not trusted him with these invaluable pieces of information all along unconsciously ate at Bakura…Why? Why hadn't Marik trusted him with this crucial info? Maybe…maybe Marik generally didn't trust him, or lied to him…Maybe…Maybe Marik was just using him, like…like…the others…After all, Marik hadn't said anything about the scar on his back either…He just didn't trust Bakura, as it seemed.
Well, those thoughts were quite confusing. Everything was crashing down on the spirit at that moment, and so he decided to do what he always did in order to unwind. Take Ryou's body for a walk. It always felt good to feel alive, after all. Even if it were just temporary.
Bakura had nasty overnight experiences with this specific house, since the last time he'd stumbled upon a half-naked Marik with a huge scar on his back. Therefore, he simply decided a walk outside was in order. Since he couldn't exit the house in fear of getting shot by the ever-present KC guards, he'd have to pay a visit to the backyard, the existence of which he had only recently discovered.
If he was lucky, he would have some time to think things through. The recent revelations about Rewind 1, in combination with the happenings at KC Base and Marik's stubborn refusal to talk about it, left more questions. And Bakura hated questions. He hated being left in the dark…especially by a certain smart-ass, blond, pretty-boi!
The spirit distantly noticed that the corridor where the unfortunate events with Marik's back had transpired last time was not lit- it was dark. Marik was probably sleeping, then. Although Bakura had a vibrant, sadistic urge to go torture Marik in his sleep, he fought it, and turned to the back door.
It was made of glass and opened automatically when he approached. The sudden wave of cold air that hit him as he stepped outside served to remind him in the worst way possible that he was in Ryou's living body, not in his unfeeling spirit form. Shivering involuntarily, Bakura made his way around the small garden. He observed the strange, alien blue flowers planted here and there and idly wondered whether Rishid had a secret passion for gardening. Or maybe it was the house's cleaning girl, Tea. Yes…that did sound more like her disturbingly cheery personality.
Bakura couldn't find himself to be too irritated, however. The night may have been very cold but almost any kind of feeling was welcome for the Undead, even an unpleasant one- as long as it could help him feel alive.
The garden smelled of a sweet odor that the blue flowers emitted and Bakura found the chance to relax a bit. He didn't have the strength to further occupy himself with thoughts of Rewind 1. It brought shivers up his spine, for some reason. Yet another annoying element- he was slowly losing control. He couldn't afford letting feelings show. Not to anyone.
And Marik Ishtar had come very close to shattering that rule of his; unfortunately…Hmm…He'd have to keep that in check from now on…Marik could be considered dangerous- even for a spirit. Not dangerous with the literal sense…more like suave, which was indirectly dangerous. Bakura had grown good in reading people after years of practice, but he still could not understand Marik, however. Now that little detail alone said something: Marik was special.
First there was that element of undeniable, suffocating charm that Marik possessed and Bakura always pretended not to notice. Naturally, Bakura didn't have physical urges for he was a spirit….he was not blind, however, to the dazed looks Marik kept receiving from every single person- even the most unlikely. Tea, for example never missed a chance to display her undying affection for Yugi…But whenever Marik turned to speak to her, she would always get that strange, dizzy look- as though drunk- and speak a quiet reply.
Bakura smiled. Even Ryou. Bakura was constantly aware of his Brightside's thoughts and many a time had he detected in Ryou's unconscious thoughts a certain praising appreciation for Marik's flawless, incredible taste in clothing or the tropical depth of Marik's smell as he walked nearby. It didn't necessarily have to mean that Tea and Ryou were in love with Marik, it just proved Bakura's point: that even the most unlikely individuals were periodically, if not constantly, drawn to Marik's surreal charm.
Then there was that other element in that boy's character: the power to read and manipulate people without even realizing it. THAT was the most dangerous thing about Marik. Bakura had learned it the hard way, since he had been too engrossed with trying to find smart comebacks for Marik's idle chats that he had failed to notice that the tanned blonde had been gaining more and more room into his thoughts with every single innocent chat.
Like now, for example. Why was he sitting in the middle of a cold garden, thinking about Marik? Had the blonde really spawned his killing-charm so deep in Bakura's mind?! How? Why?
With a feral growl, Bakura stood up from his sitting position. No. He refused sitting there and thinking about Marik for another two seconds. He had to fight that stupid urge. Bitterly, he wondered how many girls had sat and dreamed about Marik during cold nights. He suddenly felt disgusted with himself, for some reason. Was he really that easy a target? How could he let Marik get so deep under his skin?
