Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Rise of the Slayer ❯ The Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My alarm woke me up out of my deep sleep of nightmares. I've been having them a lot lately, and they showed my big brother losing in a duel. I gave myself a reality check and realized they were just dreams, that Max could never be defeated. I went into the bathroom and took my shower. Once cleaned up, I then spiked my short silver hair. I had always wondered about my hair, but I guess it runs in the family, my brother has silver hair too. I got dressed and turned o the TV, watching the duels between the finalists at duelist kingdom. It was raining outside, and Joey Wheeler was dueling Yugi Moto, the duelist who defeated Seto Kaiba. I caught the duel close to the end, Yugi revived Joey's black skull dragon. Joey gave Yugi the OK and Yugi wiped him out. Pegasus congratulated Yugi on his win and worked his way down to the arena. I turned off the TV, I already knew who would win. Yugi wouldn't stand a chance; my brother would wipe him out. I left my room and worked my way down the staircase towards the dining room. Lunch was already on the table so I sat down to eat. As I ate I noticed that the storm outside was beginning to lighten. The sounds of Yugi's friends echoed through the hallways; it sounded as though my brother was winning. I smiled as I ate. My brother isn't exactly my favorite person, but listening to him humiliate his opponents was just too much fun to ignore. The gasps and yells were almost too often; Yugi must be losing. As I went back up to my room, I turned on the TV just to see how badly Yugi was losing, but instead I met a surprise. As the picture sharpened, I saw Yugi wipe out toon world and all of my brother's monsters, taking a chunk out of Max's life points. "Whoa," I said to myself. My brother looked devastated, and he wasn't taking the loss well at all. He bounced back though and activated his strange powers, covering the dueling field in a black thundercloud. I turned off the TV once more, Yugi had made my brother mad and there was no point in watching that thunderous, swirling black cloud. I left my room once more and headed towards my private gym. I began working out and time faded into the distance….

Hours had passed and I stopped in mid-push up because I suddenly realized that the castle was very quiet. I got up, grabbed a towel and walked up to my room. The security feed had been turned on, and the dueling field was completely empty. I picked up the cell phone on my bed and dialed in Croquet's frequency.

"Croquet, where is my brother?"

"Master Lex, don't hear from you much. Your brother is gone; disappeared. I have prepared a chopper for you, you have been called to Industrial Illusions.