Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Summer Cruise? SWEET! ❯ Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Three
Joanna: Blah…bored…nothing to say. It seems as if I don't have much to say these days eh?
Disclaimer: She doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh. If she did, Tea and Tristan wouldn't be in it.
Once Seto got his van all pea-sized again, everyone walked into the airport and gave their heaviest luggage to the people that put the luggage onto the airplane.
Valon: Hey mate, what class are we flying in?
Yugi: *checks ticket* Um, business class I think.
Kaiba: What?
Mai: It's better than sitting in the luggage compartment, hon.
The call was soon heard for everyone to board the plane. Because there were 20 people in the gang, they took up all of the business class seats. Lucky them, they had that whole section of the airplane to themselves, save for the flight attendants. Soon after the plane took off, Duke started barfing. Tristan, who sat next to him, looked very green indeed.
Bakura: *after watching flight attendants explain how to inflate safety vests* I'm bored.
Yami: Shut up, tomb robber. Don't you ever stop complaining?
Bakura: Nope.
Kat: Hm…let's play Truth Or Dare!
Everyone else: Naaaaaah…
However, after a few minutes of trying to decide what to do, everyone decided that Truth or Dare was the only thing to do besides sleeping, eating, and watching TV.
Kat: I'll go first since I thought of the idea.”
Marik: *whining* Hey wait! I want to go first!
Kat: I'm going first, and that's final.
Marik: *shouting* But I WANT TO GO FIRST!!!
Aeris (one of Kat's Yamis): Shut up, baka.
The whole gang turned around and stared at the girl. Next to her was another girl, and they both looked very much like Kat.
Raphael: Where'd you come from?
Aeris: You do know that you people do not pay attention to stalkers at all?
With a POOF sound, two more airplane chairs materialized in the space behind the last row. Aeris and Terra, the other Yami, sat down gracefully.
Dartz: *excited* Did you do that, my child? *to Aeris*
Joanna: *pops into story* Nope, I did. We can't have Aeris and Terra without seats, now can we?
Tea: *who had been reading a book on friendship before, now looked up* Joanna! We told you not to scare us like that! We are your friends, and friends should not scare each other!
Joanna: SHUT UP @#$&*^@^#(*$^*#$&%^!!!! *POOFs out*
Joey: *takes out a rope and duct tape*
Allister: *grabs rope and duct tape from Joey and ties Tea up, then tapes her mouth shut*
Tea: Mmph MM mumph mm.
Ishizu: I'm sorry did you say something? I didn't catch that.
Serenity: Oooh! You want us to tie you up more!
Yami: Can do. *ties up Tea until there is no more rope left*
Tea: MPH MM MUPH MM!!!!!!
Marik: What was that? Not tight enough? *pulls ropes tighter and then hangs her from the ceiling*
Yugi: That should keep her from bother us for a while…
Kat: Now, back to Truth Or Dare. Hm…Yami, truth or dare?
Yami: Dare!
Kat: Tell someone you love them.
Yami: Oh, that's easy.
Kat: Without talking.
Yami: O_O Who do I say this to?
Kat: ^_^ To Aeris. *thinks to herself: ha HA! I can't wait to see what Aeris will do to him!*
Yami: *walks up to Aeris and points to himself*
Aeris: Your chest? Yes, I know you have man boobs, I don't need you to point them out.
Yami: WHAT? Now see here—
Kat: No talking.
Yami: *steam coming out of his ears. Then he points to himself again*
Aeris: You?
Yami: *nods, then makes a heart with his fingers*
Aeris: You triangle? Your fingers? What? *playing dumb on purpose to annoy the shit out of Yami*
Yami: *face getting tomato read. Then he makes a heart again.*
Aeris: Oooh! You heart!
Yami: >:O *hugs himself to express the word `love'*
Aeris: You hug?
Yami: *shakes his head very fast, then takes out a picture of Jacquelyn (Yamifanner) and makes out with the picture*
Aeris: You make out with pictures of girls?
Yami: *looking like he's sun burnt, then makes the letter `L' with his fingers*
Aeris: ARE YOU CALLING ME A LOSER? *jumps up and tackles Yami*
Yami: *shakes head very, very, very fast then starts making letters `O,' `V,' and `E' with his fingers*
Kat: *Laughing her @$$ off*
Yami: *glares at Kat*
Aeris: You love…
Yami: *points at Aeris*
Aeris: You love my chin? Yami, you are seriously messed up
Rest of the gang: *laughing their @$$es off too*
Yami: *glares at everyone and points at Aeris again*
Aeris: Yeah, you love me. I didn't need the whole charades thing, I heard Kat tell you to tell me that you love me. XD
Yami: @_@
Yami: >.<*
Yami: Now…Mai, truth or dare?
Mai: Dare.
Yami: Hump Dartz.
Dartz: O_O What? NO! *runs to the bathroom and locks himself in*
Yami: *whispering to Mai* Stand right outside the door. When he comes out, tackle him, and then start humping him.
Mai: *salutes with a sly grin* Yes sir!
Dartz: Can we just skip over Mai's turn?
Ryou: Sure thing Dartz!
Dartz: Whew! *opens door and walks out*
Mai: *tackles Dartz*
Dartz: What's happening? Get off! Get off I say!
Mai: *starts humping Dartz on the ground*
Mokuba: O.O That's….
Allister: Just….
Tristan: Nasty.
Everyone except Dartz and Mai: Ditto.
Dartz: Ok, you've humped me, now GET OFF!
Mai: *gets off* I rather enjoyed that you know….let's do that some other time again.
Dartz: $_$ NO!
Mai: I was kidding…KIDDING! Now…Seto, truth or dare?
Seto: That's Kaiba to you. And dare.
Mai: I dare you to…wear girl's clothes for the next 10 minutes.
Seto: >_< NO!
Mai: It's a dare, hon.
Seto: *trying to weasel out of doing it* Where am I supposed to get the clothes then?
Mai: I knew we were going to play truth or dare, so I brought some extra clothes. *stands up and takes out a duffel bag from the luggage compartment thing from above* You're wearing everything in this duffel bag. Including makeup.
Seto: No makeup. Clothes, that's fine. But NO MAKEUP!
Mai: Fine. Clothes then. Now get changing!
Seto: >_< *walks into bathroom with the bag* WHAT THE FUCK!!!!
Mai: Get changing Kaiba!
Seto: *comes out 2 minutes later wearing high boots like Mai's, except it's pink, a pink tutu, a frilly pink tank top, a tiara, and a magic wand*
Joey: Dis is great blackmail! *takes many pictures of Seto*
Seto: Grrr…*breaks Joey's camera* Mokuba, how long has it been so far?
Mokuba: Only 29 seconds so far big bro! ^-^
Seto: Keep timing….now Yugi, truth or dare?
Yugi: TRUTH!
Seto: Wimp.
Yugi: I don't want to wind up dressed like you.
Seto: Whatever. Now…are you gay?
Yugi: O_O NO!
Seto: You sure about that?
Yugi: >_< YES!
Seto: Ok, ok…sheesh *under breath* gay lord…
Seto: Nothing. Yugi get on with it.
Yugi: Malik, truth or dare?
Malik: Dare!
Yugi: Drag any girl of your choice into the bathroom and make out with her for 5 minutes.
Malik: ……Like who?
Yugi: Any girl.
Malik: *closes eyes and spins around in a circle with his arm pointing outward…and his finger lands on…..
Joanna: MWAHAHAHAHA! Cliffie! Happy about the part with Yami and the picture Jac? Lol. Hoped you liked the chappie, and don't forget to review!