No. No way. He was getting out of here. And from tomorrow morning, he would keep himself in check on a permanent basis. He would not let Marik- or anyone else for that matter- have their way with him. He was Bakura, and he demanded respect!!
…that was the only thing a dead man could ever have…
As the spirit in Ryou Bakura's stood to leave, he let his bloodshot eyes roam over the territory. Unexpectedly, he spotted something of interest that he had not seen before. In the back of the garden there was a part on the ground that was not covered with dirt. It was like a wooden block.
Bakura approached stealthily and narrowed his eyes. He could not see so well in the dark but he could have sworn it was a trapdoor. A wooden trapdoor.
Now what was a wooden trapdoor doing in a secluded part of Marik's hut's backyard in Yango?
Bakura had a talent for smelling trouble, as he had with many other things. Thus, he almost automatically knew that succumbing to his curiosity would not lead to a very comfortable situation.
But then, as he decided upon going back inside and ignoring the unknown, all the thoughts from before came back to him. The way Marik never trusted him with things, the way he had let himself slip more than once in more than one ways, the way people kept ignoring his existence as if the Great Bakura was not something of importance…
No. He would not be left in the dark anymore. It was time to take the situation in his own two hands. If Marik wouldn't tell him, he would have to learn by himself.
With the stealth of a feline, Bakura took hold of the trapdoor's metallic handle. He tried to be silent about it and carefully pulled the door open. Thinking that he didn't want any unpleasant surprises, Bakura closed the doors behind him, after he'd descended in the dark crypt.
Blood-red eyes drowned in the dark as the deep sound of the door being closed echoed around. Bakura blinked and tried to take full credit of his surroundings. It was a dark, leaking crypt- that much was clear. As Bakura tried to follow the hollow dark path, he grabbed the walls to stabilize himself and felt something moving beneath his fingers.
Flinching involuntarily, Bakura pulled his hand away. Great. Slimy insects. What next?
Trying to walk straight without touching the walls, Bakura followed the dark corridor, which finally came to a right turn. The spirit was now sure he was located somewhere beneath Marik's house. Sounds of dripping water sounded from the cavern's wet walls.
As Bakura walked forward, he spotted a light at the far end of the crypt. Feeling slightly more optimistic about the situation and with growing curiosity, Bakura walked steadily toward the light.
A little later, Bakura found himself a mere three feet away from the doorway to the bright spotlight. He was about to make a stride when he heard something. It was definitely not an insect. It was a human murmur. Human.
Bakura suddenly became very aware of what was happening and the predicament he had brought himself in. He had sneaked in an secret underground maze, where another person was secretly located. Could it be someone he knew? Could it be a prisoner that Marik kept in here? In that case, was Marik one of the bad guys?! What was happening?
With trepidation he never knew he was still capable of experiencing, Bakura gingerly leaned in to barely see the inside of the bright room.
He gasped.
A round chamber with tall, ominous, stonewalls. Carved in them were huge symbols -like hieroglyphics. Each symbol had its own special image, and they all glowed with an eerie blue light. That's where all the light was coming from: glowing, ancient-like symbols on the walls.
And in the middle of the room lay motionlessly a figure bathed in pale blue light. Long hair glittered with that silvery shine and dark, lean skin seemed creamier and more intoxicating than any other time.
He only had a dark tunic wrapped around his waist and his back exposed. There was no jewelry, leaving the swan neck and the lean arms fully bare and free. Bakura was speechless, since his throat suddenly felt dry. He could only stand there, staring at the heavenly picture in front of him, wondering what was that feeling that threatened to burst his heart, making him feel more alive than any other time.
Marik was sitting on his knees with his back turned to Bakura and facing the symbols on the walls. Bakura numbly watched, as Marik seemed to murmur something in that deep, exotic baritone of his. And then, the blonde boy bent and reached to touch his back.
Bakura followed each movement with a curiously salivating mouth as Marik traced the patterns of the scars on his back. That was only when Bakura was urged to notice that the black-painted scars on the boy's back were identical to the ones on the wall.
What…what was going on here?
Bakura felt his breath catch, and he never realized he'd been holding it.
The spirit just stood there, afraid to move, afraid to breathe. All the thoughts from before escaped his mind. The way Marik never seemed to really trust him, the way Marik had used him…now nothing mattered. Nothing at all, except that soft blonde hair that cascaded down the other boy's back and those heavenly, slow movements.
