Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Second Chance ❯ Setting Things Right ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Setting Things Right (thanks anime AndrAIa!!)

Chapter 3

Yami sullenly walked back to Kaiba's house. //If all they're gonna do while I'm here is trying to get us together, than I might as well leave. It is obvious Yuugi doesn't want me around.//

He finally made it to the house. When he rang the doorbell, Mokuba let him in. "Yami? Where's the others?"

"They're still visiting Yuugi." Yami went off to his room. He fell face-first into his bed, not really wanting to leave. //I need this break. And I'm glad to be back with my friends again.//


Yuugi flushed under everyone's gaze. "Hi."

He saw the shock in everyone's face. But in his grandpa's face, he saw sadness. /He probably thinks this is his fault./ Soon he couldn't take all the stares and he ran out of the shop.

He made his way to a small park nearby and sat by a small flowerbed. /Flowers...garden...where I died.../ He rested his chin in his hands. After his dreams stopped showing him new revelations, Yuugi had constantly had the some dream over and over. It was of Yami. He had sort of remembered one of Yami's memories.

Yuugi knew it was from the time after he had died. In the dream, Yuugi kept seeing the hallow look on Yami's face. He never heard the Pharaoh speak in this dream. The fire in his eyes was no longer there. He walked like someone would if they were carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Yuugi had never doubted Yami's love from their past life. /And if what I saw wasn't a heartbreak, I didn't know what is./

Yuugi's lips tingled where he remember Yami touching them earlier. He ran his shaking hands through his hair.

"You should give him a chance, Yuugi."

Yuugi turned and saw his grandpa behind him. "Grondpa! You shouldn't be here-"

"Yuugi, don't worry about me. Even the doctor told me I should get out more often."

"But how did you find out?"

His grandpa smiled. "You have some very caring friends, Yuugi. They told me everything that happened. I did think that it was strange at first, but then it started making sense to me."

"I don't know what to do, Grandpa! I don't know if we were given a second chance at love or a second chance at death.

The elder man put his hand on Yuugi's shoulder. "Fate is not cruel like that, Yuugi. Go to him. Tell him your feelings. If you don't you'll never find out."

"What about you? I can't just leave you."

"Yuugi, you shouldn't worry about me. I'm happy when you are happy."


Yami sat up when he heard a knock at his door. "I'm still mad at you guys."

The knocking continued.

"That was a really cruel stunt. You guys know how I feel about Yuugi still."

The knocking persisted.

With a sigh, Yami got up and went to open the door. "I'm leaving tomorrow and there isn't anything you can do to change my mind." The door opened on his last word and he felt two arms wrap around his waist. "Y-Yuugi?!"

"I'm sorry, Yami! I'm sorry I made you go away, Please, please don't leave me again!"

Yami felt his tears go through his shirt. He pulled away from his grasp and saw pain flash through Yuugi's eyes at his action. The boy finally calmed down enough to realize that Yami wasn't going to hurt him. "Y-Yami, where's your necklace?" he asked.

"I broke it," Yami lied. "It shattered into pieces." //Heh, a good metaphor for my heart.//

Yuugi looked down at his necklace. It glowed slightly. Yami noticed the bag in which he kept the necklace in was emitting a golden light as well. Yuugi walked towards it and opened it up. He pulled out the necklace. "Why did you lie to me, Yami?"

"So, even for just one second, you could feel what I did that day."

"You wanted me to hurt."


Yuugi walked back over to Yami and put the necklace around Yami's neck. "I've been hurting, Yami. You haven't been the only one. You know I'm telling you the truth." Yuugi wrapped his arms around the former Pharaoh again. "I'd do anything for you, Yami."

Yami was sent into another memory dream.


"Yami! Let's go for a walk!" Yuugi started shaking Yami on the bed.

The Pharaoh rolled on top of him. "But it's so pleasant inside." He started kissing Yuugi's face.

Yuugi pouted. "But it's beautiful outside. Fresh air, blue skies..."

"Alright, alright... Let's get dressed and go outside."

**//Another dream.// Yami watched his former self and Yuugi awake. //Doesn't take much imagination to know what they-we were doing.//**

"You look like an angel dressed in all that white, Yuugi."

