Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Second Chance ❯ Crazed Couples Chocolate Caper ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Crazed Couples Chocolate Caper (tankies tefla!!)

Chapter 6



"I'm glad this is a private beach."

"Me, too." And they both fell asleep.


Bakura faithfully blocked most of the splashing that was directed at Ryou, but unfortunately it turned into WWWFABI (World War Water Fight Against Bakura I) and he was outnumbered. He tried to hold his own and belatedly found out Ryou turned on him and began to splash him from behind. "Why you!" Bakura spun around a leaped on his lover, pushing him underwater.

Ryou came up a second later and grinned. "Get him!" Everyone splashed Bakura as Ryou made his quick escape into the house. He passed by Yami and Yuugi sleeping on the sand. Under the towels they used for blankets they were... {Naked?} Ryou shook his head. {Good thing we were too busy fighting.}

He ran into his room and got dried off in the bathroom. {I might as well take a shower and get rid of the sand in my shorts.} He turned the shower on and took off his trunks and stepped into the warm water. He let the water wash the sand off of him and felt two strong arms circle his waist.

"Thought you could get away so easily, huh?"

"Ahh! Bakura, don't do that!"

Bakura smirked. "Well, what do you have to say for yourself? That's twice you turned on me."

"I'll give you a kiss?"

"Not good enough."

"Two kisses?"

Bakura snorted. "How about you, me and a bed?"

"You're so hard to please..."


"I don't believe those two," Marik said, his usually upright hair, now limp to the side. "They *just* got back together and they're already at it."

The two stood above the sleeping pair. "They have their reasons. And at least they knew each other... unlike a certain blond here I know. Cuz this person somehow believed that just because he saw me in his dreams makes us lovers."

Marik pouted. "Well, it's not like you stopped me. If I knew any better, I'd say that you knew something like that was gonna happen."

Malik smirked. "I do know how to read hieroglyphics."

"I was quite surprised when you showed me the walls that that our past was recorded on."

"Me, too."

"There's probably a lot of stuff we don't know remember and isn't written on those walls."

"Well, my sister does have that necklace."

Marik laughed. "And I bet she also told you more about me."

"Yeah. Isis was always a big believer in reincarnation. I thought she was crazy at first. But then I was in the hieroglyphics and knew something was going on."

They started walking back to the house. "Let's say we get some of this sand out of our shorts? It's rather uncomfortable."

"What are you complaining about?" Malik's lavender eye's narrowed. "You purposely shoved a handful of sand in my shorts!"

Marik nodded. "Yes, and the look on your face was priceless."

His eyes narrowed even more as they approached the house. "Sleep lightly, Marik, sleep lightly.


"Should we leave `em, Seto?" Jounouchi asked while drying off.

The brunette shook his head, sending droplets of water on Jounouchi. "Let's just wake up Yami, he'll carry Yuugi in. Kaiba knelt next to the sleeping boys and tapped Yami on the shoulder. "Yami? Come on, time to wake up."

"Mm?" A Pair of crimson eyes appeared. "What time is it?"

"Almost four. The others have already gone inside a while ago. We didn't want to bug you for lunch, so you're probably hungry."

Yami nodded and started to get up, but Seto pushed him back down.

"Here, Yami." Jounouchi handed him their discarded clothes. "We'll be inside."

Yami nodded in thanks as blushed slightly.

The blond and brunette turned back to the house. "Wonder what the others are up to. Since they left way before we did, they've probably cleaned up."

Seto nodded. "So, we should probably get cleaned up, too."

Jounouchi nodded and opened the door. When they stepped inside, not a sound was heard. "Um... Seto?"

"It's too quiet. Especially since Marik's around." The walked across the entrance way and headed towards the kitchen. Out of the blue, a `plop!' was heard. They both turned at the same time. "It's...chocolate syrup?" Seto observed. He also noted the rubber of what used to be a balloon.

Jounouchi bent down and ran his finger through it. He licked his finger. "Yep, chocolate."

Seto shuddered at what he just witnessed. "What if that wasn't chocolate?"