Bakura idly wished he could stay there forever and just look at what he was seeing now. The seriousness of the situation didn't faze him one bit. The fact that Marik could have just turned around and seen him staring like that didn't seem so impending all of a sudden. Bakura actually wished he could see the other boy's face.
The negative feelings that had come the last time he'd seen those scars were not there any more, and, although Bakura wondered what was the connection between the scars on Marik's back and the hieroglyphics on the walls, he dismissed it for later.
The soft curve of Marik's half-exposed hip was much more interesting at that point. Bakura wondered whether it was because he was in Ryou's body that he suddenly had…urges…As a spirit, he had never felt such things before. All he ever felt was cold. Freezing, lonely, cold.
But…Marik was warm. The boy's soft breaths, his juicy, tropical skin…Bakura took a silly wager that if he dared bite that mocha-cream crook on Marik's neck, all kinds of oriental, deep oils would come out and drip down…on Marik's perfectly sculptured, taut chest.
“Ahh…” came a pathetic little whimper, and Bakura was shaken from his trance in the harshest way possible. Marik had obviously touched a particularly soft spot on his back and had hurt himself. Now he had fallen pathetically on the floor and was whimpering like a child.
Unaware of his own movements, Bakura walked silently towards Marik's fallen figure. He ignored the fact that he was now seeing the scars up close- closer than he had ever been before. He could even smell that almost tangible, jasmine odor that came out of Marik's entire body.
Only when Bakura felt the scorching contrast of Marik's warm skin against his own cold did he realize what he was doing.
But it was too late. He had already grasped Marik's arm to help the boy stand up.
The blonde, beautiful head turned to him and he found himself facing glittery, wide, dilated lavender eyes.
“BAKURA!” came the inevitable, terrorized cry. “What are you doing here?”
The spirit didn't even have time to understand what was happening, much less react. He felt the warm skin pull away quickly from his grasp and he saw Marik as he frantically fumbled with his cloak, trying to pull it up and, obviously, cover his back.
“Mariku…” Bakura attempted to speak, but Marik didn't seem to hear him.
“You didn't see, you didn't see, you'll never see…” he kept murmuring, as he cowered away from Bakura and against the closest wall, as if hoping that he could hide his back from Bakura's sight. No use, though. The harm had been done a long time ago.
Bakura approached slowly and somewhat confusedly. Why was Marik so frantic? What was going on?
Marik covered himself totally with his cloak and tried to make a dash for the exit of the chamber, but he found he was stuck between the wall behind him, and Bakura, who was approaching predatorily.
“B-Bakura…” Marik whispered tensely, as he brought both hands in a defense stance over his chest. But Bakura's unforgiving eyes were relentless. Now he was angry. Not only did Marik not trust him, now he was trying to fool him again!! Well no way! Tonight he was getting what he wanted, one way or another!!
“Don't- Don't come any closer!!” Marik squeaked pathetically, but it was no use. Why wasn't Bakura obeying him like any other time? Could it be it was because he didn't really mean what he was ordering?
Bakura effectively closed the gap and trapped Marik against the wall by putting his arms at both sides next to Marik's head. The blonde's eyes widened ominously and Bakura felt some sort of pleased happiness at seeing beautiful Marik look at him with that pleading look. He felt Marik's long-fingered hands press insistently against his chest in a gesture of restraint.
But Bakura pressed against Marik's hands, thus trapping the other completely in a suffocating position. Imagine Bakura's surprise when he felt a sudden shove coming from Marik. With strange strength, Marik had managed to push Bakura away and was now running towards the exit .
“Oh no you don't!” Bakura simply barked and ran behind Marik. He grabbed the poor boy's arm soon after and pulled Marik towards him harshly. Marik, naturally, kept thrashing around frantically- a thing he had been doing more and more often lately.
“NO! LET GO OF ME! DON'T! DON'T!!” Marik cried when Bakura fisted his free hand on Marik's tunic.
“DON”T!!!” Marik now screamed, as the sound of ripping fabric was heard. Then silence.
Bakura blinked coldly and released his hold on Marik, who fell numbly to his knees soon after. The spirit fought the feeling of guilt inside his heart with the excuse that he had merely done what was necessary.
Marik was just sitting there, on his knees in front of Bakura, staring vacantly at the ground. He wasn't even blinking.