Yuugi giggled. "And you look like a Pharaoh with all those jewels and silk on."

Yami smiled. "That's because I AM the Pharaoh." He bent down to kiss Yuugi on the forehead. "Let's get going, Yuugi." They walked to the garden and sat on one of the benches. Yuugi curled up next to his lover.

**Yami watched with jealousy. //Why couldn't we be happy like that?// He looked around at the garden. //Yes, it is beautiful here.// Then a shadow caught Yami's eye. //No...//**

Yuugi opened his eyes and saw the shadow. He face twisted up. /I guess this is it. I can't have Yami getting hurt./

//What are you talking about, Yuugi?//

Yuugi smiled. Tears were being held back, not to cause suspicion. "I love you, Yami. Forever."

"I love you, too, Yuugi. That will never change." Yami bent his head to claim his lover's lips. Yuugi kept his eyes open, watching the shadow on the reflective surface of Yami's jewelry.

**Yami watched helplessly as the shadow crept toward the couple. //And I can't do a damn thing about it! I can't change the past!//**

Yuugi saw the shadow less than ten feet away and he pulled back from Yami. He stood in front of Yami, blocking his view of the danger. "Yami, look at me." The Pharaoh's crimson eyes met with Yuugi's violet ones. "Yami, don't forget me."

Yami saw as Yuugi's eyes widen, he felt pain coming from Yuugi. He broke his gaze with Yuugi's eyes to see a dark red spot seeping through Yuugi's angelic clothes. "Yuugi..."

**Yami screamed. He screamed because of the pain he felt radiating off of Yuugi. He screamed because of the pain of seeing that happening to Yuugi. He ran to where Yuugi was. His eyes wide.**

"YUUGI!!!" Yami screamed.

Soon guards filled the garden and searched for the assassin. Yami cradled the limp body, knowing his love was already dead. He felt a hand touch his shoulder and looked up into Bakura's dark chocolate eyes. Tears ran unheeded down both of their faces.

~*~*~*~END OF FLASHBACK~*~*~*~

Yami felt tears down his cheeks, he didn't even realize he started crying. "Is... is that how it ended?"

Yuugi nodded, burying his head on Yami's chest, tears running down his face as well. "That was what kept me from you. I was so afraid I would die if I let myself be with you."

Yami warily wrapped his arms around Yuugi.

The smaller boy cried harder. "Yami, I love you! I love you!"

Yami brought him closer to his body, remembering the warmth he felt from long ago. "I love you, too, Yuugi."


"I wonder if Yami's gonna hurt us," Jounouchi said aloud.

"Yes, that was rather mean of us," Ryou agreed.

Both Seto and Bakura put their arms around their lovers. "We didn't mean for something like that to happen. I'm sure he'll understand," Bakura said.

"Let's go see how he's holding up," Kaiba suggested.

The group of six, Isis being left behind, went to Yami's room, the door was slightly ajar. As they looked in, all their jaws hit the floor. They all ran from the doorway. "On second thought, I think Yami would hurt us if he knew we saw that," Jounouchi amended. The others all nodded their heads in agreement.


Yuugi had curled up next to Yami. "I kept thinking... if we were reborn, what's to stop, that guy, from being reborn as well. The more I thought about it, the more I fell from you." Yuugi shut his eyes. "Please forgive me."

Yami sighed. "Do you think I would've done that with someone I was mad at?"

Yuugi smiled, relieved that everything was going to work out for them.


A dark shadow looked through the window and Yami and Yuugi. "So, they have decided to tempt fate in their second life, have they?" The shadowed faded from view. "We'll just have to see if history truly repeats itself."

Y-n-Y: Hehe... I'm not evil, I only act like I am... ^_^;; Don't kill me too much for that ending, but this is the turn this stories gonna take. These first three chapters were there to set this up and now it's time for the storyline.

Yuugi: I'm not gonna die again, am I?

Y-n-Y: I could've sworn that I said this fic was gonna have a happy ending...

Yuugi: So I'm not gonna die again?

Y-n-Y: ::sarcastically:: Of course, you are! Your death would make everyone so happy!

Yuugi: ::sweatdrops::

Y-n-Y: ::sighs::