Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Best Christmas Ever! ❯ Day 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ A - All Readers ]

*~Thursday: December the Twelvth~*

December the Twelvth people! Today is Day 5 ofChristmas Preparation at Domino High. This day is CAROLING DAY!!! YAY!!! ^-^ Actually, maybe I should say Caroling Night. It's about 8:00 P.M. So, it's CAROLING NIGHT!!! YAY!!!(again!) ^-^ And as Mokuba said, he and Seto were waiting at the school.

"Okay! Everybody ready? We're gonna walk throughout the whole neighborhood and sing to the people. If we're lucky, they'll give us something for our 'lovely singing'." one of the seniors.

The teens got their songs ready and they were on their way.

"All right, here's the first house. Get ready." the senior said. She rang the doorbell. A light turned on from the inside and the door opened. It was an old couple.

"Yes? May we help you?" the woman said.

"Ready? One. Two. Three." the senior started them off with Deck the Halls.

"Deck the Halls with boughs of holly.

Fa la la la la la la la la.

Tis the season to be jolly

Fa la la la la la la la la

Dawn we now our gay apparel

Fa la la la la la la la la

and so on and so forth.

The old couple clapped their hands. "That was wonderful children. Thank you."

"You're very welcome." a senior smiled.

They headed for the next house and rang the bell. But out came a very disgruntled man, who obviously was disturbed from a "lovely" sleep.

"Wat do you want?" he yawned.

"Uh, hello sir. And Merry Christmas too, of course." the senior stuttered.

"GO AWAY!!!" the man hollered.

"Okaaay...Let's try the next house."^^º

So they proceded to the next house. They rang the bell and hoped that this one was a more respectable audience. A 16 year old girl opened the door.

"Oh, what you want?" she said irritably.

"Well, we want to sing you a Chrstmas carol for you." the senior said nervously.

"Alright. But could you hurry it up!" she yelled impatiently.

"Okay. Ready? One, Two, Three!"

"Dashing through the snow,

on a one-horse open sleigh

O'er the fields we go, laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtail ring

Making spirits bright.

What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight.

Jingle Bells

Jingle Bells

Jingle all the way

Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh.

Jingle Bells

Jingle Bells

Jingle all the way

Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh.

And so on and so forth....

"Well, what do you think?" the senior asked.

"You know what I think?! You REALLY wanna know what I think!?" the girl shouted loudly. The kids all cowered back in fear.

"Uh, well, yeah?" the senior stammered.

"Well, IT WAS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! You've brought me back to the Christmas spirit. Thank you all so much. I love Christmas!" th girl squealed with delight as she closed her front door.

There was a moment of silence....

"O-kaay! Next house!" Joey broke the quiet moment.

"Good idea." Tristan agreed.

*~One Hour Later~*

After an hour of traveling and singing, the students finally got to the last house in the neighborhood.

"This better be the last house. My feet are killin' me!" Joey complained.

"Oh, put a sock in it! You think we don't feel that way?!" a junior argued.

"Why don't you all put a sock in it!" the lead senior shouted. "We're already at the last house, so you don't have to yell!"

"Yeah, well, neither do you." Joey pouted.

"Ssshhh." the senior rang the bell. A cute little girl with blond pigtails came out, grasping a teddy bear dressed in red and green Christmas pajamas.

"Uh. Hello little girl. Did we wake you?" the senior asked sweetly.

"No, Teddy and me were just watching our late night cartoons." the girl holding the bear closer to her.

"Oh, that's nice." the senior said.

"Yeah, they're really cool, and it was getting to the good part and YOU made me and Teddy miss it!" she yelled. "Now Teddy's really mad!" She brought the bear close to the senior's face and started shaking it fiercely, making it growl and snarl.

"There's got to be only one cute little girl whose annoying as that." Joey said.

"Uh, 'cute' isn't exactly the word that I would use." Tristan corrected.

"Who else talks to a teddy bear? It's gotta be her." Mai said "as-a-matter-of-factly."

Yugi went up in front of the crowd. "Hey Rebecca."

"Yugi? I didn't know that you were here." she said surprised.

"Well, we just came along to sing Christmas carols. You wanna hear one?" Yugi asked nicely.

"What do you think Teddy? You wanna hear a Christmas Carol?" Rebecca asked the bear, everyone sweatdropped and their eyes widened. O.Oº

"Aw, c'mon! This is ridiculous!" and annoyed Joey yelled.

"Ssshh! Be quiet! What's that Teddy? You wanna hear what? That's a great idea! Okay! Teddy says that he wants to hear Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer."

"You got it! You can sing along to if you want." the senior said.

"I'd love to sing!" Rebecca smiled slyly.

"Ready? One, Two, Three!"

You know

Dasher and

Dancer and

Prancer and


Comet and

Cupid and

Donner and


But do you recall,

the most famous reindeer of all?

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer. Reindeer!

had a very shiny nose.like a lightbulb!

And if you ever saw it,saw it!

you would even say it glows. like a flashlight!

As they were singing, they heard Rebecca's added parts to the verses they just sang. They looked at the lead senior. She just shrugged her shoulders as a sign to keep singing. But then Mokuba started to join in with Rebecca's little chorus.

All of the other reindeer, reindeer!

used to laugh and call him names. like Pinnochio!

They never let poor Rudolph, Rudolph!

join in any reindeer games. like Monopoly!

Then one foggy Christmas Eve,

Santa came to say, Ho! Ho! Ho!

"Rudolph, with your nose so bright,

won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"

Then all the reindeer loved him, loved him!

as they shouted out with glee. Yipee!

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, reindeer!

You'll go down in history!!! Like George Washington! (Rebecca only)

"WHO?!" they all asked.

Rebecca sighed. "Forget about it. You won't understand. What's that Teddy? Oh, Teddy and me say thank you for that song. We'll be going to bed now. Good Night!" she said as she closed the door.

*~On the Way Back to School~*

"The night is finally over." Mai sighed relieved.

"That turned out pretty good. We got some money for the missions too." Téa said.

"Yeah, I guess....But who the heck is George Washington!?" Joey shouted loudly.

Everyone: (sigh) ^^º