Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Say It Like You Mean It ❯ Seto Strikes ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh so you can go sue some other irresponsible fanfic writer. >>;

Yuuka: Only 3 reviews on ff.net. . . *sighs almost crying of disappointment* >< How come you guys don't send reviews? I really want to get some. About 106 people took a look at this fic on mm.org, but I don't know how much of you here look at it. . .

Yami: *puts a hand on Yuuka's shoulder* It's ok, Yuuka-chan. I still read your stories, and that's all that matters.

Yuuka: *looks at him hopefully* Really, Yami-kun????

Yami: O_o; Er. . .no. I was just trying to comfort you.

Yuuka: >< *cries*

Yami: No offense, Yuuka-chan. . .But, you know I don't like yaoi. . . >>;

". . ." = speaking, `. . .' = thinking, //. . .// = Yami's thought's to Yuugi, /. . ./ = the other way around, [. . .] = my notes

Say It Like You Mean It - chapter 9: Seto Strikes

Yami tapped the pen in his hand on the glass counter rapidly. His head was resting in his hand with his elbow propped up on the glass. He was completely bored, the shop wasn't very busy that day. `What on earth is Yuugi doing right now?' Yami thought as he looked at the clock on the wall, being totally impatient. `Come back home, Aibou.' He sighed. `I miss you.'

~ * ~

"Oooh burn! I got you again!" Ceraya laughed when she won the round against Yuuka. They were playing [OLD] video games on Yuuka's [OLD] N64.

The fighting game they were playing at the moment was called Flying Dragon. Ceraya used a character called Shouryou [I think that's his name ^^;] and Yuuka used the only female character there was - Yuka. [That's where I first got my name from! ^.^] No matter what video game she played she always tried to use a female character. "You cheated, Ceraya-chan!" Yuuka spat out when her character died. "I never even got the chance to do that cherry blossom special move thingy!" Sakura laughed when her friend got tongue-tied as usual. [lol I don't know the name of the move for the character YUKA on Flying Dragon. It's when Yuka's surrounded by a pillar of spinning cherry blossoms and uses them and this cool fan in her hands to hit the opponent.]

Yuuka's silver cell phone laying nearby on the coffee table began to ring. "Someone get that!" Yuuka called out as she started another round against Ceraya.

"Why don't you get it?" Tsuki asked from the couch behind Yuuka and Ceraya. She snatched the bowl of popcorn beside the ringing cell, grabbed a handful, and then passed the bowl to Sakura, who was sitting beside her.

Sakura agreed with her. "Yeah, Yuuka-chan. It's your phone." She placed the bowl of popcorn in her lap and kept it there as she watched the big screen TV.

"What if it's Seto-kun?" Maiko piped up from Ceraya's right. "Maybe he wants you to go back to Kaiba Corp. and help him again. You do work for him after all." She looked at the others for a couple seconds before realizing what she just said. "Gimme the phone!" She jumped up and crawled to the coffee table.

Tsuki laughed. "Oh no you don't!" She grabbed the phone before Maiko could and put it to her ear as Maiko stuck her tongue out. "Hello? Tsuki here."

"Tsuki?" A deep voice on the other end replied. "Where's Yuuka?"

"Oh hi Yami. Yuuka's playing Star Fox, unfortunately." Tsuki sighed as she looked to the others. Maiko had popped in Star Fox 64 and now Yuuka's eyes were glued to the screen as she shot down one enemy after another. "I swear she's gonna go blind with the way she doesn't blink during those games. . ."

"Is Yuugi there too?"

"No, he isn't. Why? Is there something wrong."

"I'm not sure. Aibou said that he was going over to your house today. I got bored at the shop and tried calling your place, but I forgot your phone number, so I just called Yuuka's cell hoping she went over to your house too."

"That's strange. Yuugi isn't supposed to come over to my house or anything. Me and the gang are over at Yuuka's. You have any idea where he is?"

"No. . ." Yami sighed on the other end of the line. "I might call back later. Don't worry the others with this. Ja ne."

~ * ~

As Yami put down the phone, he stared at the Millennium Puzzle hanging from his neck. `Maybe I just heard Yuugi wrong as he left. I probably wasn't paying much attention to his exact words. He'll be okay.'

Around ten minutes later, Yuugi wasn't okay.

He was terrified.

~ * ~

Yuugi continued to stare at Seto as he tried to find the right words to use. "So what is it you wanted to tell me?"

Taking another deep breath, Seto faced Yuugi and spoke quietly. "Yuugi, what do you think of me?"

"What I think of you? Uh. . ." Yuugi looked up cutely as he thought. "Well Seto, I think that you're very kind, um. . .you never do anything bad or hurtful to me anymore, I like your personality, and. . . you're one of my really good friends."

