Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ SALONI ❯ INTRO ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Note: Please, don't mind mistakes in grammar, writing and with commas!
Main pairings: SetoxKatsuya, YamixYuugi and BakuraxRyou
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!
So lean back...open your eyes…and enjoy the show!^ ^
Chapter I
The crackling sound of a fire was the only noise that could be heard and also the only lonely source of light in the dark. The light blue flames, burning in the darkness, barely illuminated their surrounding, but they revealed some of the cruel secrets hidden in the shadows. The little light lightened up thousands of big blocks made out of pure, cold ice, filling the whole space.
Through the thick walls of ice were countless bodies of human beings visible; every single on locked inside of a cage of the cold substance. Expressions of immense pain and terror showed on their faces.
Then suddenly a figure split itself from the darkness, walking up to the flames. The cold light only illuminated the half of the figure's face, leaving the rest hidden in the dark, but revealing a superior grin mixed with insanity and satisfaction. The figure's eyes were shadowed by a dark, violet hood, covering its head which belonged to the wide and long robe it was wearing.
Hissed whispers filled the cold silence, sounding like curses. The flames increased their burning as the words' echo filled the air and they started to dance to music only they could hear. A row of hissings followed and then a ball of bright and blinding light appeared above the fire, slowly starting to hover up and down. The figure snapped one time with its fingers and the ball of light hovered over into its hands. A slight chuckling sound escaped its lips as it stared into it.
"I found you, Red Eyes..."
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Sighing slightly, Katsuya rubbed the sweat from his forehead. Then he looked up at the bright sky. Not just one cloud was spoiling his sight at the ocean of blue above him; as nearly every day. Or did one ever hear that it rained once in a week in a sandy desert? But although the days were burning hot and the life hard, Katsuya couldn't imagine to live anywhere else than the desert, since he was born here.
At least the desert was better than the high and could mountains at the northern border lines of Saloni; the country he lived in. The blond, young man had always been susceptible to coldness and low temperatures and got cold very easily. He even needed three woolen blankets at the cold nights to keep him warm in contrast to normal people who needed just one. Therefore he could stand the merciless heat much better than others.
Katsuya took the wooden pail full of water from the edge of his well in the garden and placed it on the sandy ground, before fixing it to his yoke. Carefully he picked the yoke up and put it onto his shoulders, trying not to spill too much water in the process, and then carried it to the fields in his garden. When he bent down to place it onto the earth he heard a very loud noise, as if something would smash into the ground behind him. As he turned around a large cloud of sand and dust blocked his sight. The blond covered his eyes with his arms to protect them from the flying sand which was blown into his direction by the wind. When he was able to see again he started to slowly approach the huge crater in front of him in the middle of his garden in the sand. As he recognized what had caused this crater he gasped in shock and his eyes widened.
Down there in the huge and deep hole lay the form of a human being face down in the sandy ground. From the white, but dirty loin clothe around the person's waist Katsuya figured that it had to be a man. He hurried quickly getting down to help, if this was even necessary. On the man's back were two very bad wounds at the area of the shoulder blades, looking fatal and staining the whole back with red, warm blood. Katsuya kneeled down beside him to feel his pulse. He felt a wave of relief flooding him a he felt a slight, but steady movement of a vein. Carefully and as fast as he could the blond lifted the unconscious stranger onto his back and carried him into his small hut.
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He took the wet cloth out of the cold water and wrung it out over the small bowl, before laying it back on the stranger's forehead. Silently he watched the man lying on his stomach in his bed for some minutes. The soft, light brown hair, slim and elegant eyebrows, full, delicate lips...Katsuya found himself wondering what colour his eyes would have.
"Oh, there is someone faaaaaaaallliiiiing deeeper and deeeeper....!" an amused voice broke the spell he had been under and made him jump slightly. As he turned around his gaze met dark coffee brown eyes, with the same colour as his own ones, framed by ebony bangs. As he realized that they belonged to his sister, who was standing in front of him, smiling, and what she just had said he felt heat filling his cheeks.
"You are talking rubbish..." he mumbled.
"Oh yes you do like him, big bro!" she said cheerfully and rubbed over his head with a fist playfully.
"Stop it, Shizuka! That hurts!!" Katsuya tried to keep his voice low and to get his sister off of him.
"I just wanted to inform you that I'm finished with the healing drink." She said and stopped torturing her elder brother.
The blond gave her a grateful smile. She didn't only make the healing drink for the nameless stranger, but she had also helped him cleaning his wounds and bandaging them. But despite her sometimes childish actions his younger sister was a girl with an immense amount of discipline and sense of responsibility. And now he thanked the gods for her consideration and modesty.
"Thank you, Shizuka!" he said.
