Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Rule the Game ❯ Three Little Words ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Jeepers, mister!
AN: -.- In regards to the title, I have nothing to say for myself, except... please tell me you saw it coming :D This chapter would've been out sooner, but I got shipped off to camp for a week and managed to write a grand total of two pages the entire time (and not even on this story, heh). It was a fun camp, though, so it's all good. Speaking of that, the band Single File is horridly underrated. Last chapter, people, enjoy!
Chapter Three: Three Little Words
On the last day of winter vacation, it rained - a malevolent and biting drizzle, threatening to crystallize at the slightest drop in temperature, which drove all of the inhabitants of Domino indoors for the day. Unfortunately for Yuugi, he'd been shopping when it started, and had been stuck in a clothing store ever since.
He studied the few people passing by from his position leaning against a rack by the window without any real interest. There went a woman, stooped over and clutching a baby to her chest. There went a man in a suit... Yuugi sighed, utterly dejected, and earned a whiff of sarcasm from Yami.
Today was supposed to be his last chance to go out and have some fun before school started again - go to a movie, hit the arcade - but somehow he just couldn't seem to find the energy. He hadn't really felt like hanging out with his friends - maybe it was guilt? Or maybe the group just didn't seem quite the same anymore...
He made a face in self-disgust. There was nothing he could do about it - he needed food - he was just going to have to get wet.
As he set out in search of a restaurant, hunched against the chilling damp, Yami was an encouraging buzz in the back of his head. `What is there to be so happy about?' he wondered dryly.
`School started tomorrow,' Yami replied matter-of-factly. `That means you'll finally be able to talk to Jou.'
`And what if things don't work out?' Yuugi didn't even bother to ask what would happen if Jou decided not to come to school.
Yami sent him the feeling of a shrug. `I really think they will. You're both miserable without the other.'
Yuugi flushed. `But not for the same reason!' Yami chuckled at him, and Yuugi scowled. `What's funny about that?'
`Oh... I don't know...' Yami's voice trailed off, and Yuugi was left with the irritating feeling that the pharaoh's ghost knew something he didn't.
Xoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooX
Jou, too, had been forced inside by the wretched weather, into a dingy little fast-food place on some nameless street. He had ordered a burger so that they'd let him stay, but the greasy concoction remained untouched on the table in front of him, cooling slowly. He couldn't remember a time when he'd been less hungry; it was a bit frightening...
He had pretty much given up on wondering what would happen tomorrow. What was the point of worrying, when it all seemed so surreal? The rain continued to fall outside, people came and went, the sound of traffic reached his ears from a distance, and he almost managed to convince himself that tomorrow would surely never come.
He regarded the burger thoughtfully. Well... even if he really wasn't in the mood to eat, he had to admit that his stomach seemed pretty normal... He sighed, and looked away again as someone else walked in.
He wasn't quite sure why he'd looked up just then. Maybe he'd half-noticed the lack of footsteps toward the counter after the door closed? He was tempted to imagine something more dramatic, of course, but that was probably it... yeah... He had to stare at Yuugi for a long time before his brain made the connection. From the way Yuugi stared back, he thought he probably felt the same...
Jou abruptly stood, almost toppling his chair and earning a few looks. Yuugi gave a pained grimace; he didn't wait to see more, turning instead while hoping desperately for a back exit. He'd just managed to locate one, when he felt a tug on the back of his jacket. “Stop,” Yuugi said, in a strangely thick voice.
Jou was certain that he only stood there in a numb daze for a few seconds, but already a murmur was spreading through the small restaurant. He clenched his jaw, vowing that he at least wouldn't look at the other boy's face, and reached back to grab Yuugi's wrist and dragged him out the door.
The back door led to a small alley, empty except for a few green dumpsters. The rain and wind were very cold. Jou studied the wall, and pretended fiercely that he wasn't acutely aware of Yuugi standing behind him, of Yuugi's slim wrist still in his hand... “If you've got something to say, y'know...” he commented, trying for aloofness.
Yuugi sniffled miserably. “Oh my God... I... I'm so glad to see you! I was so worried...” He sounded, Jou noticed, a little amazed.
“Gee, I'm so sorry,” he bit out sarcastically in spite of himself. Yuugi still hadn't tried to pull away...
Yuugi bowed his head. “I know... it was my fault. I was really awful - I even thought about, about breaking up the friendship - it's just been too awkward...” Jou had just decided that Yuugi was definitely crying, when the smaller boy suddenly buried his face in Jou's back; Jou's entire body went rigid, and then nearly collapsed... “...but I don't think I'd even realize just how worried I'd been...”
“We could go back to being just friends,” Jou choked, too stunned to ever really wonder about what he was saying. “It'd be no problem, you'd see... we could just forget any of this ever happened... please-”
Yuugi seemed to suddenly become aware of himself, and took a stiff step back in surprise. “What...?” He grimaced again, and tried to use Jou's hold on his wrist to turn to blond to face him. “I... don't think we can do that... Jou, look at me-” Jou grudgingly looked over his shoulder, “-how could we ever...? Everything's changed.”
Jou frowned at him. “But... You do know that I - I liked you - for a long time... The only difference is that I'm not hiding it anymore! I'm still the same person.” His frown deepened in distaste. “If I tell you that I don't like you that way anymore, then there's really no difference at all, right?”
Yuugi maintained eye contact for another moment out of startlement, but then looked away. “Well - it's not like I'm a homophobe, that's not what I mean at all... but, if you ever did like me, and didn't tell me - you probably treated me differently, and I thought it was just the way you treated all your friends - were you even the same person I thought I was friends with?” He blanched abruptly, realizing just what exactly he'd said, and looked up, but Jou beat him to the punch as he looked forward again.
“Well, if you're going to act like this, then maybe you're not the same person I thought I was in love with.” He dropped his hold on Yuugi's wrist at last, and started to walk away... arms wrapped around his waist...
They stood there for a long moment, get warm. Jou allowed his eyes to close; all of a sudden he felt strangely, wonderfully relaxed. Good Lord, he'd actually said it right at last, first sign of the end days... Eventually Yuugi muttered, “Don't go away again. I was too lonely... we're just going to have to make this work, I guess.”
“As friends?” Jou breathed.
“I don't think we can go back to being friends.” Jou frowned.
“But you just said-” His eyes flickered open in surprised realization as a small blush crept over his face, and then they slide shut again, and he smiled.
Xoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooX
The first day of school finally came. Jou cheerfully fed his friends the story about the old rival gang members (though minus the cappuccinos); they knew it was a lie, and hounded him for the rest of the day. Normally he wouldn't have been able to resist, but whenever he met Yuugi's eyes, they couldn't help but laugh.
AN: Cheeeeeese. Sorry for any instances of severe crappiness (could you even tell the difference?); I was struck with a dreadful case of I-hate-this-fic-thank-goodness-it's-almost-over-itis. Now that it is over, I'm kind of sad that I didn't put in a bit more effort, but at the same time I'm too disinterested to go back and change anything -.o; Rest assured, you can make me feel all better by telling me that it was not crap, in a lovely review! (smirk) Ja-ne, yo :)