Seto smiled. He expected Yuugi to say something like that. "Arigatou, Yuugi. I consider you as a real good friend too. But. . ." His face slowly turned red. "Yuugi. . .I want to be more than just a friend to you. . .I. . .I love you."

". . .nani. . .?" Yuugi's eyes went wide as Seto spoke. His mouth opened slightly as he stared at Seto. A million different thoughts were racing through his mind. "You. . .you love me? . . .Really?" He got off the couch and kneeled in front of the black coffee table, his hands gripping on its edge nervously.

Nodding, Seto brought himself closer to Yuugi, bending over the table separating them. "Really, Yuugi. I mean it. And. . .I want to know if you love me too."

A bead of sweat went down the side of Yuugi's face. He was beginning to feel more nervous. He was feeling uncomfortable with the way Seto was staring into his eyes. "Seto, I really don't want to say this, but I . . ."

Yuugi's words were cut off when Seto placed a finger over his mouth. "Shhh. . .Aishiteru, Yuugi. . ." Seto closed his eyes and leaned towards him. He brushed back a golden bang covering Yuugi's eyes and touched his face. His lips almost touched the boy's, but he stopped in mid-air as Yuugi said something.

"Gomen nasai, Seto." Yuugi said in a clear voice. His expression didn't change when Seto tried to kiss him. "I love Yami-kun, not you."

Seto opened his eyes and looked at Yuugi. He laughed awkwardly, as if trying to hide his sadness of being rejected by Yuugi. "You, you're kidding right? Tell me you're joking about what you just said."

"I don't know why you'd think I was joking, Seto." Yugi said defiantly, his voice now at normal volume. "I'm serious. I love Yami-kun, and no one else. I'll love him forever, and he'll love me in the same way. We're always there for each other."

"How could you do this to me?" Seto questioned loudly as he pulled himself away from Yuugi and stood up. "Yami? Out of all the people in Domino City, you had to fall in love with YAMI? That pathetic Pharaoh of Egypt? That bastard King of Games?"

"That's enough, Seto!" Yuugi exclaimed as he got up quickly, staring daggers into Seto's cold blue eyes. "Don't you dare call Yami-kun those name!" I don't want you to talk like that about him ever again! I've loved him for a very long time! You'll never be able to change the feelings we have for each other!" He wiped his nose on his jacket sleeve as he sniffled. He turned his back on Seto and looked toward the door. "Gomen nasai, Seto. I'm leaving."

As Yuugi began to walk out, Seto took a big step towards him and grasped his upper arm fiercely. Pulling him back, Seto glared down at him angrily. "Iie, Yuugi. You aren't leaving. Not until you say you love me."

Yuugi tried to pull away, but Seto was much too strong. "Yamete! Let go of me!" Seto only gripped onto his arm tighter, making Yuugi cry out in pain.

"Say you love me and I'll let you go!" Seto yelled.

"Iie! Never!" Yuugi began to struggle as he was pulled to Seto's chest. "Let me go, Seto! Onegai!"

"I'll make you fall for me, Yuugi!" Seto yelled into Yuugi's ear, making him wince in even more pain. He wrapped his arms around the boy tightly so he couldn't run off. "If you want to leave this house you'll say you love me and not Yami!"



Yuugi began to sob as Seto continued to hurt him both physically and emotionally. He wiped away a tear with the hand Seto wasn't grasping. "Fine, Seto. . .I. . ."

". . ." Seto stayed silent as he tried to catch what Yuugi was tying to say. `Come on, Yuugi. . .Say it. . .'

"I LOVE YAMI! YAMI! YAMI! YAMI!" Yuugi screamed at the top of his lungs, his voice echoing throughout the empty mansion. Seto growled angrily as he heard the Pharaoh's name in place of his. Yuugi suddenly clamped his jaws around Seto's right hand and bit him hard, causing Seto to curse from the pain and release Yuugi from his grasp.

At that moment Yuugi dashed for the door and turned the knob, but it wouldn't move. /Come on. . .stupid door. . .Yami-kun?! Yami-kun, can you hear me?! I'm at Seto's house! Help me!/

"That door's locked, Yuugi." Seto said calmly from the hallway. "Like I said before, you aren't leaving this house until you say you love me."

/Yami-kun! Help me, kudasai! Seto's trying to hurt me!/ `Where's Yami-kun?' Yuugi thought as his eyes darted left and right, trying to find a place to hide as Seto was drawing near. He spotted the large staircase and made a wild run for it, passing by Seto in a split second. His vision began to blur as his tears got in the way, but Yuugi just ignored it and continued running. `I need a place to hide. . .something. . .' /Yami-kun where are you?! If you can't hear me then I have to call Maiko. . .Maiko-chan! Someone! Please answer me!/

~ * ~

Maiko dropped the can of pop in her hand and almost screamed as her head filled with pain. She covered her ears and closed her eyes. "Calm down Yuugi! I can hear you! What is it?"

