Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Ronald McDonald's End ❯ The Hamburgler ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

And right when I thought that story was gonna end, I remembered that Ronald McDonald had some friends. Diamond Princess sent me an idea to use in this story so she deserves some glory! Well, please enjoy and review! ^_^
DISCLAIMER: I don't own McDonalds or Yu-Gi-Oh.
The Hamburgler
*so after every one was celebrating the death of that bastard Ronald, they went back to McDonalds*
Joey: That was some stunt, Yami, the way that you came out of the flames untouched like that.
Yami: Thank the girls. If not for them, it wouldn't just be my fries that were burnt.
Me: Speaking of fries... I gotta hankerin.
Yami: Yea, me too.
Moon Rose: Dontcha go startin with the French fry thing.
Me/Yami: AWWWW WHY NOT....?
Moon Rose: Because I said so.
Seto: well atleast that damn clown isn't around to annoy us.
Melody: Spoke too soon!
Tristan: *starts shaking and stutters* WH-why did you say that?
Melody: Ronald has a friend.
Chezza: Who the hell would that be?
Joey: Oh shit she's right!
Duke: Who is it?
Melody/Joey: the Hamburgler!!! Dun dun dun!!!!
Chezza: oh this is just great.
Me: Hey Serena, how come you're not sayin anything?
Serena: Cuz I don't wanna. Is that such a crime?
Me: No, it's that you don't seem like yourself when you're quiet.
Moon Rose: She means you never shut up!
Me: I didn't say that...
Serena: Moon Rose, just because you won't admit you like Joey, don't mean you gotta be hatin on me!
Moon Rose: What did you just say?!
Chezza: CHILDREN!!!
Yami: you two, knock it off!!!
Duke: I know. How immature can you guys get?
Joey: just plan to get the stupid Hamburgler.
Me: Im gonna get some fries.
Yami: Me too
*So we go off to get some fries*
Seto: What idiots! Don't you know that fries are greasy and unhealthy for you?
Yami: Don't you ever EVER talk that way about French fries!
Melody: Hey where'd Bakura go?
Bakura: I'm right here! Glad SOMEONE'S noticed!!!
Duke: So while they're off getting their fries, let's make the plan.
Serena: If it has anything to do with the water princess over there than I don't wanna be apart of it!!!
Moon Rose: Oh VERY mature, light ferry!!! *does a cheap imitation of Serena* Oh look I'm Serena! I can't go anywhere with Moon Rose, because I'm so great!!
Bakura: LADIES!!!!
Seto: I'm leaving! This is so stupid!
Melody: FINE!!! I'll just invite Mokuba!! He's more fun loving than you are!
Me/Yami: *comes back from getting fries*
Me: You guys HAFTA come quick!
Yami: The Hamburgler is inside THAT building!!
Moon Rose: Cool let's threaten it!
Chezza: I'm with ya on that one. Let's make it freeze to death!
*They all go inside McDonalds and see the Hamburgler waiting there*
Hamburgler: Hey you're those kids who killed my friend Ronald!! >=(
Seto: So?
Hamburgler: Whadaya mean so?! I'm bringing him back!!!
Seto: Go right ahead! We'll kill you along with him and the other people as soon as the authoress figures out their names!!
Me: >=P
Hamburgler: Who the hell is the authoress?
Me: I'm the authoress God DAMMIT!!!!
Hamburgler: What the hell ever! Ronald will be back soon and we're gonna get back on you guys.
Chezza: In your dreams!! We're gonna kick you're non-real job-desperate clowny asses!!!
Bakura: That's right!! Go Chezza!
Chezza: ^_^
Hamburgler: Get out of McDonalds RIGHT NOW!!!
Manager of McDonalds: You're not supposed to raise your voice at paying customers! You're fired!!
Hamburgler: What the hell?!
Moon Rose: So I guess you got fired too!
Serena: *Does a happy dance* Now we can come In here and you can't!! Ha ha!!
Hamburgler: I won't forget this! One day when you're not looking, I'm gonna steal your hamburgers!!
Tristan: I have no idea how that relates to anything, but you go ahead and try!
*Hamburgler leaves*
Duke: And now we plot!
*We all sit down at a giant table*
Joey: Okay we hafta occupy the clown first and then kill the burger guy!
Yami: Sounds like a plan to me!
Melody: but how are we gonna occupy him?
Tristan: *Evil twinkle in eye*
Seto: As long as it has nothin to do with me
Bakura: Authoress, do you mind if we get Tea in here?
Me: I could care less. Whatcha planning ta do?
Tristan: We set up a fake blind date with the clown and the friendship speech girl
Me: I can't stand her!!!
Joey: and then we destroy the clown at the same time as her!!