"No problem! You are welcome. I'll go now and pick Yukino up from Anzu." She said and turned around to leave. "
Give her a bear hug from me!" he said and Shizuka nodded as a response. Yukino was her little adoptive daughter and so Katsuya's niece. Shizuka had found her in a great thunderstorm three years ago and saved her from drowning.
"Oh and I hope he'll catch you in your fall!" she added and gave him a thump up. Katsuya just groaned in annoyance and rolled his eyes. Just because he thought this man to be pretty handsome didn't mean that he was falling in love with him.
...did it?
Then much more important questions came into his mind: Who was this man? Where did he come from?
He just had been lying in his garden from one second to another...
Did he perhaps fell from the sky or used magic to get here...? And these wound between his shoulder blades?
And what did these pale sections on his arms and around his neck mean? Normally this just arose from wearing golden ornaments which was just a privilege for noble men. The more the blond thought about this the more a certain speculation which he had been ignoring for a while now started to transform into a possibility. And the more he thought about this possibility the more he wanted to know about this unconscious man.
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As Katsuya stood in his kitchenette making supper a sudden knock interrupted him. He silently wondered who would visit him at this time of the day, but opened the door. His sight was greeted by a small, young man just reaching his chest with his spiky, black hair with crimson tips at the end. The blonde bangs, framing his face brought the amethyst-coloured eyes just more prestige. He wore a snow white, sleeveless robe, covering his chest and his legs up to his knees and brown sandals similar to Katsuya's.
"Good evening, Yuugi!" the blond greeted his multi colour-haired friend. "What's the matter, pal?" he asked and made a gesture for Yuugi to come in.
"I just talked to Shizuka and she told me about your 'guest'." The amethyst-eyed man explained, entering the hut and seating himself on the kitchen table. "And since he seems to be more important than a game evening with a friend, I wanted to have a look on him myself." He added.
The blond slapped a hand against his forehead. "Oh no! I'm so sorry, Yug'! I totally forgot that!" he apologized.
"It's okay, I don't mind." Yuugi replied. "So where is he?" Katsuya guided him into his sleeping room where Yuugi looked over the stranger's form very critically and deep in concentration.
"A very strong, but also strange and magical aura is emitting from his body!" the small man stated as they sat in the kitchen again. "I can't sense any kind of the shadows inside him, but still is his aura very unfamiliar to me and makes me suspicious." He admitted. "And then these strange wounds on his back..."
"I think he might be a dragon!" Katsuya suddenly interrupted him. Yuugi gave him a questioning look. "When I saw him for the first moment I thought to see faint, light blue wings on his back, but just for a second." He told Yuugi.
"A dragon..." Yuugi mumbled and thought about this for a moment. "It could be possible..."
Amethyst-coloured eyes observed the blond for a while. "Does Shizuka know?"
"I guess so." Katsuya admitted. "But she lets me first..."A wave of guilt flooded him and made him turn his head to the side. Yuugi's eyes remained on his friend for a second, before a smile spread on his lips. "Then I hope he will catch you!"
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Slowly he opened his eyes and gained consciousness again. The first thing he recognized was the very unfamiliar surrounding and the fact that he was lying on his stomach. Although his vision was still blurred he could spot a small wooden cupboard and a small window in front of him. The window was covered with dark blue shutters, keeping the bright sunlight outside. He blinked a few times, waiting until his vision became clear again. Now he could also see the nightstand on which a cup was standing next to the bed he was lying on. As he shifted slightly to the side he could feel bandages wrapped around his chest and a stinging and burning pain on his back. Very carefully he pushed himself into a sitting position to have a better look on his surrounding. Breathing heavily and under horrible pain he managed to drag himself to the doorframe of the room where he leaned weakly against it.
If these few steps brought him already out of breath and made his legs feel as if they would break down beneath him any second how in the would was he supposed to fulfill his mission?! And Yami certainly had already sent troops to search for him...
He gritted his teeth. The sudden and strong pain in his head had come unexpectedly and just made it harder for him to concentrate. Suddenly he heard a door open and a voice shouting in shock and surprise. Then he felt himself stumbling over something, but surprisingly two strong arms caught him before his body could hit the ground.
"Are you crazy?! To walk around like this in your condition..!" he heard his rescuer sighing. As he looked up, his gaze met shining coffee brown eyes, looking at him reproachfully and worriedly. Then his vision started to become blurred and unclear again, before the world went black again.
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Sighing, Katsuya put the cloth back on the burning forehead. Since the surprising gaining of consciousness this morning the brunette man hadn't woken up again. Instead his fever had just increased and his breathing had become heavier. Of course he had tried to make him drink the healing drink his sister had made, but it all had ended with the liquid spilled more over the man's body than running down his throat.
Gently, his fingers caressed the wound on the man's forehead. Obviously he had hit his head somehow as he had leaned against the door frame briefly before Katsuya had caught his fall.
