Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Little Light ❯ Defense Class ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh

I'm in need of students for my other chapters. If you want to be one of these characters give me the following information in your reviews.

Name: first and last

Age: anywhere from 10 to20

Type of Magic: It can be fire, water, earth, or air

Personality: What you act like, this can be short if you want it to

Physical Appearance: What you look like, doesn't have to be very detailed

Any other information: Can be anything you might want me to add about you

Which group: do you want to be Yugi's friend or Yami's friend.


Yugi headed over to his second class, Defense. They were learning Absorption Shields. Yugi had already learned how to do this shield and was able to get it to level three. The instructor in this class is Mr. Arano. He is a very strict Air Mage.

A girl in blue robes with blonde and blue hair came up to Yugi and said, "Hi, you must the Light Mage that transferred here. I'm Meghan."

"I'm Yugi."

"You wanna practice with me while we wait for the testing to start?" There was going to be a test in this class as well.

"Sure, do you want to defend of do you want me to?"

"We can take turns."

Yugi drew a circle with his light energy. Then he put his hand in the middle. Light started sprouting from his hand making a shield of light. Meghan threw a Fishy Ball, on level 8, at the shield. It instantly got sucked into the shield and came out the other side as a Sun Ball.

Now it was Meghan's turn to create a shield. She did the same thing as Yugi, except with water magic instead of light magic. Yugi threw the Sun Ball that came through the shield at Meghan. It went through the shield and became a Fishy Ball again.

"It only figures that a shrimp is the light," someone from behind Yugi said. He turned around to see someone in green robes standing next Yami and another girl in blue.

"Back off Alex and stop calling Yugi the light." Meghan said.

"Who's going to stop me, the weak little light?"

"Yeah, he's not strong enough to stop us," Said the girl in blue robes.

"Anzu, Alex, Yami, back off before I tell the instructor." The three mages left leaving Yugi and Maghan in peace.

"Thanks Meghan."

"You're welcome Yugi. It's your turn to defend."

They resumed practicing until Mr. Arano started talking. "Who would like to take the test first?" A girl with long black hair raised her hand. She stepped to the front of the room and put her shield up. Mr. Arano threw a Cloud Ball at it. It got sucked through and turned into an Explo Ball. "Good, who would like to go next?" This time Yami raised his hand. He traveled to the front of the room and created his shield. He wanted to impress the instructor so he would get extra points, so he upgraded his shield. The instructor noticed this because when you upgrade shields they get bigger. "Very good, you get 10 extra points." He didn't even bother throwing a Cloud Ball, because he knew it would work.

Yugi raised his hand next. He went up to the front of the room and got his shield ready. He decided to upgrade it like Yami did, except instead of to the first level to the third. The instructor was very surprised that Yugi knew how to do this. "Very good," he said after he got over his shock, "thirty extra points."

Yugi went to the back of the room. He watched other people go and didn't notice Yami, Anzu, and Alex sneak up on him. Anzu hit him with a Water Spurt the same time Yami hit him with Dark Energy. He almost jumped when the attacks hit him. He couldn't absorb the attacks this time because it was two different kinds of magic. He had to use a difficult defense maneuver that he had learned just before he left Karkao. This defense maneuver is called Light Healing Tube.

Yugi closed his eyes and let Light magic spray from his hands. A tube of bright light, that resembled a tornado, surrounded him. After a few minutes the light died down. Yugi was completely healed. This surprised the three pranksters.

The light had gotten the attention of the other people in the room so Alex, Anzu and Yami acted as if they didn't do it. They made their way to the front of the room were they didn't expect to be blamed. "What happened, Yugi?" Mr. Arano asked.

"Someone hit me with their attack, I'm sure they didn't do it on purpose though." Yugi did know who did it, but he didn't want anyone to get in trouble. The class resumed testing. Soon after everyone was done another loud ping was heard, meaning it was time for History.


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I would appreciate if you filled in the information at the top of the fic

I will be putting all who want to be in the fic in it, so if you're worried you won't be in it just be patient `cause you'll be in it soon.