Tsuki walked into the kitchen when she heard Maiko yell. "Maiko-chan? What's happening? I heard you drop something then. . ." She quieted down when she saw Maiko's Millennium Locket begin to glow. One of the Locket's powers was that it could let Maiko talk to one of the other Millennium Item holders through a link similar to Yami and Yuugi's.

/Maiko-chan, where's Yami-kun?! Please tell me you know where he is!/ Yuugi cried hysterically.

"He's back at the game shop. What's happening? I can hear someone yelling in the background."

/Seto tricked me into coming over to his mansion!/ Yuugi was sobbing so hard it was difficult for Maiko to hear him properly. /He wants to hurt me because I said I loved Yami and not him!/

Maiko gasped. ". . .Seto-kun loves you. . .? I, I thought that he. . ."

/Yes, he does! I'm sorry, but I don't think I have much time before he finds me! Tell Yuuka to get Yami and teleport him to Seto's mansion! I. . .I'm scared! Please!/

"Okay Yuugi. Don't worry, we'll get you out of there." Maiko and Tsuki ran out of the kitchen and back into the room where the others were. "Yuuka-chan! Get over to Yami's place!"

"Five more minutes. . ." Yuuka pleaded, not taking her eyes off the screen. "I'm on Venom now and I only have to go through the tunnel to get to Andross. . ." [haha that sounds so much like me whenever I play that game XD]

Ceraya grabbed the controller in Yuuka's hands and slapped her in the face. "Weren't you listening to what Maiko-chan and Yuugi were saying in the kitchen?! If you don't get Yuugi out of Seto's house he might seriously hurt him! Get over to Yami's place! NOW!"

Yuuka stood up and brushed off her black one-strap shirt [those thingys with a strap or whatever on one shoulder only? I don't know what you call them but I like those >>;] before taking hold of her Millennium Sphere. "Fine, fine! I'm going!" With a flash of light she disappeared from the room.

"That jerk. . ." Sakura muttered under her breath as Yuuka left. "If he hurts Yuugi I'm gonna beat the shit outta him at school tomorrow. . ."

Maiko collapsed onto the couch and hung her head. "Are you sure it's Seto-kun doing all this…?" She whispered, still being in denial. "It can't be Seto-kun, it just can't. . .I know he wouldn't be capable of something so terrible. . ."

Ceraya sat beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Maiko, you were the one talking to Yuugi. You heard the fear in his voice. It IS Seto. He IS the one trying to hurt Yuugi."

Maiko buried her face in Ceraya's shoulder and hugged her tightly. "It just can't be Seto-kun!" She cried through choked up sobs. "It just can't! This is all just a big lie! Seto-kun. . ."

[Maiko would you really do something like that if I told you Seto was gay? O_o;;;;]

~ * ~

Seto forced him into a passionate kiss. Yuugi began to struggle again, but Seto only deepened the kiss. The feel of Yuugi's soft lips against his own filled him with even more lust. He wanted more. Needing to breathe again, Seto let go of Yuugi. Yuugi tried pushing Seto away from him as he gasped for air, but the taller one of the two was still stronger. "So, Koibito, will you give in now?" Seto asked smoothly. He placed his hands lower on Yuugi's back, making him growl in anger.

"Get off of me!" Yuugi exclaimed for the tenth time that night. "And don't call me lover, you sick-minded psychopath!"

"I can call you anything you want, KOIBITO." Seto smirked as he held onto the boy tighter, pressing their bodies together. "You are mine and no one else's."

Yuugi spat in his face angrily. "I AM NOT YOUR LOVER!" he screamed. "I'M NOT YOURS! I DON'T BELONG TO YOU! I AM YAMI'S KOIBITO! YAMI'S AIBOU! I'M HIS AND HIS ONLY!" He kicked at Seto's shins furiously, but to know avail. Seto just laughed at Yuugi's attempts to get free.

"Yami, Yami, Yami! It's always YAMI!" Seto kissed him again, this time slipping his tongue in Yuugi's mouth and tasting him thoroughly. All of this was done against Yuugi's will. Seto suddenly let go of him and threw Yuugi into a nearby wall. He hit his head hard and slumped to the floor.

"Yuugi. . .if I can't have you - then no one will. . ."

~ * ~

Yami fell to the floor in surprise when Yuuka burst into the game shop. "Y-Yuuka?! What are you doing here?!"

"Get up Yami! I have no idea why you didn't rescue him earlier but you're going to now!" Yuuka walked up to the counter and pulled Yami up.

