Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Tales of Galaxia ❯ Prolouge ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Legends of Galaxon


Once upon a time, there was a place called Galaxon. In this land, there were two kingdoms that were very different from each other.

The kingdom of Lunia was rural, and more medieval-like. The kingdom of Solari on the other hand, was more technologically advanced, and had better weapons than Lunia. But the two kingdoms had always gotten along, and often traded goods. And so this peace lasted for thousands of years.

But, this peace would not last any longer. An evil man, named Dartz, made the kings of both kingdoms believe that the other was trying to attack the other, and thus made them start a war with each other.

Dartz's plan is to have both kingdoms ravaged, then he could come and overthrow the kings. Then, he could rule Lunia and Solari with an iron fist.

However, six heroes, three from each kingdom, will be thrown into the middle of the fray, and must join forces to face a similar foe.