Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Role playing game ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Lets just say this I got this crazy idea to do a role playing story or I should say a story were our “heroes” are turned into game piece again
Disclaimer: Fallen Snow dose not own yugioh
Some evil hide out
“Finally my game is complete after years of work. Now to find someone to play it.” The dark evil bad guy said.
“After years of struggling though tournaments most people are impressed with the long winning streak of Yami and Yugi Muoto (spell right?) But the question on everyone lips is who is the king of games is it Yami or Yugi know one really knows they have never faced of in a public battle…..” the TV rambled on.
“Ah the masters of gaming that's who will test my game. HaHaHa* cough Cough Cough* darn dust!”
The arcade
“Yami.. Yami wake up! Come the arcade isn't that boring.”
“When you come here almost everyday it tends to get boring aibou.”
“You had fun yesterday and we came here.”
“Yes but the Tomb Robber was here yesterday that made things interesting.”
“Ishtar is here to day hang out with him.”
Yami looks at Yugi then at the insane Yami trying to play the spider game were you step on the buttons that are lit up and he was losing. Yami turned his gaze back to Yugi. Yugi just smiled innocently.
“You don't hang out with him very often Yami.”
“I wonder why Yugi.”
Yugi walked away to help Marik with his yami. Yami chuckled to him self as he turned around to face the table again as a person in a dark cloak grabbed a pressure point in his neck and knocked him unconscious and dragged him away.
Some evil hide out
Yami woke up in some type of jail cell looking around he could see a person in the shadow … typing?
“You have very interesting characteristics there are quite a few charters you could be.” The person in shadows said to Yami.
“Aaaaa…. Thank you….. Umm.. Where am I and what am I doing here?” Yami asked.
“You are at my secret lair and you are going to test my knew game. Who better to test a game than a game master?”
“Ok… Can I go home now?”
*Sigh* “no you can't not till this game has been tested. Ah here we go will make you a…”
The arcade
“Joey have you seen Yami any where? I know he wasn't having a good time but he would tell me before he left.”
“Sorry buddy haven't seen'm any where.”
“Alright I'm going to see if he went home I'll see you tomorrow.”
Ok I'm to lazy to Wright how everyone gets caught and you would get bored reading it anyway our evil villain dresses every one in the out fits for there role and shrinks them somehow. Let me know what you think the next chapter will be better.