Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Spellbound ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4


The next morning I drove Mokuba to school myself, eager to spend some time with my little brother, since I seemed to have been ignoring him lately. Much to my annoyance, however, he spent the entire time describing every movement Yugi-tachi had made, as well as every annoying, insipid joke that came from the mutt and the other guy. Apparently his name was Honda.


"So, what did you and Yami do in Egypt? Besides visiting Malik, I mean," Mokuba asked once he'd finished his description of the mutt's pizza-eating habits. I scowled at the reminder of Malik and his twisted notebook.


"Yami shopped. I slept," I replied briefly.


"Is that all?" Mokuba sighed, sounding disappointed. "Well…what did he buy, then?"


I brightened. "He found me these absolutely incredible books, about ancient Egyptian history, written in hieroglyphics with…" I trailed off, abandoning my description, at the bemused grin on Mokuba's face. "What?" I snapped.


"Since when do you read anything that's not on a computer screen? Especially if it's about Egyptian history, since you're still in denial about everything to do with that," Mokuba smirked.


"I like to read, for your information," I replied haughtily. "And these books definitely seem worth my time." I parked in front of the school, scowling at my brother.


"Yeah, since Yami bought them," Mokuba retorted, grinning, and jumped out of the car before I could reply.


Dumbfounded, I stared after his departing figure until he disappeared into the school. What was that supposed to mean? I liked those books because they were worth something, not because of the proud little figure who bought them for me; or the look of absolute delight on his face when he saw that I appreciated his present…


Maybe it was time for me to start worrying about myself.


Rubbing my face roughly with the palms of my hands, I shook away these disturbing thoughts and started the drive to my office. I needed to do some work before Yami called me. Yami… Gah! I just stopped thinking about him, and he already wormed his way back into my mind.


Grumbling under my breath, I parked in front of my office building and stalked up the stairs, not bothering with the elevator. At least I could bury my tortured mind in work for a little while, and escape from my confusing, if not unpleasant, thoughts. Yami was making me even crazier than I already was; maybe I should put off seeing him for a little while. I nodded to myself as I opened the office door, deciding to say I wanted to wait a day to visit Bakura whenever Yami called me.


Yami sat in my office.


I groaned in exasperation, and Yami raised one eyebrow curiously. "Seto? What's wrong?" he asked. Great, he was even calling me Seto.


"I thought you were going to call me," I answered, glaring at him, and he shrugged sheepishly.


"I wanted to see you," Yami grinned.


"You've seen me. Now get out," I snapped. Hurt flashed briefly through his eyes before they blazed in anger, and he rose haughtily to his feet, crossing his arms across his chest.


"I don't know what your problem is, Kaiba, but like you said yesterday, I won't let you push me away. If you want to come with me to see Bakura, meet me at the game shop at 6:00. If you don't come, I'll understand, and I'm still grateful for everything you've done," Yami said, proudly raising his chin and looking every inch the pharaoh Malik and Isis claimed he was.


My heart gave a little flip and I frowned, glaring at my chest. Yami raised an eyebrow at me once more before walking confidently to the door, and I sighed. "You know I'll be there," I muttered.


He turned his head, carefully scrutinizing me over his shoulder. "Well, I'd hoped," Yami replied. He gave me a slight grin before he disappeared.



At exactly 6:00, my driver parked the limousine in front of the Kame Game Shop. I hadn't driven my little convertible this time, since I had Mokuba in tow and I figured Yugi-tachi would try to leech a ride from me anyway.


I was right. Mokuba and I stepped from the limo onto the curb, and Yugi, Anzu, the mutt and the pointy-haired guy ran stupidly out the door, squealing and chasing their imaginary tails in circles. Okay, they were just talking, but I couldn't resist one more dumb animal metaphor.


Mokuba waved cheerfully at them and the group gravitated toward the limousine, laughing and chattering, while I glanced around for Yami. Just as I was becoming confused by his absence, he suddenly appeared in the game shop doorway. "Hi, Seto, I'm glad you decided to come," he murmured, smiling broadly as he strode toward me.


Yami wore tight, monochromatic black- black leather pants and a black shirt under a leather jacket. His untamable hair seemed to stick out in even more spikes than usual, and his bangs hung devilishly in his eyes, giving him a dangerous air. He was wild; a creature of the night.


And I found it irresistible.


