Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Shadow Magic Gone Wrong ❯ Its A Small World ( Chapter 32 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yami Yugi= Yami/Pharaoh=Paro
Yugi Motou= aibou= Abu/Udi
Ryou Bakura ( Hikari)= Ryou/Tenshi/Teni
Yami Bakura= Bakura/Batura tombrobber/tombbobber
Malik(Marik) Ishtar= Malik/ Koi=Toy
Yami Marik= Marik/tombkeeper/tombbeeper
Seto Kaiba= Kaiba/Dragon/Tiba
Mokuba Kaiba= Mokuba
Jonouchi=Jou /Pup/Doey
//Yami to Hikari//
/Hikari to Yami/
**characters thoughts**
(Authors Notes)
<Character thoughts>
“ Hi this is Kaiba Dark Sanctuary doesn't own Yugioh or DisneyLand or any characters associated with Disney, or “It's a small world song” hope you enjoy.” “They are also not responsible for Little Yami's changing the lyrics either.”
( Okay they're in Fantasy Land now)
“Hmm what should we do now, guys?” “Actually Yugi, we should probably get something to eat.” “Ryou, that sounds like a good plan.” “Pup, if it involves food, then it's always a good plan to you. “ “Seto, I`ll get you for that.” “Ooo the pup is so scary when he's mad haha.” “Laugh all you want Seto.” (Jou pulls out picture of Seto sleeping with a Blue Eyes Plushie, Seto stops laughing) “Hehehe.” “Well before we decide anything, we better ask them if they want to go on one more ride, before we go and eat,” Yugi said as he tied Yami's laces.
“Yami, Marik, Bakura do you want to go eat some dinner, or do you want, to go on one more ride first,” Yugi asked the Little Yami's. “We want to get on dat ride ober der,” Marik said as he pointed over towards It's A Small World. “Okay lets go get on the ride,” Malik said as he put Marik back in his stroller. “This is like one of my favorite rides, “ Ryou said as him and Yugi stroller raced towards the line. “Now tell me again why I ran all the way to the line, when where going to be waiting for an hour ,” Kaiba said sounding more than annoyed. “Seto you need to loosen up a bit learn to enjoy the simple things,” Jou said as he shuffled the cards he had in his pocket around. “ I am loosened up Pup, “ Kaiba said smirking . “Oh….um…hehe,” Jou said as the line moved inch by inch.
“Paro hab you been on dis wide betore,” Marik asked the Little Pharaoh who happened to be drinking some apple juice from a Mickey Mouse Sipper cup. “I neber been on dis wide Tombbeeper,” Yami said breaking away from his juice. “I wunder if da wide is stary , I hope dat ders realby scarby tuff in da wide ,” the Little Tombrobber said making scary faces. /Bakura don't do that/ //But why Teni…I wike taring da Paro it funny// /Well don't cause remember the last time, you ended up being to scared to sleep/ //Um// /Besides where almost to the ride, your going to love it/ Ryou squeed with joy.
“Alright where here,” Yugi said as he climbed into the boat. “Ready Yami for one of the coolest rides ever,” Yugi happily squealed as his Little Dark sat in his lap. Mayik dis wide is tinda boring wets mate in funner,” Bakura told the Little Dark who kept trying to put his hand in the water as the boat moved through the scenery. “What do you have in mind Batura,” Marik asked? “How bout we sing da song dats pwaying, but sing diprent word tuz doze words are realby boring,” Bakura told the Little Tombkeeper who smiled at the thought. “Do you tink dat we should tell Da Paro,” Marik asked. “ I tuppose If he wants to do it wit us.” Bakura said as he crossed his arms. “Hey Paro you wanna mate new words to dis boring song wit us,” Malik asked the Little Pharaoh who was now sitting next to his light looking sort of bored. “Yeah dat would be fun,” Yami said as the three of them thought of how to change the song. “What in the world,” Ryou exclaimed as he heard not so familiar words of
It's a Small World being blasted through the rides speakers…
( Marik)
Ita wurld of Tadows
A world of tearbs.
Ita wurld of Monters
And a world of peers.
Ders to mutch dat we tare.
Tending tolls ebywhere
Ita Tadow Realm apter all.
( Bakura, Marik, Yami)
Ita Tadow Realm apter all.
Ita Tadow Realm apter all.
Ita Tadow Realm apter all.
It da Tadow Realm.
Der iz dus one puddle
And one tard in hand
I'm da Paro of Edypt
Mind Tush all I tan
Through the deddert tand
I will conqper your wand.
I'm the Ting of Thiebes.
(Bakura, Marik , Yami)
Ita Tadow Realm apter all.
Ita Tadow Realm apter all.
Ita Tadow Realm apter all.
It da Tadow Realm.
( Ok they ended ride and are now leaving)
“Okay I didn't think that was possible,” Yugi said shaking his head as he looked back towards the ride, where workers were frantically trying to get the speakers to stop playing the new words. / Well what next Yami/ /Yami?/ “Hmm it seems they've had a bit too much excitement, “ Jou said as he noticed three sleeping Dark's snuggled peacefully in their strollers….
“Hi this is Ryou hope you liked the fic, sorry for any errors that weren't done on purpose , please review.”