Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Solitude Remix ❯ YOU KNOW! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

SoulDreamer: Okay. This is just a boredom fic to get out of playin' piano for a while.

Kyote: It's not forever. It's just a few minutes.

SoulDreamer: We actually wrote something. You know that 25% of the story is us talking right??

Kyote: Yeah…

SoulDreamer: Oh well, free space!!


Pairing: Yami and Yugi

Disclaimer: I have never owned Yu-Gi-Oh and I never will.

Solitude Remix

There were always those who gave. There were those who took. Yugi always gave. Everyone else…took. It seemed no one really did care about the beautiful and young hikari. Even his own darkness had forgotten about him.

Yugi always seem to be the optimistic type. But being a little too optimistic is bad. You start believing what you say and it drives you mental. I guess that's what happened to Yugi. He grew optimistic that his friends and darkness would recognize him. The more he said it…the more it seemed that he believed that they were still his friends. It's kind of sad actually. This is the story.


Yugi was running toward the houses of Domino City. It felt refreshing to cool his face from the air around him. He needed comfort. He needed release from the world. He had the perfect plan to get his darkness to notice him. He had a special potion that helped make it all come true. (K: I think he isn't insane, you are though. S: Shush will you?) This potion enabled him to get pregnant from the semen of the person he slept with next. Don't worry. He's still a virgin.

He ran upstairs in the Game Shop. He undressed himself and showered. He showered a quick, but super clean bath. He then poured oils and perfume all over himself. He rubbed himself with the oils and perfume.

When he came out of the restroom he had on only a huge silky T-shirt on him. I mean only! He had no underwear and it was sort of hard to conceal his "goodies" down south. Nevertheless, he looked absolutely sexy and beautiful

It was about 12 AM in the morning when Yami came home. Yami usually came home drunk on Friday night since the next day they didn't have school.

Yugi walked down the stairs to greet Yami. He had drunk the potion before Yami came home. Yami looked at Yugi and the first word that came into his mind was "play-toy!" and that was saying it kindly.

Yami quickly went up to Yugi and kissed him bruise on the lips. Yugi responded eagerly. He loved how soft the texture of Yami's lips was on his. Yami bit Yugi's lip softly to get entrance into Yugi's hot and moist cavern.

Yugi loved how Yami tasted. He tasted like rich spices and just a nice blend of cinnamon. Yami delved into Yugi's mouth. It was like nothing he had experience. The taste seemed so rich and creamy.

That night was a night that was not to be forgotten.


That night Yugi conceived Yami's baby. Yami never knew who he slept with that night. He did however that Yugi was getting rather fat in the belly. He decides to confront Yugi one day.


Yami walked over towards Yugi slowly in order not to frighten him. He walked right over when Yugi was turning around. All Yugi did was smile at him.

"Yugi is there something you're not telling me?" asked Yami quietly.

"Whatever do you mean dearest Yami?" answering with a question of his own.

"Yugi what's happening to you?!" Yami rushed, wanting the question answered.

"Well, it has to grow larger if it's carrying our baby." Yugi said with a somber smile.

Yami gasped at him. He couldn't believe it. THEIR BABY?! IT was unbelievable. Yet it was not. Yami had always wondered about whom he slept with and now he had the answer. And Yugi must have used magic to conceive a child.

There was still one question to ask.

"Why?" asked Yami weakly.

"Because I wanted you to love me, I wanted you to pay attention to me." Smiled Yugi cruelly.

Yami couldn't believe his ears. But still, he smiled. He was going to have a baby. He knew Yugi was very beautiful as a male. That concept did not escape him. Yugi had beautiful legs, wonderful legs, sexy, and hot all the same. They were going to have a baby. Even so, he would have no part in the raising.

Yami walked away that night and disappeared the next morning.


Yugi was sobbing continually yesterday. Yami had left him. Yami was never going to return. He was alone. No one loved him. Grandpa had died. Nothing was going his way anymore. No one cared.

Yugi just smiled heartbrokenly.

At least I still have this child.

**months later**

Yugi was in labor. He was in tremendous pain. Everything hurt.

All was silent after a few minutes.

"I'm sorry," Dr. Kenshi said sadly, "your child is a still born."

Yugi couldn't believe his work. After all this time, this was what happened.

His beautiful child.

Yami's child.

The angel of the heavens.


Yugi led out a bloodcurdling scream. Everything had disappeared from his eyes. Everything he lived for. Gone.

**week later**

Yugi looked sadly at the knife in his hands.

Yami had disappeared. His friends didn't care for him. His wonderful child had died. What more was there for him? Nothing.

Pure nothing.

Yugi plunged the knife into his chest. He gasped as he felt the pain consumed him. But as fast as the pain came, it was disintegrating.

Yugi then drowned in the pools of red and the darkness.

He died.

He died before Yami could have saved him.

Yami had watched from far away.

He watched everything.

He had let everything happen.

Had seen the damn child die.

Hadn't cared.

Didn't save him.

You know why?

Yami was darkness. He the entity of the pain and disgust of the world. The seducing being.

He hated light, The light.

He hated Yugi.


SoulDreamer: Okay! It's done. It's a bit confusing. The first part about the mentality is connected to the story. You'll jus' have to guess how.

Kyote: It's not really that hard. I guess you have to like use your imagination.

SoulDreamer: I really think the whole story is confusing. The emotions are always so abrupt and quick to decrease. I bet you never thought that Yami would hate Yugi right??

Kyote: If you did, give us our moment here okay?

SoulDreamer: What she means is, don't spoil it.

Kyote: I know!! You don't have to repeat everything I say.

SoulDreamer: I didn't…

Kyote: Shut up. Please review. Flame if you want!!