Melody: Just like a good sale! Two for one!!
Seto: And we can use my spygear and watch every little moment.
Bakura: how come all of the sudden you start takin your part in this story?
Seto: Because there's nothin I like more than to see that friendship speechin bitch squirm!
Melody: Watch your mouth!
Seto: Nuh uh!! ^_^
Serena: OMG did Seto just smile?!
Melody: Have I gone INSANE?!
Me: No you haven't. Seto just likes seeing her squirm.
Bakura: In any case, we should get going on the plan
-The next say at school-
*Joey, Yami, Tristan, Bakura, and Duke all met up together in a huddle*
Joey: Ok when Tea comes over here we tell her about this so called person who likes her.
Tristan: and then the ladies will wait in the bathroom when she wants to get ready.
*the bell rings to let school out*
Duke: Okay, here she comes. Now guys, act normal.
Bakura: If we laugh, we blow our cover and she'll figure us out.
*Tea comes over*
Yami: Hey Tea!! We need to talk to you!
Tea: Well if it isn't my best friends!
Tristan: There's this guy who likes you so much. We wanted you to meet him, say... in an hour.
Tea: someone who likes me? Really? Ok I'll meet them. Where at?
Bakura: At McDonald's.
Tea: Okay, I'm there. I gotta get ready. *walks towards bathroom*
Joey: Okay now we hafta go to McDonald's and force Ronald into going on a date with that friendship speechin loser.
Duke: Now it's all up to the girls to get the microphone and tracking device on the collar of her shirt, where no one can notice it.
Yami: Let's head over to McDonald's now.
*they go to McDonald's*
-Meanwhile in the bathroom-
Melody: Ok you know what to do, right?
Me: I get the microphone on her collar in the front by her mouth.
Serena: and I'm gonna put the tracking device on the back of her neck
Chezza: Wait how are you gonna do that?
Melody: I dunno
Me: Oh this is just GREAT!!!!
Serena: what?
Me: to get this on her, we hafta hug her!!! EWWWWWWW!!!
Serena: You're NOT serious!!!
Moon Rose/ Melody: I feel BAD for you...
Me: It's ok!! Just think of the everlasting laughter we'll have!! And its all one hug away!
Serena: Ok, just act normal.
Melody: You better act normal! If we do so much as laugh, she'll figure us out!
Me: It's gonna be so hard!! Oh the things I'll do for entertainment!!
Moon Rose: Ok so we know what to do? GOOD!
*Tea comes into the bathroom.*
Melody: We were just talking about you!
Tea: you were? Why?
Melody: Just sayin how lucky you are to be liked by someone like that!
Tea: okay...
Chezza: We don't know his name, but I'm sure he'd be glad to tell you once he meets you. He's crazy about you!
Tea: Really?
Moon Rose: yup
Me: I just wanna give you a hug! You're so lucky!
Serena: Me too!
*we both go to “hug” her*
*Tea hugs back*
Tea: You're the best friends in the world!!
Moon Rose/Melody/Chezza: ECK...!! >=P
*carefully, we manage to get the devices on her shirt collar.*
Melody: Well, we wish you the best of luck!
Chezza: Have fun with your new date!
Tea: Thank you.
*So she leaves and like five minutes after, we all start laughing like hell*
Chezza: We gotta find Seto. I bet he's laughing right now too.
*so they head over to Kaiba's mansion.*
-Meanwhile at McDonald's-
*Yami, Duke, and Joey all get Ronald in a headlock*
Bakura: Hey we got someone to go on a date with you.
Ronald: What the HELL?! Why the hell did you do that?
Tristan: Just be lucky we found someone stupid enough to like you! Stop complaining and go on a date with her!
Joey: Ya ungrateful bastard!
Ronald: And what if I don't?
Duke: Then it's your funeral when the authoress decides what to do to you.
Ronald: FINE!! I'LL GO!!
Bakura: Yea that's what we thought.
*So Tea comes in and sees them all sitting together.*
Tea: So who am I gonna go on a date with?
Tristan: Our friend Ronald here.
Tea: What?! I gotta go out with a clown?!
Duke: But he really likes you!!
Ronald: What the hell are you guys talking about?
Joey: *Punches Ronald in the back*
Ronald: I mean uh.. yea. I'm a clown, but someone has to like me.
Bakura: So it's settled! Tea goes on a date with Ronald!
Joey: a very odd couple, but they belong together.
Duke:*Mutters to self* in hell...
-After they leave to go on their `date' the girls got there.-
Me: Okay, now we can start the plan.
Moon Rose: Let's go!!!
************************************************************** **************** Sorry, school keeps getting in the way. Well, please review! I promise to update soon.