"What in the name of the gods are you talking about?" Yami asked as Yuuka tugged at his arm. "Rescue who? There's nothing going wrong right now."

"How could you say that?! Didn't you sense Yuugi in danger?!"

Yami gasped. "Nani?! Where is he?!"

"At Seto's house! Come on, I'll take us there!" Yuuka outstretched her hand as the Sennen Eye glowed on her forehead.

Yami didn't know exactly what was going on, but he took Yuuka's hand anyway. Now he wished that he didn't close his link with Yuugi..

~ * ~

[I'm a terrible author, aren't I? My vocab sucks. . . .So does this next scene. O.o;;;;]

Seto continued to molest Yuugi as he faded in and out of consciousness. He kissed his lips, his neck, anything to make him feel more of what was inside of him. Yuugi couldn't do anything to stop him. He was powerless. `He's mine now. . .'

"Y-Yami-kun. . ." Yuugi whispered hoarsely. "Help. . .me. . ."

"Yami will never help you." Seto whispered into his ear as he held him again. "He'll never come because he doesn't love you anymore. He hates you."

"T-that's not t-true. . .!" Yuugi shot back when Seto punched him in the face. He was now fully conscious, but terribly weak from when he hit his head. "Yami will come and save me from you! I know he will! He will because he loves me! He even said so today!"

Seto raised an eyebrow. "Oh, he did, did he? So he's gonna save you from this mess? Let me tell you something, Koibito! Yami's not coming because he doesn't love you! He'll never come! He surely isn't saving you from this!" Seto slapped him in the face again, laughing hysterically.


"Or this!" Seto punched him in the eye twice.

"YAMETE!" Yuugi screamed in pain.

"OR THIS!" He continued to beat Yuugi into a bloody pulp.

Yuugi cried as Seto continued to turn him black and blue. Why wasn't Yami there? Yami said that he truly loved him, so that meant he'd be there for him anytime, anyplace. Right?

Seto continued to throw out insults as Yuugi cried from the pain. "Hey, maybe Yami likes someone else! Ever think of that, KOIBITO?! He could just be lying to you!"

"N-no!" Yuugi spat out. "Yami would never lie!"

"You sure?! Cause I swear I heard him say earlier this week that he liked a GIRL!"


"It's true, Koibito! He told me that he likes Yuuka, not you! Sooner or later he'll ditch you for Yuuka!" Seto lifted him off the ground by his shirt collar and shook him fiercely. Laughing like a madman, he shouted, "Yami loves her so much more than you, he's probably fucking that bitch right now so he won't have to listen to your pathetic crying!"

Yuugi covered his ears and shut his eyes tight so the tears would stop flowing, but they didn't. "NOOO! STOP IT! STOP IT! YOU'RE LYING! YUUKA AND YAMI-KUN WOULD NEVER! THEY WOULDN'T!" Yuugi's head began to spin. He was dizzy from the beating he just received and the things he heard from Seto. He stopped screaming and sobbing as he fell to the ground when a final blow came to the head.

Seto dropped Yuugi to the floor and fell to his knees. Grinning evilly, he knelt over Yuugi's shaking body and grabbed onto his waist. "If I have to fuck you to make you love me I swear to god I'll do it." He placed both his hands on Yuugi's waist and tugged at his pants.

Yuugi thrashed even more beneath Seto. He was scared of what he was about to do. Seto would've succeeded, had Yami not burst through the door a second later.

"SETO!" Yami exclaimed as he appeared in the open doorway, fire now in his crimson eyes. The Sennen Eye was on his forehead as well, like it was on Yuuka's earlier. "GIVE MY AIBOU BACK!"

Seto sat up straight and turned to face Yami. "Oh fuck, you're here. . ." Yami almost ran to the two on the floor of the room, but Seto raised his hand to stop him. "Don't come any closer, Yami."

Yami kept his fists by his side and refrained himself from sending Seto to the Shadow Realm right there and now. "You bastard. . .hand Yuugi over right now. . ." Seto reached his hand into his jacket pocket and took something out. Yami's eyes went wide as his blood ran cold.

It was a gun.

I'm gonna leave it at that for now. Don't worry, I'm working on the next chapter as you're reading this. R/R if you want to find out what happens next!

Yuugi: He's gonna shoot me!!!!! *cries*

Seto: O.o;;;;;; *hides the gun behind his back* . . .No I won't. . .

Yuuka: Yeah, he's gonna shoot Yami-kun.

Yami: O____O WHAAAAAAAAT?!?!?! *runs away from Seto*

Yuugi: Don't leave me with Seto!!!! *runs after him*

Yuuka: -__-; No one's shooting anyone! R/R please. . .