Bakura swallowed dryly at the heartbreaking sight of the lovely boy behaving so…blankly.
“Mariku!” he said, trying to sound harsh and softly nudging Marik's knee with his foot, as though to wake him up. “Oi, Mariku!!” he shouted again, this time with more concern.
All right. Now he fell really guilty. Marik wasn't even moving…didn't even seem to be breathing.
“Are you happy now?” Marik suddenly asked, the poisonous malice evident in his voice. “Now that you've stripped me of all things decent, are you happy, Bakura? Are you?”
Marik had stood up again and had brought his face so close to Bakura's that the other could even spot those small dark flecks of unknown color in Marik's eyes.
Bakura's heart sunk. Now THIS felt awful.
“What the hell are you talking about, Mariku?” he chose to be as calm as possible.
Marik clearly seethed. “Don't act like you don't know! I know what you think of me now!! So you wanted to see it, did you? Well here you go! SEE IT!! ENJOY MY SHAME, IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT!!!”
And with those last words, Marik turned around, granting Bakura a full, close-up view of the deep black scars marking his back. Curiously, now that he was so close, Bakura didn't feel at all inclined to look at the other's back, and turned his face away instead.
They stayed like that for a while, silent and unmoving, until a soft sound was heard. A whimper.
Bakura turned his eyes back to Marik's now tense form in alert, and watched as the other's shoulders shook with sobs.
Bakura was speechless, lost as of what to do, trapped in a whirlpool of emotions. And so, when Marik disregarded all caution and merely gave in to his sobs, Bakura could only stand there, motionless, numb, and guilty.
Marik unexpectedly fell to the ground on his knees again, covering his face with both hands and allowing Bakura a full view of his tense, shaking back. When had this situation come so out of hand, Bakura didn't know. He had lost track in Marik's diamond eyes.
Marik's choked words mingled with the sobs here and there, and Bakura honestly didn't know what to do. He didn't want to listen, but he didn't want to stop Marik either. This feeling of guilt was just so…alien, to him…so strange and unknown.
The feeling of watching the proud, sly, beautiful boy break down in front of him. Wasn't Marik always seductive and smart? Wasn't he the one everyone looked up to and loved? Where had all the glamour gone, now? Who was that helpless, sobbing child in front of him? Surely it could not be the same person…even though such an assumption would give Marik's character a much more human, much more sentimental side…
“I…” sobbed the boy “I…thought I…and now you'll hate me…but I…tried…to hide…didn't want you to see…how dirty I am….like a cow…marked from the shepherd…now…you'll…you'll…hate me…Bakura…”
Bakura stayed put, not daring to make a move so as not to do anything wrong. He only listened carefully to Marik's ranting.
“I'm so…ugly…now you'll always think…I'm…ugly…such a helpless little baby…I bet…I bet that's what you're thinking…right?…Bakura…”
Where was all this insecurity coming from? Seeing Marik act so….humanly weak was certainly not what he'd been prepared for...but it was actually what he'd been hoping to see, someday. To prove that he wasn't the only one with problems…to prove that Marik was human, after all…
Bakura finally thought he'd take matters into his own two hands. Slowly, he walked around Marik's crying form and settled on his knees across from the other boy.
Marik slowly raised his head to look at the other, and Bakura yet again pondered how breathtakingly beautiful Marik really was, now more than any other time, with that helpless, childish look and those big crystal eyes.
No sly, sexy grin. No intoxicating passion…but Marik was beautiful . He was beautiful with every sense of the word. Not beautiful as a charming lover boy, but beautiful as a frightened, insecure, overall lonely existence. His self-hate of that scar had obviously grown into a full-fledged phobia towards other people. Perhaps that was exactly why Marik always tried his best to be breathtakingly beautiful…because deep inside, he felt ugly.
“I don't hate you.” Bakura simply stated, watching Marik's wet eyes widen slowly. “ I simply want to help you.” Bakura admitted, and to his own surprise, he found he really meant it.
Marik's eyes lowered and he laughed bitterly “But…but…now that you know…how ugly I am…you…you'll probably…”
“Who told you you're ugly?” Bakura's curt voice suddenly inquired, cutting Marik's rant in half.
Marik seemed a little confused “Huh?”
Bakura sighed. He was NOT good in this. “I asked who the heck told you you're ugly, and how on earth did he manage to get it so stuck in your head?”