"I told you I'd come, didn't I?" I smirked at him. Placing my hand at the small of his back, I guided Yami to the limousine where the others had already situated themselves, arguing loudly. I wished I had my little blue convertible.


"I told the driver where Bakura lives, so we can go if you're ready, Kaiba," Yugi told me.


I nodded curtly at him and returned my attention to the crimson-eyed being beside me. Waiting until the others were distracted by their own pointless conversations, I slipped my arm along the edge of the seat at Yami's back, so that my arm rested around his leather-clad shoulders. "I'm sorry I snapped at you this morning," I murmured. "I'd just had a rough day."


"Already? You hadn't even been to work yet," Yami teased, amusement sparkling in his ruby eyes. "But it's partly my fault; I shouldn't have just shown up at your office like that. I wanted to surprise you, though…" He trailed off thoughtfully and I grinned.


"You definitely did that," I replied, and poked him playfully in the side with my index finger (the one on the hand that wasn't wrapped around his shoulder). He giggled and squirmed a little.


"Stop, that tickles," he protested. I just grinned wider and poked him again, and he laughed, swatting at my hand. I began tickling him in earnest, laughing slightly myself at his helpless sniggers, until I paused in sudden awareness of silence around me.


"Er… What are you guys doing?" Yugi asked hesitantly. I could almost hear the crickets chirping in the uneasy silence that ensued.


I knew I should have taken the convertible.



I tried to avoid Yami after that, since the others kept shooting suspicious glares in my direction, but he stuck to my side and clung tightly to my elbow while we climbed the steep stairs to Bakura's apartment. I couldn't help feeling strangely pleased by that.


Finally we reached the right door- a dilapidated, stained contraption with rusty hinges -and Yugi knocked loudly against the wood. "Are you sure this is the right place? I thought Bakura had a lot of money," Mokuba piped.


"Ryou Bakura does; he's the spirit Bakura's host, like I am for Yami, but they split a long time ago and Ryou moved to Egypt with his father, probably to get away from his homicidal darker half," Yugi explained.


"Ryou and Malik should get together, since they seem to have a lot in common. That is, they're both insane," I whispered in Yami's ear, and he snickered and punched me lightly on the arm. "Seto, you're terrible," he sniggered.


Yugi-tachi stared at us open-mouthed, and I groaned. "Oh, grow up and get a life," I snapped at them, and they quickly looked away.


Yugi knocked again, louder this time, and the door swung open to reveal a sleepy, highly annoyed Bakura. "What do you fools want?" he snarled, brushing the long, white hair away from his face. Yami stepped forward and straightened his proud form.


"Bakura, I just wanted to thank you for letting me have my own body, even if it was just for a little while," he said.


"WHAT?" we all gasped (yes, even me).


"Thank you, Bakura," Yami said again, and held out his hand. The thief shook it hesitantly, and Yami continued, "You gave me an incredible gift, and I have no problem accepting you as an equal."


My jaw dropped in shock. Was this the answer the entire time? Had Yami figured out the riddle on his own, where I and all the technology at my disposal had failed?


Bakura burst out into maniacal laughter, so apparently not.


"Nice try, Pharaoh," Bakura sneered. "But you'll never figure out how to beat me. Any day now you'll disappear back into the Puzzle, and all you'll have is the memory of how it felt to be alive without seeing everything through the eyes of your pathetic little host, and the most you'll be able to hope for is a pleasant dream or two about your life without Yugi's form."


Bakura winked deprecatingly at Yami and moved to slam the door in his face, but I shoved Yami aside and grabbed the rotten piece of wood. "Don't you dare talk to him like that!" I snarled. "You're not worth the scum on the floor under his feet!"


Bakura's eyes widened slightly when he saw me, and he glanced apprehensively between Yami and me before his smirk returned. "Awfully defensive, aren't we, Kaiba?" the thief jeered. He steepled his fingers together under his chin and observed me thoughtfully. "You know, to be completely honest, I didn't even expect the spell to last this long. Your beloved Pharaoh must have come closer to the answer than he knows. Too bad he'll still never figure it out."


"You just wait and see," I threatened icily, and turned my back on the white-haired villain. The door slammed closed behind me, and Yugi-tachi watched me in wonder, but all I saw were Yami's pale, drawn features. "I'm sorry," I told him softly.