Jounouchi shrugged. "All well. I wanna know where that thing came from." At the same time both looked up. "Oh, no..." Jounouchi breathed.

Four grinning faces stared back down at them and each face had a pair of hands holding balloons. And down those balloons fell on the too-shocked-to-move Seto and Jounouchi. Their best efforts to get away from the assault turned to be null and soon they were covered in chocolate. Jounouchi had managed to slip on a piece of a balloon, sending him crashing into Seto and landing on the floor. And the onslaught continued.


Yami put his swimming outfit and shirt. After he finished with himself, he dressed Yuugi. The little one had managed to stay asleep the whole time while Yami dressed him. //He looks beautiful when he's asleep. But even more so when he smiles.// He sighed, hating to wake him up. //If only Jounouchi or Seto could've brought some of this stuff in, I wouldn't have to wake Yuugi up.// He sat on his knees, gently rocking him back and forth. "C'mon, Yuugi... Wake up." He got no respond except a small groan. "We need to get inside." Nothing again. Yami sat back crossed-legged, trying to find out what to do. With an evil glint in his ruby eyes, he concentrated and shouted within their mental bond, //YUUGI! WAKE UP OR I'M DUMPING YOU IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN!!//

Yuugi sat straight up and his violet eyes wide. Yami began to laugh. "Yami! That wasn't nice."

"Well, you weren't getting up."

Yuugi stuck out his lower lip in a pout gesture. "I was sleeping."

"You've been sleeping all afternoon. And I have, too." Yami stood and stretched out a hand to help Yuugi up. Yuugi grabbed it with both hands and tugged downwards sending Yami toppling on him. "Yuugi!"

Yuugi wrapped his arms around Yami. "Love you."

"Love you, too." Yami placed a kiss on his forehead. "Come on, we really do need to head back."

Yuugi nodded and they both stood, grabbing towels and umbrellas. They spent the small walk to the house in silence. When they got inside, Yuugi almost dropped everything when he started laughing. Jounouchi and Seto had been surrounded by four figures holding balloons and water guns. And the prisoners where covered in chocolate.

"What happened to you guys?" Yami asked, trying not to laugh at their plight.

"Bakura, Ryou, Malik and Marik happened to us," Seto bit out, glaring at the amused Yuugi. "I'm glad you find it funny."

"Sorry, Kaiba!" Yuugi said between his fits of hysterics.

Yami smiled a bit. "Okay, everyone, you've had your fun, now put down your guns and balloons." The four that were addressed turned and smiled at Yami. "You wouldn't..." All four threw a balloon at the former Pharaoh. But before they could get close enough, a light surrounded Yami and when the balloons touched it, they popped, not getting a drop of chocolate on their target.

Yuugi stopped laughing. "Um... what just happened?"

Y-n-Y: I hoped you guys liked this chapter... MWAHAHA the evil cliffies!! ...... ^^;; Now, onto a clip from the story I'm beginning and, hopefully,you'll all likeit...


Yuugi woke in familiar arms. He smiled as he scooted closer to rest his head on his lover's chest. `I wish I could stay here forever.' He grew saddened, knowing that he would have to emerge to the real world to attend his college class. /Yami?/ he called gently.


/Yeah, I need to get up soon./ The arms around him grew tighter. /C'mon, Yami.../

//I know.// He sighed. //I just wish we weren't confined here.//

Yuugi nodded. /Me, too, but.../ Tears started to gather in the hikari's purple eyes. /I wish.../

//Shh... Aibou. We'll find a way.// He wiped the tears away.

Ever since their relationship started they've been trying to find a way, to have Yami obtain a real body. Their only physical contact was when they were in their soul rooms. But that could never last. Every morning Yuugi would have to wake up and leave the spirit's warm arms.

/I'm fine, Yami. This is good enough for me./ He smiled bravely.

Yami nodded. //You'd better be off, Yuugi.//

Yuugi kissed him one last time to return to the real world. To return to his empty bed.


Y-n-Y: So, do you guys like? I hope so! ^_^V