Marik blinked, his last tears falling. “I…well…I told myself…Because I hate…it…” Marik motioned towards his back, referring to the tattoo. Bakura visibly and unashamedly rolled his eyes at the other's predicament.
“Well, don't worry. One little…okay, big tattoo can't make you ugly. The ladies will still be crazy about you…Ask anyone you like. They all say so.”
Marik snorted, confusing Bakura profusely. “I don't care about them…” Marik said tensely. Then he avoided Bakura's eyes, turning to stare at the ground and fiddle VERY uncharacteristically with his half-torn tunic, reminding Bakura how human he really was.
“I care about you…”
At that, Bakura almost choked on his saliva. Had Marik just said…did that mean he said…
“I-I mean…” Marik stuttered again, looking anywhere except Bakura's wide, volcanic eyes. “I…I care about what you think…about me being ugly, that is.”
Bakura couldn't prevent the question from presenting itself immediately “Why? Why me?” he asked with a voice which lacked the customary devilish tone.
If there ever was a living representation of the word `uncomfortable', Marik was it.
“Because…because…well….you're not like the others.” The blonde simply said, all the time avoiding the other's fiery red eyes.
Bakura couldn't shake of the feeling that there was more to it than that simple, puny explanation. He decided, however, to finally keep his mouth shut and simply stare at his surroundings, not looking at all at Marik's eyes.
“So…do you?” Marik suddenly asked, raising his eyes to tentatively look at the other.
Bakura tried to play dumb in order to postpone the inevitable “Do I what?”
Marik visibly swallowed in anticipation with his heart beating fast, unbeknownst to Bakura, whose heart was also beating fast, for some reason.
“Do you…think I'm ugly?”
What kind of question was that? And how was Bakura supposed to answer? Whatever he said, he would either betray his own feelings or hurt Marik. He decided on a neutral, disarming answer.
“I'm dead. I don't understand the concept of beauty and ugliness the way you do.” He stated in a practiced, neutral tone.
“Oh.” Marik simply said, obviously crestfallen. Bakura idly wondered how it could be possible for a sly god of seduction to turn into a crying, insecure mess in a matter of hours. Then again, watching Marik's suddenly rejected expression and knowing HE had been the one who brought it there was not a good feeling either. Thus, he decided to discreetly mend his last answer.
“Well, judging from everybody else's reactions, I'd say you were beautiful. I've heard every single woman talking about you…”
Marik nodded slowly, carefully probing Bakura's eyes for any telltale sign, any proof…But now, only neutrality. Perhaps it was hopeless, after all….
“Well” Bakura suddenly said, almost making Marik jump from the sudden interruption. “Now that this is over with, I'd very much like to hear about that tattoo on your back…”
Marik swallowed again, staring at the ground and tracing circles with his hand. He didn't answer.
“Today has been a refreshing day, you know…I learnt about that operation…you know which…the operation to get Ryou young again. That Serenity woman told Ryou…You never trusted me with that, either, Mariku…How much are you hiding from me, exactly?” Bakura's tone turned demonic again, as his red eyes bore holes into Marik's face.
Marik immediately raised his head in alert at the accusation. “It's not that I don't trust you…I just…I thought it would be better if you learned about the operation later on…” he said in a very unusual defensive tone. Bakura got the chance to attack.
“And your scar? When were you planning to tell me about THAT, Mariku? I know nothing about you!! I think it's high time I learned, don't you? What would you think if you were I? What if you're one of Kaiba's spies too? What if you wanna kill us?” Bakura asked roughly, grabbing Marik's hand, which was absently making shapes on the soil and forcing Marik to focus on him.
Marik looked genuinely hurt again “Is that how much you trust me? You think I'm one of Kaiba's people?”
Bakura narrowed his eyes and pulled Marik closer by his hand “Apparently, you don't trust ME much more either, Mariku, so why should I?”
Marik pulled his hand away and started to massage it slowly, all the time looking guiltily at the ground. Bakura watched him expectantly- he knew he had hit a soft spot.
“Fine…” Marik said “I'll tell you…But I don't want anyone else to know…not even Ryou. Can you promise me that, Bakura? Can you promise me that what we say here will not leave this room?”
Although a little voice deep within Bakura warned that he never promised anything to anyone, and although another voice reminded him that Marik was unconsciously controlling him yet again, he dismissed it. It seems that Marik would never manage to get under Bakura's skin more than he had already.