Yami stared into my eyes for a long moment before he lifted a shaky hand and brushed my cheek with the very tips of his fingers. The second he made contact with my skin I felt burning fire sear across my face where his fingers lingered and I gasped. Yami's eyes widened and he ripped his hand away; then, as if the hallway were filled with horrific demons, he whirled around and escaped down the dark staircase.


"Mokuba, take Yugi-tachi home," I ordered.




"NOW!" I shouted, and raced after Yami. When I reached the bottom of the staircase, I glanced around desperately in both directions but saw no sign of him anywhere. I took a deep breath, trying to press down the great swell of worry constricting my heart, and closed my eyes. Where would he go?

My eyes snapped open and I turned left, heading for the pier.



Sure enough, he stood on the edge of the wood, inches away from the sudden drop into the deep water. The sea breeze whirled around his face, whipping his wild hair in strange patterns atop his tiny, lean form. In his black clothes, Yami blended with the night, nearly invisible to anyone unaware of specifically what to look for.


To me, he stood out like a glaring beacon against the night sky.


I silently approached him, observing the way his proud shoulders slumped ever-so-slightly, as if he'd been carrying a heavy weight on them for a long time and forgotten how to stand upright once it was gone. "I was proud of you tonight," I told him softly, and he whirled around, surprised by my sudden appearance.


"What? Seto, how did you find me?" Yami gasped. I just rested a hand on his slumped shoulder and continued.


"The way you accepted Bakura could be your equal, despite all the horrible things he's done. It almost made me feel like I had a chance, too," I laughed humorlessly. "But I meant what I said to him. He'll never even come close to what you are. Never." With my vehement declaration, I stepped closer to Yami and drew him into my arms, holding him gently until he sighed and relaxed against me.


"Why are you wasting your time trying to help me?" he muttered.


"You know, I always wondered the same thing about you," I replied teasingly, and he laughed. Yami pulled back slightly and scrutinized my face for a long moment before raising his hand to brush my thick brown bangs from my eyes. When his fingers touched my skin I felt that strange heat once again and I held my breath.


"Seto? Are we friends?" Yami asked.


"I wouldn't know. I never had any," I answered.


He grinned a little and sighed. "Well, it's a start."



The next morning Yami was in my office again, waiting for me. I wondered how he always got past the guards. He leaned back casually against the corner of my desk, wearing all black once again, with his wild hair hanging over one eye and swaying with his every breath. I resisted the urge to smooth it back from his face.


"You know, we never did test Malik," Yami greeted me. I scowled, forgetting all about his hair.


"Why would you even bring that up? He's just an obsessive psychopath," I grumbled.


"Because he and Isis are in town," Yami replied innocently. "They called the game shop this morning."


"WHAT! Did that b…("Kaiba!" Yami said warningly) try anything with you? I'll rip her apart!" Forgetting that I still had work to do, I whirled on my heel and marched toward the door, until Yami grabbed my arm.


"Stop, stop!" he cried, sniggering. "They just came into Domino today, and Malik called to tell me that he'd still like to try your virtual obstacle course."


"Like I believe that for a second," I declared scornfully. "I'm not letting Malik back within fifty feet of me!"


Yami's face fell. "Okay… I guess I can just think of something else, then," he said slowly. He dropped my arm and brushed the hair from his eyes, smiling weakly. "I'll let you get to work. Bye, Seto," he mumbled and walked out the door. His shoulders slumped once more.


"Oh, fine, then!" I snapped, following him into the hall. "Bring him by this afternoon, but DON'T talk to Isis and don't let him touch me!"


Yami turned and grinned at me. "Hah! I knew that would work! Mokuba needs to change his tactics!" he smirked.


"What? I don't appreciate being manipulated," I snarled, narrowing my eyes, and Yami quickly stood on his tiptoes and kissed my cheek in a pacifying way. His hair swept across his face as he stepped back, and I couldn't resist lifting a hand to touch it.


"I'm sorry. Thank you, Seto," Yami told me, and moved away before I could touch him. Waving cheerfully at me, he strode confidently down the hall and out of sight.


I didn't need a mirror to tell me I was grinning like an idiot.



"So, how tall are you Seto? How long are your fingers?" Malik asked, leaning over Yami's shoulder (Yami was trying to stay between us; thank heaven for small favors, as they say).


"Get away from me. And don't call me Seto," I snapped, not even bothering to glance up from my laptop at the blonde. He had worn his purple belly shirt with the chains, no doubt in an attempt to impress me with his muscular stomach. It just made me nauseous, instead.


