Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Worst Dream Ever(seriously. kaiba, ray and bakura act really gay) ❯ Sucked Into The Anus ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kc: Okay. Next up is the giant anus.

Amy: **mumbles** I hate you…

Kc: Knock it off or I'll torture you even more in this fic.

Joey: You do and I'll see to it that in my fic, you die!!


Joey:** clutches throat and falls to floor** ACK!!

Tristan: What did you do??

Kc: It will wear off after a while…it really helps to know some of Rova's spells…

Yugi: Rova?

Kc: Relax. She'll be in my next fic.

Yugi: Oh…is she…your girlfriend??

Kc: **Unsheathes sword and holds it up to Yugi's throat.** You ever even think anything like that again and I will kill you.

Yugi: EEEP!! **runs and hides behind Yami**

Yami: What the hell are you doing, Kc??!!

Kc: Plot Construction….screw this! DIIIE YUUGI!!!**pushes Yami out of the way aaaaand….**


let's just say that Yugi may have to spend some time in the hospital after this fic…


Amy: It looks like…a giant anus!

Katie: A giant what???!!!

Sadie: Somebody throw something into the giant bum hole!

Katie:**picks up a rock and throws it into the anus.

**the rock gets sucked up and is never heard from again…although, who could hear from a rock??**

Amy: dude…

**Just then the sucking power of the giant anus increases and the girls are sucked into it**

**the girls wake up and all jump as a mysterious voices speaks.**

Mysterious(yet familiar)voice: Are you guys ok?

Amy/Sadie/Katie: gasp **all three suddenly realize that the voice is Joey Wheeler from YuGiOh!**