“Fine. Consider it done.” Bakura stated, and resumed the expectant look on Marik's face. Marik sighed slowly and turned his attention back to idly drawing on the ground.
“I….I don't remember. And that's the truth.” He said as he turned to convince Bakura with a sincere stare “I can't remember how I got that god-damn mark, but I know it must have hurt like hell…Rishid doesn't have it, only me. He has that scar on the face instead….”
Bakura nodded slowly, focusing every single part of his essence on Marik's words and the value they held.
“ Actually…I can't remember anything from my childhood. My memories are limited from when I turned eleven years old. All I can recall is growing up in Yango with Rishid. I don't know about this house, or why it has this cave…It was always like that…Ever since I was thirteen, I always wanted to find my memory…That's why I wanted to work in KaibaCorp so bad…I knew of Kaiba's old experimentations with memory and I knew of KaibaCorp's huge memory banks…I thought, maybe I could….”
Marik sighed.
“But it was no use. Only when I started working there did I understand how deep Kaiba Seto's schemes go. I never had time to search their memory banks, after all…they're too carefully guarded. There was no way…and then, that `nameless' [1] operation happened…and here I am…And that's it.”
Bakura simply stayed silent. “That was it?” he finally asked in disbelief “That was what you were so afraid of telling me?”
Marik seemed offended “It's not that simple…I've…I've never told anyone else this…only Rishid knows…”
Bakura tried to stop the bubble of pride from growing in his chest because of succeeding where everyone else had failed…Yes!! Marik trusted him!!!
“Actually…” Marik started suddenly “There's more…”
Bakura looked at him suspiciously “What more?” he asked.
“Well…” Marik started saying “When I was trying to figure out how Rishid and I had come to Yango, I asked some old residents of Virna if they had seen where we had come from…”
Bakura seemed interested “Go on…”
Marik nodded “well…they said that they had seen Rishid and I first arrive in Yango with one of those big public transportation ships….One of those ships for poor immigrants that came from Earth…”
Bakura's eyes widened “Earth? You come from Earth? I thought you always lived in Yango! You look exactly like the natives here!”
“That's what I thought too, until all these people told me they had seen me arrive in Yango at the age of ten with Rishid!! And so…I've been thinking…maybe there's something left for me on Earth…family, maybe? I don't know…I…I can't remember…”
Bakura nodded slowly “Seems to me that you and I have the same problem, pretty boi…we can't remember our past…At least one of us knows where to find it…”
Marik's head jerked up all of a sudden. “That's not true! You know where to find it as well! Kaiba is the key! He seems to know what's going on with you…”
Bakura nodded “Well, whatever happens, we both need answers…Earth seems to be the final battlefield…that's where the real fight will happen. We'll search for your past…and as for me…I'll just be content with breaking Kaiba's neck and squeezing my memories out of him!!”
Marik shook his head lightly, with a small grin stuck on his face “Whatever Bakura…just don't overexhiliarate yourself…”
Bakura glared soundly, but ignored the comment nevertheless “About Earth…you DO know that there is another member in this happy group who has unfinished business there, don't you?”
Marik narrowed his eyes in concentration “Someone else…who?”
Bakura smiled ominously “Brightside's new `girlfriend'.”
A delicate blonde eyebrow shot up in surprise “Ryou's girlfriend? But he doesn't have one.”
Devilish demon eyes snorted back at him “Think again.”
Marik grinned suddenly “So they got together, finally…Well it was about time if y'ask me…So, is it true that Serenity has something to do with Earth?” he inquired.
“Oh well, “ Bakura all too innocently started “You know me…I can't go prying in people's business…I think it would be better if you asked about it yourself…”
Marik's eye twitched “Why don't you just tell me and get it over with?”
Bakura smiled “Nah…don't think so. Watching you burn in trepidation is much more entertaining!!”
“Why you!!” Marik glared, but Bakura could see the playfulness in his eyes.
“Yeah, right. Try to look more intimidating with that half-torn cloth over your chest! If I recall my Brightside's memories correctly `you look like Fred from the Flintstones'” Bakura commented while standing up.
Marik raised an eyebrow at that “What the hell is `the Flintstones'? “
“Just forget it, Fred.”
And Marik glared,
[1]: They don't say the name “Rewind 1” because whenever Bakura directly hears it, he faints for some unknown reason.
AN: Hehehe…PLZ do tell me whether you like this or not!!! I'm so sorry this update took me so much time…I hope it was worth it!!!