He got up from his seat beside the bed quietly, before wincing in pain slightly. His back still hurt from sleeping uncomfortably in the kitchenette, his head bedded on the hard surface of the table. But his leaving was interrupted by a sudden movement on the bed. He watched the person on the bed move slowly, nearly forgetting to breathe. He watched him stirring, his eyes slowly fluttering open, revealing oceans of blue sky. Katsuya starred into those pools of blue for the second time, again not daring to blink, fearing they would just leave this world, if he did. As the young man opposite from him started to move to get up again, he quickly rushed to his side, pushing him softly down again. Blue eyes just gave him an angry look of confusion.
"You are hurt badly and still to weak for getting up." He whispered in a low voice close to the brunette's ear.
"Wh-who are...y-you?" The question came as unexpected as a thunderstorm in the desert.
"My name is Katsuya. You are in my hut." He said slowly and softly. It was silent for some moments until the brunette raised his voice again. "Do you have something to drink?" he asked with a husky voice. Katsuya just nodded and hurried to get a mug with Shizuka's healing drink. "I know tastes awful, but it will make you feel better and heal your wounds." He said and helped him to drink the bitter tasting liquid. A weak, whispered "Thank you." escaped the man's lips before he eventually fell asleep.
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The sun was just setting and the hot air cooling down as it knocked at Yuugi's hut. As a seller of lucky charms, talismans and other charms at the market square of Sanues he knew and could remember many faces, but the young man with dark eyes as brown as chocolate beans and long white hair, standing in front of him as he opened the door, was unfamiliar to him. From the long, wide and dirty robe which was covering the stranger's body Yuugi concluded that he had been on a journey through the desert.
"Good evening." he greeted Yuugi with a soft and friendly voice. "My name is Ryou. I just moved into the house on the left today; so we should be neighbors now."
Ryou held his right hand out. Yuugi just stared at him for a few moments, but couldn't feel any strange magic emitting from him and grabbed his hand in response at last. "Nice to meet you, Ryou. My name is Yuugi. So, what brought you into this small town?" he asked, shaking the other's hand slightly.
„I'm a healer." Ryou responded and followed Yuugi's gesture to step into the house. "And since I heard that the healer in this town is very old and nearly can't work anymore, I decided to settle down here."
"Shenthu will be very grateful for this. He just deserves to rest for his further life." Yuugi said a placed two cups of tea on a table while Ryou seated himself.
"And what's your job in this town?" Ryou asked then.
"I'm selling lucky charms and talismans at the market." The other replied.
They talked for nearly one hour while drinking tea. Yuugi learned that Ryou was even younger then him, 17 to be exact, and came from a small village called Suntia in the east of Saloni and the son of a druggist.
"Thank you very much for the tea!" he thanked Yuugi as they stood in the entrance.
"No problem. Your are welcome!" Yuugi replied politely.
"I'm certain we will meet again, soon. Goodbye!" Ryou spoke, turned around and walked down the way to the gate of Yuugi's plot of land.
"Dark boy" he then suddenly added in a knowing, superior voice.
He knows! Was Yuugi's first thought as his eyes went wide in shock?
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"Mama, there's a strange man sitting on a tree outside in the thunderstorm!" the small girl said, pointing out of the window. Her mother was immediately at her side.
"Pleas go away from the window, Shina!" she ordered in fright. "He's a dehumeni--­­someone with powerful, magical power!"She said, pulling her daughter further away from the window.
"But aunt Meni said that Tenophim Atemu is a dehumeni, too!" the girl countered. "So, how can this man be dangerous?"
"Unfortunately," her mother explained. "..Not everyone is as kind as the Tenophim; our ruler.
Now come! Supper is ready!"
The girl followed her mother out of the room, but not without throwing a last glance at the man with light blonde hair in the tree.
Suddenly a lightening appeared directly in front of the stranger's face, illuminating his face.
The girl's bright green eyes stared into sad, violet ones. Then the blond suddenly stretched out his right index finger and let it touch the lightening which seemed to disappear inside his body, as if it was sucked in by it. Then a light smile stretched the stranger's lips, but it didn't reach the violet eyes.
A sad smile.
The girl just continued to stare into his eyes.
Then suddenly the light of the lightening stopped and broke their one sided eye contact.
"Shina!" her mother called and she hurried to get out of the room.
Well, is there anyone who didn't notice that this story has again the tendency to center Seto and Katsuya as the "main pairing"?
I hope I'll manage to get rid of this habit. I personally don't mind this habit, but I guess there are people who want the things standing in the summary.
Then, what do you think about this story? Please review and tell me your opinion.
And if there should be any problems with understanding the terms or something please inform me and I'll explain it to you in the next chapter.