"Why not? Yami does," Malik whined.


"I don't care if he does. You can't," I replied simply, and Yami beamed.


"So, do you have a lot of motorcycles? I just adore them, especially the BIG ones," the fruit said, batting his eyes. "I'll fix any of yours for free, as long as you bring them to me."


"I can afford a mechanic, thanks. Besides, you live in Egypt," I pointed out.


"I'd be willing to move, if I had a good reason," Malik drawled seductively and leaned farther over Yami's shoulder. Yami stumbled and almost fell into my lap, but I caught him around the waist and steadied him.


"Thanks," he smiled down at me. I noted the dimple above his lip and watched it deepen as Yami flashed his even, white teeth in my direction. Slowly I slipped my arm from his waist and glanced up into his scarlet eyes.


"You're…GAH!" I shouted and jumped from my chair in horror. We had forgotten about Malik, and he had slipped behind me and slid his hands…well, let's just say I felt rather violated. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "GET OUT OF HERE!"


"But Seto, love, don't you want to know the results of the test? I'm surely at least Yami's equal, if you know what I mean," Malik smirked.


Just then the statistics finished running through my computer, and a flashing number appeared on the display screens. 42%.


"You failed. Now get out," I ordered, pointing to the door. Malik looked at my scowling face and sighed theatrically.


"Fine. Just give me a call if you change your mind," he told me, and gave me a wide wink. I shuddered.


Yami and I watched Malik swagger out the door, and as soon as he disappeared from sight, Yami lifted my arm and slipped under it, batting his eyes at me. "So, Seto, love, how big are your motorcycles?" he drawled seriously before bursting into hysterical laughter.


I shoved him and stalked away, blushing furiously.



After the fiasco with Malik, Yami and I had run out of ideas. To make matters worse, Yugi-tachi had started college and moved into the dorms, leaving Yami alone at the game shop. I couldn't just leave him alone with his worries; especially now, since he kept expecting to turn back into a spirit at any moment (though a part of me had begun to doubt that he would), so I took a vacation from work to spend time with Yami and Mokuba.


Seto Kaiba, you've become a softie.


I dropped Mokuba off at school, promising to pick him up and take him somewhere that afternoon, and drove to the Kame Game Shop to surprise Yami. I found him sitting on the curb outside the store, with his chin propped thoughtfully in his hands. For once he wasn't wearing black; instead he wore dark jeans and a matching denim jacket over a tight red shirt. (The more time I spent around Yami, the more inadequate I felt in my trench coats.)


"Hey, Kaiba," he greeted me listlessly, not moving from the spot. "Don't you have to work?"


"I took a vacation," I informed him shortly. "Get in the car."


"You're always ordering me around. What if I don't want to get in the car?" he grumbled. "I might have something important to do, you know."


"Sure, and that's why you're just sitting on the side of the road," I scoffed. He glared at me and rose haughtily, and I reached to unlock the car door but he turned on his heel and stalked back into the game shop. I blinked. This surprise wasn't turning out exactly as planned.


Before I could decide how to react to Yami's sudden exit, he reappeared, with his black bag slung over his shoulder; and smirking at me, tossed it into the back as he climbed into the car. "Since you're on vacation, I'm inviting myself over. But you really do order me around a lot. You could be a little nicer, you know," he said imperiously.


No, I really don't think I will ever understand him. That would make me mad, if I wasn't so confused.


I silently started the car and began driving, with no real destination in mind. "So, where do you want to go?" I asked him. He glanced at me curiously as he absently ran his slender fingers through his hair. I wanted to touch it again.


"Don't you have anything planned?" Yami asked.


"Not really. We can just go home for a while, if you want; I told Mokuba I'd take him somewhere this afternoon."


"Can I come, too?" Yami pleaded.


"Don't be an idiot; I came to get you for a reason," I snapped. A smirk spread across his face and he observed me coolly with his ruby eyes.


"Really? And what would that be?" he asked knowingly.


I cursed myself mentally. Wow, I really talked myself into a corner with that last comment. I'm still not admitting anything.


"Well?" he pressed, after a moment of embarrassed silence (at least on my part). "Seto? Is it maybe because we're friends?" Yami teased.


"Maybe," I finally muttered, and he laughed softly.


"Now we're getting somewhere."